...“What is wrong with the world?” is such a complex question to answer. Every living being on Earth has their own perception on how they see the world, including plants, animals and human beings. The key point to grasp is we are all living beings, yet we all see the world in a completely different context. Tom Shadyac, from the movie “I Am” experienced a traumatic event leading him to have a moment of sudden realization about life. He explains the things that separate us are actually the things that prevent us from being fully human. Thom Harton, author of “Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”, starts to explain the problems of contemporary American consumerism . It is in our DNA to believe that money equals happiness. We believe that living in...
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...The world is full of problems that demand attention. Many people want to positively influence the world and give these problems the attention that they need. Although they want to help, they may not know how to go about doing so. My generation could change the world if we are charitable, value human life, and grow in our faith. Initially, in order to change the world, my generation needs to be charitable towards our community. Many people around the world are struggling immensely. If a handful of people in each community gave a little of what they have, together, we could end this struggling. Just by giving support to people who are struggling with addictions, financial instability, or illnesses such as depression, we can change the world one community at a time. Trisha Moritz one said, “Ultimately your goal and mine for you is your salvation. In order to be happy in Heaven, you must first love Jesus, others, and then yourself. Love thy neighbor and take care and pride of your community.” There is nowhere on earth that people aren’t struggling. I...
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...McFarland Alyese Professor Joellen Hiltbrand English 221-0850 September 11, 2015 Essay one: Climate Change Climate change is a sensitive topic here in the United States. People are very stubborn when it comes to their own ideas and beliefs on a topic. Some people believe climate change doesn’t exist, some believe it isn’t that bad, and others blame clime change on the government. Even though people have their own ideas on climate issues, change is happening and we need to do something about it to help ourselves, and our future generations. Climate change has risen from the greenhouse effect, and it is a worldwide problem. There are many ways to help with the climate change, and there are things everyone can do to help. There needs to be major changes implemented in terms of dealing with the climate change. We need a proactive leader to get the public educated on climate change, we need adaptive and preventative measures set up for climate change, all major parties in our government to work together to come to a conclusion on climate change policies, and we need to reform the United Nations to help the world deal with the climate change. The first step in dealing with the climate change is having a proactive leader who will use strategic leadership skills to enlist change among the nation, and the world. We need a person who can help encourage the people to change. Mike Zajko states in the article, The Shifting Politics of Climate Science, “the public stands to benefit from...
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...changing the world. "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind... let it be something good." - Anonymous After reading, I was inspired and we can ask ourselves “What we are going to do today?” Our answer, which is usually 'change the world', might seem a little over-ambitious to some of us. Maybe because some of our heroes and great idealists had ultimately failed to change the world. I am referring to Mahatma Gandhi who had brought down the oppressive British Empire with non-violent protest, Martin-Luther King who had helped change the fortunes of millions of African Americans and our very own, Ninoy Aquino who relentlessly exposed and revealed all the graft and corruption happening behind the curtains of politics. His death sparked a series of revolutions against the administration leading to the EDSA Revolution of 1986. They had fairly changed the world with their messages of love, peace and non-resistance but the evil still exists. Actually, 'change the world' means 'change the entire world forever so there are no more problems at all anywhere'. But in my mind, even the smallest change is a change worth making. If I can raise the spirits of just one person for a few hours, I have changed the world. There is...
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...abundant community theory: John McKnight coined the term Abundant Community where community members stay together, work and care each other, raise their children together and collectively work to create and produce their future and abundant communities are vital, productive and important for social change. According to John and Peter, “There are things that people can do only as families and neighbors that are vital to a good and satisfied life”. The responsibilities of an abundant community are to ensure health, safety, environment, economy, food, children and care and no business, agency or government can fulfill these seven community functional responsibilities. We must become citizens rather than consumers and good thing about the abundant community that it tells us to act like a responsible citizen who can bring success within the community. According to Abundant Community theory, our resources are abundant in the community and we have to work together as citizens to create our future by using these resources. So, Abundant Community is very significant to ensure effective community change. In the Abundant Community, local people feel empowered and they work together to bring positive social changes. Like all other communities in the world, Toronto neighborhood communities need to implement the theories of abundant community by which we can bring effective social change. Abundant community is not a system but recognition of the relationships among the community members and...
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...economic crisis and the two great challenges of the 21st century Nicholas Stern Policy paper March 2009 Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment 1 The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) was established in 2008 to advance public and private action on climate change through rigorous, innovative research. The Centre is hosted jointly by the University of Leeds and the London School of Economics and Political Science. It is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and Munich Re. More information about the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy can be found at: http://www.cccep.ac.uk The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment was established in 2008 at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The Institute bring together international expertise on economics, as well as finance, geography, the environment, international development and political economy to establish a world-leading centre for policy-relevant research, teaching and training in climate change and the environment. It is funded by the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, which also funds the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London. More information about the Grantham Research Institute can be found at: http://www.lse.ac.uk/grantham/ 2 The economic crisis and the two great challenges of the 21st century Nicholas...
