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Toxic Leadership Research Paper

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Toxic leadership, two words that some people might have heard in the past and some might not. There are places where this reference can be used more often than others for example in the military, with it being used more often you’d think there would be a clear definition or characteristics of what toxic leadership is but the truth there is not. With that being said in continuation let’s try to define what toxic leadership and look into other example to give us a clear picture of what to look for and think of solutions to the problem. When trying to understand what toxic leadership is, it is imperative to first understand the definition of the two word by themselves. According to Merriam Webster dictionary Toxic is “containing or being poisonous …show more content…
Something toxic can be harmful, contagious and can debilitate whatever it touches. Let’s take for example a little child, as we all know, we describe kids as sponges that absorb everything they experience or see in front of them. If we take this child and expose him to negativity, to drugs, alcohol and all those bad stuff, what is prone to happen? Probably that the child will adopt those toxic habits. They grip on to the person and hardly ever let go, limiting him the opportunity to live a good life in the future. With toxic being defined lets jump into what leade4rship is. According to Meriam Webster dictionary leadership is “the office or position of a leader”, “capacity to lead.” “Molds individuals into a team “. So with leadership being defined we have to look into defining what a leader is according to Meriam Webster dictionary is “something that leads”. So with both definitions we can point out that leadership in general is put there to lead, to mold teams in other words to inspire. So how do toxic and leadership intertwine? In my analysis of what leadership is, you can see that you will have …show more content…
If we analyze that and look at the possible consequences of this in the long run, it could be a real possibility that if this company does not fix this, it will continue to loose employees and high level employees. If it happens at a fast rate it could even cost the company a lot of money or even closure. Let’s take a look at another example from where we have the article of Minnesota Vikings failure to retain good free agents and having them opt out and go play for another team. The coaching staff has reaffirmed that toxic environment is not the case, but let’s looks at the facts, Minnesota has a very high salary cap and a brand new stadium with great fans. There should not be a reason to leave unless you feel you won’t progress or not being

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