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Transactional Analysis

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Transactional Analysis is one of the most available theories of current psychology. Transactional Analysis was founded by Eric Berne, and the legendary 'parent adult child' theory is still being developed today.
Examples of clashes between people playing these roles are as follows;
1. Adult and Parent role: a teacher (adult) makes decisions based on their professional integrity about how a programme should be delivered in order to meet the diverse needs of the learners. The teacher is highly skilled and a well-established and respected practitioner, making decisions based on learner needs. They produce excellent results at the end of each academic year. The teachers line manager (Parent) sets out the standard and expectations as well as dictating the best methods to deliver the course to learners. …show more content…
Parent and Child role: there are two female friends and one of the friends has just recently broken up from their relationship with their boyfriend. The female who has recently broken up acts as the ‘child’ as they need guidance, advice and reassurance from their friend who is acting as the ‘parent’. The ‘child’ needs the ‘parent’ to stable their life during this difficult period. The ‘parent’ is making decisions on what her friend should eat, watch and do in their social time as a method of looking after her friend. Over a period of time the ‘child’ becomes over-reliant on the ‘parent’ and cannot make decisions by herself, this then causes friction between her friend and her family members as she is not spending adequate time with them. as the friend (parent) was the dominant character during this break-up it has resulted in the ‘child’ having no confidence in herself and unable to make decisions about her day to day life without consultation. This can then lead to either the ‘parent’ figure becoming over whelmed her self and vanishing or the individual acting as the ‘child’ becoming more and more reliant on her friend, resulting in some cases depression and

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