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Tutoring Session Observation

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Following the “Observation of Tutoring Session” handout, I’ll try to narrow and be specific along with the bullet points. The first session I viewed was at the beginning of the semester and for my own comfort of getting a feel for sessions, thus I do not have detailed notes. Therefore, I will do the bullet points on the second session. Unfortunately, I do not have direct quotes from the second one and will thus far do my best for paraphrasing if applicable.
Play attention to;
Flow - Intense, quickly paced, slightly erratic but with an end goal in mind.
Structure- Accurately addressed steps 1,2,6,11, and 12. Tutor Greeted and identified the task at hand(outlining a paper), continued to attempt addressing the task …show more content…
Discussed which ones had or had not been met and then continued to outline the essay in hopes of (I assume) having a baseline to work from so as to meet the rest of the requirements. The essay was compare and contrast, the student lacked contrast.
Questions Asked- Many questions were asked at a rapid pace, making it difficult to follow along. Most of the questions asked were applicative, such as “ How do these two differ?” or interpretive “What is this author saying?”.

Comments Made- Tutor praised briefly and constructively for what had been done well; summarization of the two articles being discussed. Tutee mentioned the fast pace of the session at the end and felt as if it had been a more constructive session than most.

2. What was noticeable, shifting responses to each other, insights and strategies. Tutor excellently kept the tutee engaged, both had positive and open body language towards each other. Tutee seemed to respond positively to the rapid questioning, responding once one of them clicked. Tutee seemed most responsive to the interpretive questions suggesting that understanding the material was not the struggle but rather applying

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