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To Organize or Not to Organize


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Running head: Organize
To Organize or Not to Organize
Kim McFerrin
Professor Morgan
HRM 534
January 26, 2013

In 1902, Target’s founder George Dayton opened his first store Dayton Dry Goods Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The residents in this community could expect dependable merchandise, fair business practices and a generous spirit of giving from their new store. Mr. Dayton shaped his new store around his personal principals and humanitarian spirit. By 1960, Mr. Dayton entered into mass-market discount and on May 1, 1962 “Tar-zhay” as it’s known by shoppers like me, was born in the twin cities Roseville. Target’s 75 departments would offer customers the best fashions, discounts, quality, prices, and a supermarket. The shopping experience would be fun for the entire family. The store had wide aisles, easy to shop displays, quick checkouts and well- lighted parking lots. The director of publicity with the help of his staff bounced around more than 200 names before they came up with the name and the bulls- eye logo. “As a marksman’s goal is to hit the center of the bulls-eye, the new store would do much of the same in terms of retail goods, services, commitment to the community, price, value, and overall experience.” (Target Corporation, 2013) Target employs more than 365,000 people and has cultivated a reputation as big box discounter offering affordability and style in more than 1,763 locations. Target appeals and attracts younger, educated, and affluent customers. Target stores are clean, well-kept, and organized. Customers are referred to as “Guests “and employees as “Team-Members.” Target has been recognized as the best place to work for hourly employees and ranked in the top 50 for diversity. Forbes awarded Target most reputable and admired company for its philanthropy. Target’s reputation is under fire for its low wages, poor working conditions, animal abuse, discrimination, lack of diversity and resistance in the past to unions.

Team-members at several stores in Georgia are frustrated with their compensation, working hours, conditions, benefits and desire to start a union. My paper will discuss specific conditions; outline the benefits, process, and obstacles of union representation at Target.

Target team-members have one goal; provide their customer with the best shopping experience. In return, Target offers diversity, inclusion, a fun environment, growth and development to their greatest asset. However, an increasing number of team-member disagree and feel unvalued. Hourly employees desire higher wages, a minimum of $13.00 per hour; competitive bonuses for management comparable to Wal-Mart; minimum of 40 hours for full time and 20 hours for part-time per week; insurance after 60 days of employment and the ability to enjoy their breaks and meals off-site. Currently, hourly team-member make under $12.25 per hour, weekly schedules are inconsistent, insurance starts after 1000 hours, meals and breaks must be taken in the break room. It is against company policy for employees to leave the premise during scheduled work periods. Target team-members are covered under the National Labor Relations Act and have the legal right to form a union in their workplace. Union representation would negotiate and protect their wages, benefits and working conditions by a legal contract. Also, the union will defend team-member disciplined unfairly; ensure promotions are granted based on performance and not favoritism; and protect shifts, vacations and layoffs. The Organizing Committee will lead the efforts to build and maintain support for a union. During the exploratory process, committee members will outline their mission, purpose, and objective for their union: Mission: Protect and improve the lives and livelihood of all Target team-members.
Purpose: Empower and mobilize the voices of all Target team-members within their workplace.
Objective: Target committee members will outline the significant workplace concerns, explore and evaluate the interest among team-members to create a union with the help of a United Food and Commercial Worker’s organizer.
Target’s committee members will need to follow the UFCW’s four stages in their efforts to start a union. First, the members must talk with team-members, identify their concerns, and collect information about the workplace, job titles, names, addresses and phone numbers. This information will help the members and the UFCW organizer evaluate whether to move forward. The majority of team-members must be concerned about significant issues, support a union and committed to work diligently. Second, the committee members will outline their vision; create their mission, purpose and objective for the union. The members will also declare their support and receive training. Members will learn how to communicate with and educate other team-members; provide leadership; collect team-member information; talk one-on-one with team-members about the union; and provide assessment of their team-members support. Third, committee members will speak openly with other team-members, evaluate support and ask team-members to sign a petition in support of a union at Target. Finally, when the committee obtains a strong majority vote among team-members, recognition is requested or the petition filed with the appropriate agency and the date for secret ballot election will be set. It is important the team –members show solidarity and a united group to Target’s management team. Anti-union tactics will be used to discourage and scare team-members. Finally, the elections will be held and secret ballots cast via mail. If the majority of Target members vote for the union, their union will be certified and the management team is required legally to negotiate the outlined concerns. Dues will be collected from employees through payroll deduction after team-members vote and ratify their contract. The union will be formulated in 6 to 12 months based on the time it takes to build the committee, gain strong majority support and the election and recognition process.

Organize recent survey indicated 61% of their members believe unions are necessary to the 39% against. The supporters believe the rights of workers are protected and unions give workers a voice. Others believe unions represent slacker and incompetent workers. Target’s management’s team is against union. Employment laws that have expanded employee’s right through passage of legislation is basis behind their lack of support. Target should support unions because they help maintain balance between employers and employees’ rights and responsibilities. Red view unions as facilitators of bad behavior at the workplace. Also, the catalyst of government control and quotas that forces employers to hire unqualified candidates based on race and gender. Unions protect, defend and amplify the voices of employees often ignored and dismissed.

Are labor unions really necesary to protect workers right. (2013, January 26). Retrieved from Debate: girl, C. b. (2013, January 26). Why unions are no longer good for america. Retrieved from Red
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Jackson, D. (2013, January 25). The Four Stages of Organizing. (K. McFerrin, Interviewer)
Linn, A. (2013, January 26). Target thrives Walmart Long Shadow. Retrieved from
How to start a union. 2013, January 23). Retrieved from http://

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