...DIEGO GARCIA Curriculum Vitae I. CONTACT INFORMATION Kenan-Flagler Business School University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 4409 McColl Campus Box 3490 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490 USA Tel: (919) 962-8404 Fax: (919) 962-2068 diego garcia@unc.edu www.unc.edu/∼garciadi II. EDUCATION University of California at Berkeley Ph.D., Business Administration, Haas School of Business (2000). M.A., Department of Statistics (1999). Asturias Business School B.S., Business Administration (1995). III. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Associate Professor 2012–present Assistant Professor 2006–2012 Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College Assistant Professor 2000–2006 IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY Refereed Journal Publications “Noise and aggregation of information in large markets,” (joint with Branko Uroˇevi´) forthcoming in the Journal of Financial Markets. sc “Sentiment during recessions,” forthcoming in the Journal of Finance. “Geographic dispersion and stock returns” (joint with Øyvind Norli), forthcoming in the Journal of Financial Economics. “Journalists and the stock market” (joint with Casey Dougal, Joey Engelberg, and Chris Parsons), Review of Financial Studies, 2012, 25(4), 639–679. 1 of 6 “Information sales and strategic trading” (joint with Francesco Sangiorgi), Review of Financial Studies, 2011, 24(9), 3069–3104. “Relative wealth concerns and complementarities in...
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...goal. I was deeply inclined towards the field of science and technology, being allured by its sheer vastness and the plethora of knowledge. My desire to pursue graduate studies in the field of Computer Science and Technology is a cumulative result of my interest in it and my strong desire to contribute something meaningful to the society to the best of my abilities. I believe graduate study will refine and sharpen my skills and help me in realizing my goal as a research scholar in an academic or a commercial research oriented organization. The desire to explore and innovate in academic and research-oriented setting, leads me to apply to the Master of Science program in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill...
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..................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM)....................................................................... 5 3. Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 5 3.1. Alternatives ...................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Criteria............................................................................................................................... 6 3.3. Decision Matrix ................................................................................................................ 7 3.4. Simple Additive Weighted Method (SAW) ...................................................................... 8 3.5. Weighted Product Method (WPM) .................................................................................. 9 3.6 Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOSIS) ........................ 10 3.7. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) ................................................................................ 11 3.8. Analysis with AHP-weights ............................................................................................. 12 4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................
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...Investigation of Irregular Classes in the Department of African and Afro-American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenneth L. Wainstein A. Joseph Jay III Colleen Depman Kukowski October 16, 2014 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 1 II. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 7 III. INVESTIGATIVE PLAN AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 9 A. B. C. D. E. F. IV. The Scope of the Investigation............................................................................................. 9 Preliminary Steps of the Investigation ...............................................................................10 1. Review Prior Reports .............................................................................................10 2. Consult with District Attorney Woodall and the SBI .......................................10 3. Request Input from the Public..............................................................................11 4. Secure Access to FERPA Information ................................................................11 5. Distribute Broad Document Preservation Directive .........................................11 Collection and Review of Electronic...
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...Do I Trust Google? An Exploration of How People Form Trust in Cloud Computing Sarah Kim University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe Suite #5.202 Austin, TX 78701-1213 srhkim@gmail.com ABSTRACT Ayoung Yoon University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 216 Lenoir Dr. CB #3360 100 Manning Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 ayyoon@email.unc.edu journalists, IT experts, and scholars have addressed challenges of trust in cloud computing often accompanied with concerns for security, privacy, diminishing user control, lack of transparency, and reputation issues (e.g., Ghosh & Arce, 2010; Kahn & Malluhi, 2010; Pearson & Benameur, 2010; Habib, Ries, & Muhlhauser, 2010). Many of the trust-related discussions, however, are often based on the viewpoints of service developers/providers or technology focused (e.g., Hwang & Li, 2010). Cloud service providers (CSPs) saying “trust me” does not necessarily motivate people to respond with “I trust you.” Understanding of users’ thoughts on trust issues in the cloud computing environment is necessary in order to build and preserve trust between users and cloud service providers. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH The present study explores individual end-users’ perspectives of cloud computing, especially issues regarding their trust/distrust of cloud services. While current cloud computing service development focuses on adoption by enterprises and organizations, individual endusers who use cloud services in their everyday lives also constitute an important consumer...
