...Sociology Midterm - Video Analysis 1. Summary: The film I chose for this analysis is The Long Walk Home, directed by Richard Pearce. This film is about Odessa, an African-American maid in the Thompson family’s household in Montgomery, Alabama in the 1950s. On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks ‘refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake’s order to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled.’ Ms. Parks was arrested and there followed the Montgomery Bus Boycott when the entire African-American population refused to ride any of the city buses. Odessa supports the bus boycott and starts walking to work. Miriam Thompson finds herself in the midst of the civil rights revolution when she helps Odessa by picking her up and driving her to work at her home two days per week. When Mr. Thompson stays home sick one day, he finds out about Miriam driving Odessa to work and makes Miriam call Odessa to tell her she will not be picking her up. While Miriam complies the first day, that evening she tells Mr. Thompson she will be running the household as she see fit which includes picking up Odessa. The following day, in addition to picking Odessa up, Miriam signs up to become a driver in the organized carpool system during the boycott. The movie comes to an end with a group of white men mobbing the carpool lot. Although frightened, Odessa, Miriam and the other African-American women there stand up to the men in a peaceful protest by holding...
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...The Long Walk Home is an inspirational movie that portrays the way of life leading up to the mid 1950’s and the events of the 1956 bus boycott which has altered American History for the better. Miriam Thompson and Odessa Cotter are two significant women in this film. Briefly, Miriam is white and having a white family, Odessa is the Thompson families black housekeeper. The movie starts up with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This relates to what we learned in class in the aspect that all African Americans boycotted use of the bus. Rosa Parks initiated the bus boycott, suggesting that if all use of the public bus was diminished, that a change would be made. She certainly got her point across and this was an effective tactic that prompted a...
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...The Girl walks Home Alone at Night is a horror, romantic, and thriller movie directed by Ana Lily Amirpour. It’s about a lonely vampire that stalks the townspeople. The film is set in an Iranian ghost-town where it looks dead is a lonely town. It’s an Iranian vampire Western film about an untold love story of two tortured souls. One of who is stalking the town’s most depraved citizens. The vampire lady only stalks the male species who have done something wrong. Ana Lily Amirpour main point in creating such a film of this originality was to challenge the gender norms and make sure that people can see that women can and will be just as powerful as men in both the Western and Middle Eastern society. She did this in the film by making the vampire...
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...relaxation by going for morning walk, and same can be done by doing exercise at home. Physical fitness is an important factor for our body to perform well. As, machines give maximum efficiency when none of its part is damage , same goes for human body it needed to be its all parts healthy to work properly. For this purpose one needs to do regular exercise. One can get physical fit and mentally alert by going for morning walk, as it has many advantages. Firstly, one can get fresh air to inhale because morning is only a time when air is fresh which is necessary for a healthy body. It provides fresh oxygen for our body. Eyes freshen when one expose them to enjoy the beauty of nature. Chirping of birds in quiet and calm atmosphere soothes our mind. When, one goes for morning walk they s/he practices jogging which directly impacts on blood circulation, pulse rate increases which cools mind. Moreover, walking helps muscles to stretch more and increases the flexibility of joints. One can also remain physically fit and mental relief by doing exercise at home. Nowadays time is running so fast and everyone is busy with their work. So, taking time to look after the health out of engaged schedule become a challenge. The best way to improve physical conditioning is practicing the exercises at home which can make our muscles easily stretchable and joints become more flexible. Another, exercise for physical and mental refreshment is yoga, which can be easily work out at home. It relieves our mind tending...
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...learned how to wash clothes and cook for myself. These things made my parents felt supervise, but they did not know why I should do these. This is life, and it teach me the first lesson is every thing should have done by yourself. Life also bring human supervise. When I was twelve years old. I was in the primary school, at that time I lived in the school because the school is far away from home. Before the week begin, my father tells me: “Son, I will come to you school and take you home this Friday after the class.” I am very happy at that moment because I was tired to take bus to home and stay at home alone. I even do not think about it then say: “OK, I will wait for you, dad.” I still remember that week is very tantalizing. The only thing I did those week is waiting for the Friday coming. I hope next second is the last class of the Friday and then I see my father is standing there wait for me, we will back home hand in hand. Despite all this, time is still slowly. Eventually, Friday is coming. I make up myself in the morning on that day, I know father will come to school and take me home. I feel full of energy on that day. Finally, the class is over, and the teacher tells us stay safe on the weekend. I can not wait and run out of the classroom. I feel so excite and looking for my father in the throng but I do not find my father. May be he will come later or stand behind of the throng. I sit back to my seat and wait for my father coming. At beginning, I am full of patience...
