...The ante-bellum years were among the most chaotic in American history—a time of significant changes that took place as the United States came of age. As the industrialized North and the agricultural South grew further apart, tensions between both sides grew until war was inevitable. The North and South both had drastic cultural and economic differences- historian Wyatt Brown believed the south had severe cultural differences compared to the ‘Yankee’ north, Owsley believed there was a clash of values and a clash of two economic systems while others believed the aggressive north was infringing on the rights of the south. However, Craven and Revisionists believe the differences between the north and south have been exaggerated and there was more uniting the north and south than dividing, such as the shared language, history and culture. Although, it has been argued that slavery was the underlying cause, which resulted in a bitter, fueled war. The north and south of ante-bellum America are commonly known as being vastly different, however historian Craven argued that there was more uniting the two sections than diving and he stated that war was not inevitable. Both sections shared a common language, history, culture, politics and transport and trade links. Most southerners, alike the Americans living in the north shared the pride in US achievements, the respect for property ownership and all the other components of the ‘American Dream’ therefore bringing both sections together...
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...economies from business and capital investment as with no one saving there is no money to loan out to fund investment and expansion for businesses to improve their capital and thus improving the standard of living in impoverished areas through increased wages and greater access to life sustaining goods such as food and water. Capital investment is important as is our productivity with it as the Harrod-Domar model looks at savings and productivity e.g. capital to explain an economies growth. Finally, capital investment if vital for capital accumulation such as schools and office blocks. Developing countries don’t have much capital acquired due to the inability to save and invest. By increasing their accumulation of capital it can help them to urbanise and...
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...THE "A UNITED MALAYSIAN NATION BY THE YEAR 2020" DINNER | Date: 31-01-1992 | | Speaker: DATO' SERI DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD | | SPEECH BY: DATO' SERI DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD ( PRIME MINISTER ) EVENT: THE "A UNITED MALAYSIAN NATION BY THE YEAR 2020" DINNER VENUE: SHANGRI-LA HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR DATE: 31 JAN 1992 TIME: Tan Sri Ahmad Sarji President Harvard Club; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen, After-dinner speeches are supposed to be light and not too taxing on the mind. Perhaps this is because after a heavy dinner and posible indigestion we should be spared of mental indigestion as well. 2. National unity is not a suitable post-prandial subject. But then it is your President who chose this subject. I have no say in the matter. If you get indigestion both gastronomically and cerebrally, you should know whom to blame. Ladies and Gentlemen, 3. For the next three decades the nation's energies will be concentrated on trying...
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...Outlook for 2012 Highlights • 2011 proved an extremely volatile year, largely due to ongoing uncertainty surrounding the eurozone sovereign debt situation Growth has slowed throughout the year, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) cutting its 2011 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) economic growth forecast for Western economies from 2.5% to 1.6% Developed economies – with the US a major exception - are engaged in austerity measures while the emerging world is looking to dampen its much stronger growth to stave off any threat of inflation Any improvement next year rests largely on the eurozone finding an appropriate solution to its problems Against this background, many investors have fled to what they saw as safe havens, forcing gold prices to record highs and government bonds yields to generational lows Short-termism is rife in such volatile markets, creating opportunities in some asset classes for investors who can take a longer-term view Equities currently look to offer the best value, with many corporates in solid financial shape after applying their own austerity measures amid the credit crunch. Strong balance sheets are allowing ongoing dividend growth Share valuations remain low, reflecting the muted economic outlook in the West. This ignores two key factors: that many Western companies have growing Eastern earnings exposure, and the potential for emerging market equities to benefit from the region’s stronger macro outlook Core Western government bonds represent poor...
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...Geography Programme, School of People, Environment and Planning ESSAY WRITING AND FORMAT GUIDE FOR GEOGRAPHY STUDENTS Essay Writing and Format Guide 2 Essay Writing and Format Guide Table of Contents Introduction: Why Write Essays? ........................................................ 4 Types of Essay........................................................................................ 5 Analysing the Question: Answering the Question............................ 5 Planning Your Essay ............................................................................. 8 Writing Your Essay................................................................................ 9 Introduction ..................................................................................... 10 The Body of the Essay.................................................................... 10 Concluding ....................................................................................... 12 Editing............................................................................................... 13 Writing Style ......................................................................................... 13 Spelling.............................................................................................. 13 Writing numbers.............................................................................. 14 Grammar: plurals and apostrophes .............................................. 15 Syntax: The...
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...CSR 2014 www.educationpost.com.hk/csr2014 MBAs and social responsibility The green trend in business Lowdown on courses and events Hong Kong Brazil Singapore Miami Manchester Shanghai Dubai 25 Nobel Prize Winners 22 4 Top in Hong Kong * | World 34 # | 6th in UK * | 14th in Europe * years in Hong Kong 3 Accreditations + Registration No. 250144. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead. Source: * Financial Times ranking 2014 # Financial Times 3 year average rank (2012-14) + Part of 1% of business schools to be awarded tripe accreditation status (AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB) Original Thinking Applied CONTENTS CSR 2014 04 The Trend The rise of CSR in business education 07 Case Study 10 Teaching CSR 14 16 18 Event The green trend in business Advertorial Economy MBAs and social responsibility Industry 08 CSR 2014 Lowdown on courses and events Oil companies and MBAs: a pipeline for corporate social responsibility www.educationpost.com.hk/csr2014 MBS stresses importance of social responsibility Teaching China’s business leaders the importance of CSR PolyU means business when it comes to creating a better world 04 07 08 10 14 16 18 Corporate social responsibility will revitalise the world’s economy CUHK CSR case competition winner will be awarded a Swire...
