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The Sky Rush-Personal Narrative

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Me, Patrick, and Eli were in the car on our way to Hershey Park. We arrived and Patrick’s mom allowed us to walk by ourselves. So, we got some lunch and we started walking towards the Sky Rush. I started to get worried, they know i’m afraid of heights. But, I can trust them because I know they wouldn’t do that to me. Then they both say,
” Let's go on the SkyRush!” I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there frozen in fear. Then I said,” You guys can go my stomach hurts.” Eli said,
” Dude, stop being a baby.” Then Patrick said,” My God Jayden, come on bro. Man up! In my head I was thinking if I don’t go on, Partick will never invite me to go somewhere again. So, that was the day I rode the Sky Rush. We were waiting in line and the line was moving fast. “ The line needs to go slower”, I said. Patrick responded,” No. The line is fine because then we get to go on faster.” The line went on and we were boarding the coaster. I sat down and was feeling regret already. The coaster started moving, now I was freaking out. We weren’t even halfway and the coaster was going as slow as molasses. As we went up, I could see the whole park under me. We got all the way to the top. The front of the coaster started going down, then the middle, then us. I screamed as loud as i could. Patrick and Eli were laughing at me. I didn’t care, …show more content…
The ride was going so fast! The ride ended and I got off. I felt so weird. I couldn’t walk straight line. Patrick and Eli were laughing at me when i got off. It was so scary. I couldn’t believe i just went on the Sky Rush. Then after we got off, we went to eat lunch at the park. The lunch was great, I had 2 slices of pizza and a medium root beer. Then after lunch we went swimming. In Hershey’s pool they have a surfboard ride. I busted my butt on the thing and i got made fun of. Everyone was in my face laughing, but i didn’t care because when they go on they will do the same. Then, Eli

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