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The Women's Civil Rights Movement

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When an American hears the words "civil rights", they may automatically think of the civil rights movement for the rights of black slaves in the South and some may think more specifically to a detail of the movement like voting or labor rights. However, another civil rights movement, historically significant to the United States, is that of the women's civil rights movement. Women's movements have been mobilized throughout the United States as well as the rest of the world. All of the movements experience the same types of challenges. The challenges that women have mobilized and fought for in America include voting rights, equal job opportunities, and equal pay. These are basic rights that women have deserved and fought for since the 1800's. …show more content…
This trend continued even when women began voicing their desire to vote. The International Council of Women came together with progressive minded women who wanted to resolve conflict with peaceful solutions rather than war. The highlight of their cause was "Peace". They changed their name to the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace and became official and permanent in 1888. Jane Addams became the leader. Their focuses included the vote for women and suggesting peaceful solutions to replace war, but President Wilson refused their plans for peace. World War I was a brought challenges to the women who spoke up. They were considered enemies of the state, but the International Council of Women for Permanent Peace still exists today around the world. Jane Addams even earned a Nobel Peace Prize for her work towards international peace (Schaller …show more content…
Upon her arrival to America, she became part of a group called the National American Woman Suffrage Association. NAWSA had been endorsing Woodrow Wilson for president, but he had yet to make any serious movements to Congress. Paul used tactics she had learned in Europe to influence the activity of NAWSA and President Wilson. Her tactics were extreme, including hinger strikes and protests, and caused her to be arrested a few times. She left NAWSA because of their differences on approaches to improve the rights of women (Schaller 788-89). In 1916 she founded the National Women's Party and continued to use outward acts of protest even thought there were bans against them. Just as Alice Paul was highlighting that half the poplulation wasn't able to express their views in voting, President Wilson finally made a change during World War I and campaigned that the votes of women could greatly influence the war. Wilson finally proposed the Nineteenth Amendment to Congress. It was ratified in August 1920 (Schaller

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