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...CHAPITRE I Transition démographique Transition urbaine 18 Introduction Avec un indice de fécondité de près de 3 enfants et un taux d'urbanisation qui dépasse les 54%, le Maroc a franchi plus rapidement les étapes de la transition de la fécondité que celle de l'urbanisation. Un exemple de déphasage que l’on retrouve aussi pour la fécondité et la mortalité : tandis que la première est désormais à quelques décimales du seuil de reproduction des générations, et tend à se rapprocher de celle des pays développés, la mortalité infantile reste encore 4 à 5 fois plus élevée que dans les pays du peloton de tête en termes de baisses de mortalités. C’est dire que les liaisons entre phénomènes démographiques ne sont plus aussi étroites qu’avant, à supposer qu’elles le fussent et que les étapes de la transition ne sont plus aussi bien balisées par celles de modernisation. Pourtant, ces phénomènes sont certainement indissociables, mais l’on éprouve quelque peine à dégager des liaisons sans équivoque, malgré l’abondance de données qui aurait dû, au contraire, rendre cette tâche plus aisée. Néanmoins nous tenterons de voir, dans ce chapitre, dans quelle mesure les deux formes de transition sont encore liées, en privilégiant le quantitatif à l’aide de données récentes issues de recensement et parfois d’enquêtes disponibles. I- La ville comme démographique catalyseur de la transition La transition urbaine accompagne et accélère d’autres transitions : celles de l’éducation et du travail...
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...Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive Growth An Approach to the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) Government of India Planning Commission Contents 1 An Overview 1-14 2 Macro-Economic Framework 15-27 3 Energy 28-38 4 Transport 39-44 5 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources 45-58 6 Rural Transformation 59-66 7 Farm Sector 67-79 8 Manufacturing Sector 80-86 9 Health 87-95 10 Education & Skill Development 11 Social and Regional Equity 104-107 12 Challenge of Urbanisation 108-114 13 Science and Technology 115-118 14 Services: Tourism, Hospitality & Construction 119-125 15 Governance 126-134 16 Innovation 135-139 96-103 Tables Table 1.1: Structure of Global GDP 13 Table 2.1: Sectoral Growth Rates - Previous Plans and Target for Twelfth Plan 18 Table 2.2: Broad Macro-Economic Parameters - Previous Plans and Target for Twelfth Plan 19 Table 2.3: Projection of Centre’s Resources for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) (Figures in Rs Crore at Current Prices) 23 Table 2.4: Projection of Centre’s Resources for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (as per cent of GDP) 24 Table 3.1: Projected Energy Demand 29 Table 14.1: Construction Sector: Contribution to GDP 122 Table 14.2: Construction Components Involved in Creation of Physical Infrastructure 122 Table 14.3: Requirement...
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...DOCUMENT DE RÉFÉRENCE 2014 179,8 179,8 Chiffre d'affaires 2014 par zone géographique Effectif 2013 par méti CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES AJUSTÉ PAR ZONE GÉOGRAPHIQUE 2012 2013 2012 2014 2013 2014 2012 Reste du Monde 9,6 % Royaume-Uni 11,8 % Asie-Pacifique 23,3 % CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES AJUSTÉ PAR ACTIVITÉ Administration et informatique 16% Vente et Marketing 19% * Hors France et Royaume-Uni Marge opérationnelle 2014 par activité Marge opérationnelle 2014 par activité 2 813,3 Chiffre d'affaires 2014 par zone géographique 2 676,2 2 813,3 602,2 623,6 Femmes 54% 602,2 Rest of the World 9.6% 45,3% Transport Affichage Affichage 439,0 1 012,5 38,6% 1 014,0 37,9% 1 078,8 38,6% 1 014,0 37,9% 1 078,8 38,4% 16,7% 439,0 2012 458,8 16,7% 470,3 17,6% 458,8 16,3% 470,3 17,6% 2012 2013 2013 2014 623,6 630,0 Mobilier Urbain Europe* 374,9 Mobilier Urbain 27.2% 374,9 62,3% 391,0 62,7% 408,0 62,3% 391,0 62,7% 408,0 64,8% 64,8% 170,6 28,3% 170,2 27,3% 175,7 28,3% 170,2 27,3% 175,7 27,9% 27,9% 9,4% 62,4 10,0% 46,3 62,4 10,0% 46,3 7,3% 7,3% 38,4% 16,3% Transport 170,6 Asia-Pacific 23.3% Transport Affichage 56,7 Affichage Le chiffre d’affaires ajusté du Mobilier Urbain s’établit à 1 275,7 millions d’euros, en augmentation de 7,0 %. A périmètre et taux de change constants, la croissance est de 4,3 %. 9,4% 2012 2014 En 2014...
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