Words: 1368 - Pages: 6
...time to talk since we were freshman.” said Brandon. “I’m fine thanks, and while I was known for being quiet and shy, you became Mr. Popularity,” said Sierra remembering the big crush she had on him back then. “Ha! I know - hey, how would you like to come to a party I’m throwing tonight at my house? It would mean a lot to me if you would come,” said Brandon. Other students, especially seniors, are now swarming the hall listening in on their conversation, including Emily. A little background on Emily is that she is the most popular girl in school and she always gets her way. But most important, she has always wanted Brandon to be her boyfriend, but that still has NOT happened, and she gets jealous of Brandon talking to Sierra. Emily walks over to Brandon and Sierra. “OH! May I ask what is going on here?” said Emily. “If you must know Emily, I was just asking if Sierra wanted to come to my party,” said Brandon. “OH!” said Emily disappointed and overly pissed off. “Well, what did she say?” asked Emily. “I don’t know. I almost got an answer from her before we were rudely interrupted,” said Brandon. “Humph!” replies Emily...
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...Millions of people in the developing world do not have access to affordable or easily accessible transportation and must walk virtually everywhere they need to go. Especially in rural communities, people must travel on foot, often for several kilometers, to get water, attend school, go to work, and to carry out many other activities that are vital to their livelihood. To further understand what someone in the developing world may experience, I walked everywhere I needed to go for an entire week. Being someone who constantly relies on automobiles to get around, I found this exercise to be more difficult and uncomfortable than I had originally expected. Each day presented a new struggle, and to imagine that there are real people in the world...
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...Nathan Shrider 1-27-11 | Article | Question Answered | Article 1 | Debtors Dilemma: Pay the Mortgage or Walk Away (12-17-09 | Are their ethical tradeoffs demonstrated in this article? | | | | Article 2 | Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages are the Rich (7-09-10) | What is the ethical consequences of what is reported in this article? | There are many ethical tradeoffs that can be derived from the article “Debtor’s Dilemma”. Primarily there are the ethical consequences that borrowers face in determining weather to walk away from their loans and those that the individual bankers face for awarding those loans. The personal integrity of a borrower should be the fostering thought on weather or not to walk away. All other facts aside an individual must determine if what they are about to do violates their morality. In this case it would be easy to say that the individual who signed a note stating, “I promise to pay” and to abide by the contract, should morally responsible for upholding said contract. As discussed in class an individual’s value may lye true to the greater good of the family. If this is the case then the ethical dilemma of following through with what was promised may not be a dilemma at all. This person would have to make the best financial decision for his or her family and therefore truly believe that an ethical decision was made. This article also talks about the social ethic decision making of the lenders. Although not necessarily illegal...
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...Naps Aren’t Just For Little Kids Between classes, homework, church, and work, who really has time for sleep? Obviously not college students. If you walk around campus and take the time to look around, you will see exhausted students all over the place taking naps under shady trees. Or if you walk around the buildings and actually look around, you will see some students sleeping on the couches along the walls and maybe even on the floor in the middle of the hall. Those are definitely not the best places to sleep and they don’t look comfortable at all. Sometimes you just want to walk around and enjoy how beautiful the campus is, but it’s hard to take in the beauty when there are so many sleeping students occupying space all over campus. It’s a safe bet that most of the students you see sleeping on campus probably live far away. So why don’t we just have a designated sleeping area on campus? It would be really be easy to establish a sleeping area on campus. Someone already started by placing a bed in one of the women’s restrooms in the bookstore. There are countless unoccupied rooms all over campus. There is just no way that all the classrooms are used at all times. Since the rooms are empty anyway, they can be easily transformed into makeshift bedrooms with a few beds in each of the rooms. It’s as simple as that. Now the empty classrooms won’t go to waste and they would be put to good use. The sleeping area would be conveniently located on campus near most of the classes....
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...In Brampton and other parts of North America we are lucky to have access to clean, fresh water that we are able to drink and use for other essentials from our home by simply opening a tap. For example, we are able to use the water to make food and take showers. However, in Kenya and many other third world countries like Afghanistan, Madagascar, Zambia, etc. the citizens need to walk a long distance to get water. In the article “Water Walk” Megan Bryan says “the water is the colour of chocolate milk and the cows and donkeys pee in the upstream.” This tells us even though the women walk long distances to get water for their families the water is dirty and contaminated which is unsanitary and harmful for the family to drink. The walk to and back...
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...Liverpool Football Club (LFC) – You’ll Never Walk Alone (YNWA) Liverpool Football Club is an English professional association football club based in Liverpool, Merseyside. They are currently played in Premier League. They have played at their current home ground, Anfield since their foundation in 1982. Liverpool joined the Football League in 1984, and was founding members of the Premier League in 1992. The founder for this Liverpool is John Houlding. The Liver bird is the symbol of the city of Liverpool, England. The use of a bird to represent the city dates to the medieval era, but the idea that the "liver bird" is a mythical creature specific to Liverpool evolved in the 20th century. The bird is normally represented in the form of a cormorant holding a frond in its mouth. The list encompasses the major honors won by Liverpool, records set by the club, their managers and their players. The player records section includes details of the clubs’s leading goal scorer and those who have made most appearances in the first-team competitions. It also records notable achievements by Liverpool players on the international stage, and the highest transfer fees paid and received by the club. Attendance records at Anfield are also included in the list. The club have won 18 top-fight titles, and also hold the record for the most European Cup victories by an English team, winning the competition five times. The club’s record appearance maker is Ian Callaghan, who made 857 appearances between...