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...business schools in America. The idea of joining an American University occurred to me when I was admitted into the 2012 Harvard College Summit for Young Leaders in China. This event was an eye opener and prompted me through a series of discoveries of the American culture and education system. After a thorough analysis of the American’s way of life and their education, I was convinced that this is where I would perfect my business skills and prepare myself for my career business. The behavioral features that interested me most about the American students is their innovativeness, independence, open-mindedness, and their ability to work as a team. These are some of the skills that really impressed me, and, which, I thought would go a long way in enhancing my chances for starting and running a business. During the HCSYLC event, I invited two Harvard students to choreograph a dance that was quite successful. We related quite well and the experience I had with those two gave me an insight on how intelligent and innovative they were and I was greatly motivated to pursue my dream in the US. The biggest challenge I encountered after enrolling for a business course with the UNC Chapel Hill, was gelling with the mainstream American student population. The cultural differences between the US and China meant that I had to go through a process of culture shock. Matters were made worse by my introverted nature as I am...
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...El Capitan The issue examined by Roger Putnam (UNC: Chapel Hill) et.al, was the structure and geologic history of El Capitan, a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park. This is a pluton, crystallized from magma, and the researchers sought a better understanding of how such formations are created. Previous research (beginning with Daly, 1933) has suggested that plutons are formed from large reservoirs of magma which solidify enmasse. However, in recent years (since Coleman and Glanzer, 2004), additional evidence has suggested that they may be formed from several smaller sources, although the issue remains controversial and several studies have suggested otherwise. Ultimately, Putnam sought to determine whether the composition of...
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...Name Course- Instructor Date Interpretive Plot Analysis Of The story Of An Hour Introduction The trajectory of “The story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is seemingly deluding when the reader goes through the story superficially and not tries to get a grip over the plot line. Mrs. Mallard is vexed by a weak heart and therefore any bad news should be broken in gentle manner to her. When her sister Josephine tells her about the news of his husband perishing in a train accident, then instead of struggling against the truth, she succumbs to the flow of events easily and cries her eyes out and then in a subtle manner, shifts into a bout of joyous mood where a sense of freedom is instilled inside her being. The last sentence which describes the cause of Mrs. Mallard’s death to be excessive joy is actually due to the shock of realization that she no longer is free or rather she never was eligible to embrace freedom. This story emphasizes upon the reality of the era in which the story was set where women were given very few rights and where marriage used to be oppressive institution. Also, the events mirror the true innate feelings of Mrs. Mallard which is contrasting to the notion that she loves being married.( Literature (Fiction)( Google.co.in) Topic 1- Conflict Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. ...
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...The real value of higher education By Tom Ross, 3.15.15 This is adapted from remarks given at the National Public Affairs Forum in Raleigh last week: America is losing her way with regard to higher education. We seem to have forgotten the real value of higher education – both to our economy and to our society. We have become too focused on metrics, return on investment and job preparation. I am not suggesting these are unimportant. Rather, I would remind us that higher education offers many other – and I contend greater – benefits to our nation and its citizens and communities. Universities have long been known and respected as places of ideas and debate, of big discoveries and bigger dreams. It is within our universities that we have tackled some of our most perplexing problems and found solutions to them. It is on our campuses that generations of students have learned how to think for themselves and how to work collaboratively with others. Our universities have been places where ideas and dreams are converted to life-changing discoveries, and where our leaders of tomorrow are developed. Since the dawn of our nation, our universities have been at the center of our civil society and our search for excellence. We increasingly view our colleges and universities as nothing more than factories that must demonstrate an immediate return on investment for consumers. Places that only train people for the workforce. We hear constant calls to drive out costs and produce more...
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...ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 19, No. 4 November 2004 pp. 555–565 The ALLTEL Pavilion Case: Strategy and CVP Analysis Edward Blocher and Kung H. Chen ABSTRACT: The ALLTEL Pavilion case is intended for the undergraduate management accounting or cost accounting course and the M.B.A. management accounting course. It provides an excellent context in which to examine strategic issues in using cost volume profit (CVP) in a service business. Based on an actual entertainment pavilion, the case develops many factors unique to a service business and illustrates how pavilion management can use CVP analysis to determine which artists to attract and what kinds of contracts to have with these performers. The Pavilion has two types of customers (paying ticket holders and free ticket holders) and earns profits from three types of revenues (ticket revenues, concession revenues, and parking fees). The case requires you to identify the best strategy for different types of artists, conduct cost-volume-profit analyses, consider the strategic issues related to operating leverage and how this affects the choice of performer and contract, and assess pricing strategies. O ne day in early November, Pam Berg, Manager of the ALLTEL Pavilion, was reviewing the operating results for the year just completed in preparation for the executive board meeting the following Friday. While the year ended in the black, she was disappointed that the ALLTEL Pavilion failed to earn the budgeted...