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...1 Module 1 INFORMATION OVERLOAD Introduction The world we live in today is simple, “INFORMATION OVERLOAD.” Many companies and corporation have various computer systems to provide an efficient workplace. Perhaps it comes from a world of technological advances or it comes from a world of social changes. Let me start with this, technological things come about over years, but it’s simple, technological things only come about from collaborating. In today’s time, it is my opinion to show that technology in a work place comes directly from sociological impacts in our society today. It’s easy, collaboration, sociological changes in time and trends of historical data in the world today are key results in technological advances. Overload can be defines as, “to much information in a processing system, or a unit of measure that exceeds its capacity.” Sociology is the study and classifications of human societies. So now I think, if I put these two together what do I get? In this paper I will discuss my position that sociological changes affect how efficiency works in a work place. Collaboration From the beginning of time, think about how things came about. How did we start our own language? How did we build streets? How did we design computers, car building machines, and create robots that work in pharmacies. It’s simple it’s a little called collaboration. Collaboration can be defined, “to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor.” In today’s time...
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...Looking out into the world in which we exist, my thoughts turn towards the turbulent times that we are facing, those that we have already faced, and those that we will face tomorrow. I wonder if there is hope for the present, the future, and if we as individuals and leaders can make a difference, change our behavior patterns and mental models, so we can improve relationships among ourselves our communities and our workplace for the betterment of mankind. I find myself thinking of Kwame Anthony Appiah and his vision of a Cosmopolitanism world. He believes that we must change our minds and we must make our conversation across boundaries worthwhile. He believes that we must not judge different cultures by their values or beliefs, but instead must try to understand them and accept them for what they are, who they are, and what they can offer to the world. He believes that the wealthy must change their mental model too and feels that they hold a tendency to think that unfamiliar cultures of the world are not so much subjects of interest or even curiosity, but as objects of charity. Are we so ignorant to the beauty of different cultures that we think they are objects of charity? Or that they have nothing to offer? Are we as humans unaware of the things around us that we ourselves lack involvement? Arthur D. Colman writes about the Tao Te Ching Philosophy and its way of life and how it teaches us that to be able to function fully within the group, that we must first understand...
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...year-long project to prove that one can live comfortably while being carbon-neutral and experience positive aspects of life. Beavan’s motivations for the project including guilt, health, and family, fueled his desire to change the world as a whole at the beginning of the project, but near the end of the project her realized he should first start small by changing himself individually and the community around him to be more eco-friendly. Wasting energy, creating trash, and contributing to the negative effects of environment gave Beavan a sense of “guilt” about the way he was living his life. In No Impact Man, Beavan states, “the paper towel represented his throwaway lifestyle. It represented the fact that we are trashing the planets resources for conveniences that turn out not to be that convenient (49).” During the Project he and his family found sustainable ways to overcome some of these conveniences by reusing items such as jars and handkerchiefs. Many of these conveniences that Beavan had given up were not easy for him due to his obsession with the incidentals of life before the No Impact Man project, but the desire to change his life due to guilt had pushed him to continue. Near the end of the project Beavan felt guilty for wanting the project to come to an end and worried that he will convert back to his old way of life before the No Impact Man project. At the end of the project Beavan had come to a realization that he and the world are not perfect, and therefore will...
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...Stephanie Newman Sociology 102 September 7, 2013 Instructor: Frank Smith Theoretical Perspectives Society can be viewed in so many different ways. Our perspective is just a simple way of seeing the world just as it is. Sociological theories assist us on how to explain and predict the world we live in on a social level. When thinking about “sociology”, one must include the three main theoretical perspectives of sociology: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. As we take a look at each of these perspectives, they will give us incite on human behavior in the social world. Structural functionalism focuses on the structure of society and its stability. Meaning, just as the human body have structures (such as kidneys, heart, etc.) that work together to keep the body operating like it should, so does society. When society many parts function together smoothly, so does society as a whole. As an example, we look at parenting. When two parents work together to raise a child, they communicate with each other, listen and respect each other’s opinion, they both have the intention to want the best for their child, and their mind is in unison on discipline action, if needed. From this, the result is the child respects their parents, listen to the rules, and know that their parents knows what is best for them. Their family is a unity and structure. Now when, one of these things are broken, then the family as no unity. This leads us to our...
