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Tiger Woods Research Paper

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There are many ways to look at the life of Tiger woods, for one he is among one of the greats if not the greatest golfer in history who popularized the sport in many different ways while fighting racial barriers and was genuinely “celebrated as an example of “America’s son” [and] the new commercial stereotype for advertising the future of national culture.” However, there is something else that strongly over shadows his many athletic and cultural achievements, that being his very public and exposing personal life of a wife cheating, drug abusing, and sex addicted individual. In one case he even had to go to rehab for his over indulgence of pills after getting arrested for a DUI. Perhaps the turn of events all started after a car crash on November 27, 2009 which attracted attention to the golfers personal life leading all to “Jaimee Grubbs, a waitress, [who] reported that she had engaged in an affair with Woods for thirty-one months” and then “within a week, ten other women claimed to have been in a relationship with the golfer.”Furthermore, a few months later after the accident he reportedly admitted to several sources and his wife that “he had engaged in affairs with 120 women”. …show more content…
At first glance it is very easy to see that he obviously lives the life of pleasure despite a few bits of the life of honor here and there. Without a doubt anyone who claims and is accused as an addict of anything shows that they are not only showing characteristics of an animal but as slave to one's appetites. If we were to take a look at all of these actions under both Aristotle's categories of wwhetehr or not his lifestyle intrinsic and extrinsic to human beings. Woods addictions and dependencies is not intrinsic to humans since his behavior can again be traced back to animals and a lack of self

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