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Urinary Frequency In Adults

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Urinary Frequency, Adult

Urinary frequency means urinating more often than usual. People with urinary frequency urinate at least 8 times in 24 hours, even if they drink a normal amount of fluid. Although they urinate more often than normal, the total amount of urine produced in a day may be normal. Urinary frequency is also called pollakiuria.

This condition may be caused by:
• A urinary tract infection.
• Obesity.
• Bladder problems, such as bladder stones.
• Caffeine or alcohol.
• Eating food or drinking fluids that irritate the bladder. These include coffee, tea, soda, artificial sweeteners, citrus, tomato-based foods, and chocolate.
• Certain medicines, such as medicines that help the body get rid of extra fluid (diuretics).
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• Following a bladder training program. This may include:
○ Learning to delay going to the bathroom.
○ Double urinating (voiding). This helps if you are not completely emptying your bladder.
○ Scheduled voiding.
• Making diet changes, such as:
○ Avoiding caffeine.
○ Drinking fewer fluids, especially alcohol.
○ Not drinking in the evening.
○ Not having foods or drinks that may irritate the bladder.
○ Eating foods that help prevent or ease constipation. Constipation can make this condition worse.
• Having the nerves in your bladder stimulated. There are two options for stimulating the nerves to your bladder:
○ Outpatient electrical nerve stimulation. This is done by your health care provider.
○ Surgery to implant a bladder pacemaker. The pacemaker helps to control the urge to urinate.

• Keep a bladder diary if told to by your health care provider.
• Take over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
• Do any exercises as told by your health care provider.
• Follow a bladder training program as told by your health care

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