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How To Survive Middle School

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So you are finally in 6th grade. That means that you are probably confused and not sure what to do. This is my third year here so I can help you out. I will be telling you all the things you need to know to have a great time in middle school. You better pay attention because this will help you. You will want to learn, stay organized, and socialize. So first we will talk about learning. The main reason you are going to school is to learn. If you don’t pay attention then what is the point of you going to school. So the first step to surviving middle school is paying attention in class. Also, you can not procrastinate. If you do you will get behind then get stuck doing homework at one in the morning. And if you do procrastinate still do your homework. If you don’t do your homework, which you are to not suppose have, you’ll get a detention and that's no fun. If you do get a detention still be respectful to your teachers. That's very important to do in class. You need to respect your teachers in bible class, math, English, all your teachers. Speaking of the bible in that class you need to keep an open mind and keep your mind on God, but overall do your best and stay organized. …show more content…
One main way to stay organized is to have a planner or notes on what your homework is or what test you have. If you do that you will most likely get your homework done on time and remember to study for your tests. Another thing that is helpful is to charge your Chromebook every night so it doesn’t die and you get your class work done. You can’t play games on your Chromebook when the teacher is explaining your assignment. If you do you will tune the teacher out then when he/she says to get started you have no idea what to do. As you do all things thing just remember to

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