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Unc Charlotte Case Study

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When students graduate and receive their degree, there is a great sense of pride, success, relief and much happiness. When faculty members tell others they work for UNC Charlotte, there should be that same sense of pride. There are various factors that would affect a student’s or faculty members’ pride in this institution. A strong foundation for any institution is key to its success and reputation. Integrity and honesty are what makes up a successful institution like UNC Charlotte as well as a successful individual. Each student and faculty member at UNC Charlotte has a responsibility as a part of the school to abide by and understand the Code of Student Academic Integrity. It is expected that every student is familiar with the code and understands possible consequences or punishments that come along with violating the code. …show more content…
These high standards are what makes UNC Charlotte a reputable institution. To receive honorable academic credit or obtain a degree from UNC Charlotte, instructors must test the knowledge of students and make sure student work is “authentic as well as consistent with established academic standards”(University Policy 407, The Code of Student Academic Integrity). Violations of the academic code include cheating, fabrication and falsification, multiple submission, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials, complicity in academic dishonesty and group work. Examples of cheating include copying another student’s work or getting assistance on assessments or examinations, releasing information about exams when not authorized to do so or sending someone else to take an exam for you or do any assignment for you. Fabricating research or data and using false information are other examples that would violate the code. When it comes to multiple submissions, an instructor must give permission to a student to use the same

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