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There Are Two Types of Diabetes


Submitted By skinnyminnie
Words 513
Pages 3
There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes, which is five percent of the total number of diabetes cases, is caused by a deficiency of the hormone, Insulin. It is produced by the pancreas. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels (glucose). It is not known as to why people develop Type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a little different in the fact that it can usually be prevented. Type 2 diabetes is due to the body being unable to respond or it becomes resistant to insulin. Blood sugar levels may be high, low, or regular. The pancreas tries to make more insulin to make up for irregular levels of glucose. The cells that make the insulin become tired or the body then becomes resistant to the insulin. There are many complications that go along with diabetes. Heart attacks, loss of limbs, strokes, blindness, and kidney failure are just a few of the things that could be prevented if you never got diabetes in the first place. Diabetes is a very serious and sometimes deadly disease. There are certain risk factors to diabetes. Genetics plays a role in increasing the chances for contracting diabetes, however, these chances can be greatly reduced by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating correctly, and exercising regularly Lack of physical activity and excess body fat are a major cause of diabetes. If a person chooses to be inactive on a daily basis their chances increase greatly. A person should exercise at least three hours a week to prevent diabetes from occurring. The more exercise the better chances to keep a healthy body. Diet also plays a major role in the prevention of diabetes type 2. Eating healthy and getting all the essential vitamins and nutrients is very important. Getting the right amount of fiber is a must. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is important. There are many things you can do to ensure

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