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Tom Robinson Trial Book Report

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Mayella's Reaction to the Trial of Tom Robinson
It felt like the sound of the guilty verdict didn’t make papa any happy, cause that Mr.Finch made papa out to be left-handed. So ain’t nobody gonna trust papa, he deserved anyway for beatin’ me all the damn time. I always walk home without papa but this time he came with me to home.
As I went upstairs papa shouted “Mayella!, I’m taking the relief check.”
I screamed back “That’s fine”. I assumed he was gonna get some more liquor like the last 4 months. I sat on the sheets on the floor and stared at the wood that separated me and the other children. Then I passed out from how stressed my brain was.
“Sis wake up! wake up! Pa’s callin.” yelled Buris.
Then I woke up and said “ Why is he calling me?” …show more content…
“Alright I’m going” I said as I was heading downstairs. As the stairs creaked I went down the stairs. When I sat down on the chair it reminded me of the time before the trial when the same thing happened.
“What are you doin’ with that n_____ you wh___!” screamed papa.
After that it all happened so quickly. Papa came in and Robinson ran away so quick that he kicked up the dust behind him, then pa started beating me so hard and choked me until I passed out while smelling his cheap whiskey. Then I don't know what happened. Later he woke me up with a splash of water on my face with Heck Tate in the vicinity. After the haze of unconsciousness went away, that is when I started to feel that everything had hurt and my throat had burned.
Then after Heck went away Pa sat me down in that spot and said “ Mayella were gonna go to the court and say that n_____ raped you, now u tag along and say what I tell u to say.”
Now he sat me down and said “ Mayella we got 5 whole dollars from the case and you can have 2 of ‘em, buy what’er you want. You did a real well job convincing that judge so here” he uttered while he gave the money to …show more content…
That Atticus Finch sure looked like he was convincing the jury with the fact that Tom didn’t rape me. That stupid n_____ said that he felt sorry for me and that immediately made the jury try to put him back in his place as a black man. If this world that I live in wasn’t so racist and full of prejudice, and as long as that is the same the word of a white man would always win against a black man’s word. I cried for hours, because I had realized that Tom was going to be killed for what he didn’t do and that I had to end another man’s life to cover up my own guilt and mistakes.
Afterward I had gone to water my geraniums to hopefully cheer me up from the melancholy thinking earlier, and it

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