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...Diversity in the Workplace When we think of diversity we may think of different colors of skin, or maybe different backgrounds of origin. However diversity is so much more. In historic times white men where the world’s leaders, within the workforce. There are some who helped shape our managerial environment. We had great men like Maslow who was the father of hierarchy of needs. Which is a theory in psychology which subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. With this theory we understood the needs basis for the blue collar employee, and how to communicate from the bottom to the top. We also had others like Frederick Taylor, father of scientific management, with scientific management we were able to understand what it meant to be a top manager, and how to communicate with the employee. Henri Fayol, was another contributor of the idea of human resources, and the managerial world, he was the early proponent of general principles of management. With these men they shaped the idea of what was proper management, and what the work environment needed. With them they brought forth new ideas, and these ideas brought forth the movement of diversity. With diversity becoming more of a norm within the working environment, and fewer whites moving up in the ranks of companies, and businesses. The workforce started to change with the introduction of women in the workforce, and other cultures being involved, when the market began to globalize. ...
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...The earth is an incredible place in which we live. There are so many places and cultures of people around the world. We are so different in many ways yet so much alike because we are all living breathing human beings. Diversity is what sets us apart from each other. The differences are what set us apart and make us unique. The problems we have with being different are that not all people accept it. This is where prejudice, hatred, and discrimination begin to affect people of different cultures and ethnicities. One group of people avoiding another group of people just because they look different or speak different is one of many reasons of discrimination. We live in a society where not everyone believes we are created equal and deserve equal rights. That bigger is always better and money is power. My grandpa used to always tell me there were two classes of people. One class were the (haves) and the other class were the (have nots). The class of (haves) has everything they need or ever wanted. The (have nots) have very little and struggle just to survive. Today that seems true by looking at what is happening in the world around us. There is a growing separation between the rich and poor. The numbers of people that live in poverty seem to be growing around the world. There are wars, global warming, and natural disasters happening in different parts of the world. We seem to be living in a fast changing world out of control. Our past has seen many horrible travesties against people...
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...& Development (COI1319B) Michellda Bradshaw 5/21/2013 The world is always changing around us whether we can see these changes or not. Margaret Mead was an American cultural anthropologist who stated “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has”. In this paper I will discuss my thoughts on the video and how it supports Margaret Mead’s statement. I also will discuss social change, progressive organizing, and community organizing. I will then discuss some ways in which citizens can respond to social problems. Last I will consider the quote, “Activism is living out one’s values” and how it relates to how social changes align with people’s values. The video 21st Century Enlightenment discusses the process of people’s consciousness and our belief systems, what ones serve us and which ones our outdated, and our awareness of oneself. Understanding human behaviors with an evidence base such as how humans have bad long term decision making skills is an important aspect to the 21st century enlightenment. The video also discusses the importance for improvement in a worldwide need for more empathy towards others. The video also talks about many different dynamics that go into solving the problems today and also look ahead to sustainability for the whole world. I feel that by looking at our values, norms, and lifestyles we can understand better what may need to be changed in us and hence will...
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...Globalization is the term used to describe the collapse of individuality of countries as we merge into one large culture. Many people believe that the Internet has brought about a decrease in culture around the world. With the ability to have everything at our fingertips, we are constantly sharing and merging cultures into one. Globalization has opened many doors but may in fact permanently close others. With the world crossing over goods and services into other countries we are left with borders being blurred. You can see globalization occurring in many aspects of the world today. Art and literature are being affected by this phenomenon. The economic part of globalization has given us good and bad results with other countries. With political and economic tensions at a high, some countries banded together to freely trade goods between them. The General Agreement on Free Trad and Tariffs (GATT) gave way to the World Trade organization. This is seen as one of the most important economic developments in the 20th century. In mid 1990's China was added to the WTO and this was very important. As we start gaining economic standings, we start to merge our cultures together with others. As our cultures twist with others, you start to see the developments of buildings and art that are drastically influenced by many other countries. You can see this more obviously in architecture, however. With many corporations outsourcing jobs to other countries they bring along with them the buildings...
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...In Unbowed by Wangari Maathai, she discusses the intersections of gender, race, environment, and cultural injustices that were taking place around her in Kenya and how our world needs to strive for not only independence and freedom, but to have it result in interdependence as a whole. Many of the points that Maathai makes throughout this beautiful, empowering memoir, can be applied to the society we are currently living in. She makes a point to discuss these various injustices stemming from a corrupt government and ruling system, but that her fellow Kenyans were perpetuating these injustices. Maathai makes a strong point about this when she says, “We cannot deny this fact of history, although being in one country does not mean we are identical...
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