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Unclear Career Goals

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Unclear Career Goals Hurt Academic Performance One major and frightening problem students face is not defining career goals. Many students who enter college right after graduating high school not knowing what exact career path that they want to pursue. Most of these students struggle to figure out their career goals and end up taking a variety of different classes that are unnecessary. Some of the classes they take may have no relevance to the major that the student eventually decides to pursue. When taking a mass variety of classes, there will be certain classes that do not play to the student's strengths and they may struggle with. These classes not only affect their overall GPA, they can also stress the student out. When a student struggles, …show more content…
People who have these goals do a lot better academically because they have a clear goal and path of their studies. They understand what they have to do to accomplish their ending goal and the work they have to do for each step. According to "The Student Fear Factor" from "The College Fear Factor" by Rebecca Cox (Cox 24),"Because nearly every student viewed a college degree as essential to their future, they were all embarking on high-stakes ventures. Many lack the kind of "college knowledge" typical of middle-class students and remained uncertain about how to approach the degree track and their coursework. As a consequence, even as the vast majority of students were convinced that their future success hinged on their obtaining a college degree, they also revealed tremendous anxiety about the educational and occupational paths they were embarking on. A significant component of students' stress was directly linked to their doubts about succeeding in college and realizing their career goals." When a student lacks career goals and feels that a college degree is essential to their future, it can cause severe stress and anxiety leading to students dropping out or having a subpar

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