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...Sat | Sun | 6-7 a.m. | Sleep | # | # | # | # | Wake Up/ Walk Dog/Eat (optional)/Pour Dog Food and Water | Sleep | 7-8 a.m. | * | # | * | * | * | Leave for Class | * | 8-9 a.m. | * | # | * | * | * | Intro to Operating Systems Class | * | 9-10 a.m. | * | # | * | * | * | * | * | 10-11 a.m. | Wake Up/Walk Dog/Eat (optional)/Pour Dog Food and Water | # | # | # | # | * | Wake Up/Walk Dog/Eat (optional)/Pour Dog Food and Water | 11-12 (noon) | Eat (varies) | # | Career Services Meeting | Homework/ Class/ Study | Eat (varies) | * | Eat (varies) | 12 (noon)-1 p.m. | Eat (varies) | # | * | * | Eat (varies) | * | Eat (varies) | 1-2 p.m. | Homework/Study | # | * | * | Class Preparation | * | Open/Homework/Free Time/Etc | 2-3 p.m. | Walk Dog | # | Buy pet necessities | * | Walk Dog/More Class Prep | Eat (varies)/Return Home | * | 3-4 p.m. | * | # | * | * | Leave for class | Open/Homework/Free Time/Etc | * | 4-5 p.m. | * | # | * | * | * | * | * | 5-6 p.m. | Eat (varies) | # | Homework/Classwork/Study | * | Essentials for Success Class | * | * | 6-7 p.m. | * | # | * | * | * | * | * | 7-8 p.m. | Walk Dog | # | * | * | * | * | * | 8-9 p.m. | Free Time | # | * | * | * | * | * | 9-10 p.m. | Free Time?/More homework & study very probable | # | * | * | * | * | * | 10-11 p.m. | Free Time | # | Free Time (minimal) | Free Time (minimal) | * | * | * | 11 p.m. - 12 (midnight) | * | # | * | * | Return Home/Walk Dog/ Eat (optional)/Sleep (mandatory) | * | * | 12 (midnight)-1...
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...few more children and then we headed for school. The bus stops at school and the kids come off one by one. The school bell rings and I report to Mrs, Kathy’s classroom. I walk in and I pick my seat. I sit in the third seat in the first row, right next to the teacher. Class starts, we begin with history. Mrs. Kathy is teaching us about the Chinese. At the end of class Mrs. Kathy tells us there is a project. “Tomorrow we will start a project, and you will be put in groups on two,” said Mrs. Kathy. The next day of class, we were put in groups with our partners. My partner was Lillian Jean. we were doing it...
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...A Walk in the Clouds Film ENG 225 Instructor Matthew Norsworthy January 17, 2014 A Walk in The Clouds film The average moviegoer is looking for the very basic qualities in their quest for discovering what they would consider a terrific movie. The basic criteria consist of neutral elements such as; which actors have been cast in the film? What kind of genre is the film targeting? Is the plot and theme interesting? Is the film visually appealing? All of these questions set a reviewers initial impressions of the film they are about to see, however every film is much deeper than those basic elements and require a very different approach when determining the true art structure that a film partakes. Naturally most people are attracted to one particular genre of movie or another, whether it is westerns, love stories, horror films, mysteries, or any number of other types of film that can be created by the talented and diligent minds of all sorts of writers. No one can say with 100% certainty that one type of film surpasses the quality of another. Any two people can see the same movie and possess opposing views of the depth and originality the film portrayed prompting very different opinions about the same film. Some of the best films prompt the viewer to ask questions that may or may not be answered directly or indirectly throughout the film. In the film, “A Walk in the Clouds” starring Keano Reeves who plays Paul Sutton, a Sargent...
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...Hannah Tate Professor Johnson Eng101-67 10 October 2015 You Can’t Go Home Again In Bill Bryson’s, A Walk in the Woods, he states, “Distance changes utterly when you take the world on foot. A mile becomes a long way, two miles literally considerable, ten miles whopping, fifty miles at the very limits of conception.” The time and distance a person spends away from home allows for a change of perception, a change of mind about how the world is and how you may fit into it. Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods is a book that shows the struggles that one needs to go through in order to better themselves. John Steinbeck’s Travels with Charley, embarks on a journey to discover who he is again. In the novels, the men take on different aspects of America...
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