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...Full essay Twitter: Taming the firehose Andria Krewson Akrewson45c@mac.com Certificate in Technology and Communication program, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill May 3, 2009 About the Author Andria Krewson, a journalist with more than 25 years of news experience in Georgia, Florida and primarily North Carolina, is a student in the Certificate in Technology and Communications program in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In her journalism career, she has focused on design; learning, teaching and supporting new technologies, especially content management systems; producing local, focused information in niche publications; and managing creative workers. She has been on Twitter as the user @underoak since February 2008, and also as @akrewson since September 2008. She expects to complete the UNC technology program in May 2009. Reach her at akrewson45c@mac.com UNC Honor Code: "I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance while preparing this assignment and I have written the code myself." This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit here. Brief abstract Twitter, the short-message service started in March 2006, has a reputation for being filled with irrelevant noise. But new users continue to stream onto the service,...
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...Whistleblowing: Necessary Evil or Good Thing Maureen Haley University of North Carolina – Asheville April 16, 2014 This paper was prepared for Management 484-001, taught by Professor Donald D. Lisnerski Whistleblowing: Necessary Evil or Good Thing Is whistleblowing a necessary evil or good thing? Can whistleblowing be avoided? Can the whistleblower be protected? “A whistleblower is an employee who discovers corporate misconduct and chooses to bring it to the attention of others.”(Ghillyer, 2014) Whistleblowers can be viewed as providing a praiseworthy act or be severely labeled as informers who have breached the loyalty of their co-workers and company. Whistleblowing can be a service to the community and public. Whistleblowing can be ethical or unethical, and the whistleblower discovering corporate misconduct has the options to be an internal or an external whistleblower. Whistleblowing can save people’s lives. Dr. Jeffrey Wigand made the decision to go public with information that his employer Brown & Williamson (B&W) was manipulating the nicotine content, suppressed efforts to develop safer cigarettes, and lied about the addictive properties of nicotine. According to Sissela Bok, in the book Taking Sides: Clashing views in Business Ethics and Society, “not only is loyalty violated in whistleblowing, hierarchy as well is often opposed, since the whistleblower is not only a colleague but a subordinate. Though aware of the risks inherent in such disobedience...
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...meetings. As the phone line rang, I could feel simultaneously the feelings of nervousness and excitement kick in. Honestly, none of the readings and lab meeting discussions could have prepared me for this. Was there a script that I had to stick to? How was I supposed to introduce myself? How was my participant going to engage with me? Little did I expect that my first interaction with my participant would involve her hanging up the phone on me thinking that I was a spam caller and then having to call a second time to explain to her son about his mother signing up for Falls Narrative Study at UNC Chapel Hill. As tempo of the study gradually picked up, I started to have concerns about the structure and agendas of the meetings. What if my participant and I had a hard time describing her fall experience? What were the right questions to ask? What if I did not get all the information needed for the analysis? During this time the Student Guide became my Bible, something that I fell back upon as a source of guidance and reassurance. Lauren, my Falls Study partner and I, got together before our first participant meeting to go over our “plan of action”. We desired to create some sort of concrete strategy that we could use to help guide our meetings and we landed up having back-up plans for possible predicted scenarios – if our participants were not willing to elaborate on their experiences, if they did not want to write their own narratives, if they did not respond well to one of our questions/comments...
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...How did Financial Reporting Contribute to the Financial Crisis? Mary E. Barth & Wayne R. Landsman a a b Graduate School of Business , Stanford University , Stanford, CA, USA b Kenan–Flagler Business School , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , Chapel Hill, NC, USA Published online: 07 Jul 2010. To cite this article: Mary E. Barth & Wayne R. Landsman (2010) How did Financial Reporting Contribute to the Financial Crisis?, European Accounting Review, 19:3, 399-423, DOI: 10.1080/09638180.2010.498619 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638180.2010.498619 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the...
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...A MessAge froM the DeAn Welcome to Melbourne Business School’s new Executive MBA. This new program complements our long-running Senior Executive MBA, which for more than 20 years has been equipping senior executives with the tools and skills to lead organisations. Our graduates can be found in the executive ranks of sectors from banking, mining, health and government to the law. Our aim is to educate ambitious, highly-skilled business executives who can lead organisations effectively and responsibly. The challenges organisations face are profound: being globally competitive, motivating people to exceptional levels of performance, and creating a climate of innovation. Our new EMBA is a globally-oriented program designed for busy professionals with at least five years’ management experience. The modular format—formal class time of four days a month including a weekend, over 18 months —is designed around the life circumstances of busy professionals who juggle demanding work and family responsibilities. A Melbourne Business School Executive MBA is synonymous with excellence. Our international faculty publish in top academic journals, bringing you original, generalisable research insights, and they bring to the classroom active business and consulting experience. As an MBA school majority-owned by the business community, you’ll experience business relevance in every aspect of the program. You will broaden your repertoire of responses to challenging business problems, and develop your...
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