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Uk Health Care System Vs Us Healthcare System Case Study

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When it comes to being sick, injured, or simply want a self check, you want the best convenient healthcare system for you or your family. You want to know their incentives, benefits, scarcities, and disadvantages. In this case, the UK and US healthcare system come in hand. Both have great and not so great methods when it comes to these terms. Some would argue one is better than the other. This being said, which one would be a better system?

The UK healthcare system is a system run by the government, which gives open access to all users. This system brings many benefits that would turn out to be incentives. For example, they have great preventative treatment/medicine that keeps its population in a healthy case. This is possible because they calculate the money to spend and research for the better medicine to its patients. Another benefit is that the UK systems has the National Health Service (NHS), which was created by Aneurin Bevan. The NHS is a public health service that gives free service and treatment to those that qualified. This being said, are the benefits and incentives that motivate people to favor the UK healthcare system. …show more content…
Some of the benefits this system has is having modern advanced technology. Having this technology means giving better health service to its patients. This is an incentive for people because it will motivate them by being in good hands with new technology. Another benefit the US system has is having Medicaid and Medicare. These are insurance programs, that helps those who qualified with low incomes, obtain medical service free of charges. This is also a incentive for people that really need medical

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