...Video Summary Timetable General Information Assignment Requirements for each assignment (refer to the template example below) 1. Watch video clips from the Video Mentor DVD or using the online link. o http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/itt_media/1256386782/index.html 2. Write summaries of the information presented in each clip. (2-3 sentences is fine) 3. Create a bulleted list of the topics presented in the video clips. 4. Create a bulleted list of terms used in the video clips with their definitions. 5. Provide a summary of your thoughts on the information presented in the video clips, including what you learned from the presentation, what may have been confusing, and where you might use the information. Note: To receive full credit the paper must be turned in as an MS Word document that includes ALL items. Partial credit will be given to handwritten submissions Summary # Unit Due Assignment 1 3 Wk 4 Video clips: 1.07 – Ports and Connectors, 1.09 – Video, & 1.11A – Printers Hardware and 1.11B – Printers Configs 2 4 Wk 5 Video clip 1.04 – Motherboards 3 5 Wk 6 Video clip 1.05 – CPUs 4 6 Wk 7 Video clips 1.06 – Storage Devices and 1.08 – Memory 5 7 Wk 8 Video clips 1.01 – BIOS and 1.02 – System Resources 6 8 Wk 9 Any four of the video clips in Part 3 (Operating Systems) 7 9 Wk 10 All the video clips in Part 5 (Computer Security) (ALT-Poster) 8 10 Wk 11 Four video clips from both Parts 2 and 4 (eight clips in all) ALT: Pick a topic that is equivalent...
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...GRADED ASSIGNMENTS Table of Contents Graded Assignments 2 Unit 1 Assignment 1: It Takes Courage 2 Unit 2 Assignment 1: Left in the Lurch 3 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Gratitude Journal 4 Unit 4 Assignment 1: Create a Business Letter 5 Unit 5 Presentation 1: Small Group Presentation: Leadership, Conflict Resolution, and Teamwork 7 Unit 5 Assignment 1: Compare and Contrast Effective and Ineffective Leaders 8 Unit 6 Assignment 1: Create a Long-Term Financial Plan 10 Unit 7 Assignment 1: Calculating Credit Scores 11 Unit 8 Assignment 1: Writing a Prospective Schedule 12 Unit 9 Assignment 1: Using Social Media for Job Searches 14 Unit 10 Assignment 1: Putting the Finishing Touches on Your ePortfolio 15 Laboratory Assignments 17 Unit 1 Lab 1: Personal Persistence Narrative 17 Unit 1 Lab 2: Grit Test 21 Unit 2 Lab 1: Optimism 24 Unit 2 Lab 2: Self-Control 25 Unit 3 Lab 1: Curiosity in Modern Times 27 Unit 3 Lab 2: Integrity Matters 28 Unit 4 Lab 1: Create a Research Summary Memorandum 29 Unit 5 Lab 1: Resolving Systemic Conflict: Scenario Analysis 31 Unit 6 Lab 1: Time Value of Money 32 Unit 6 Lab 2: Budget Exercise 33 Unit 7 Lab 1: Calculating House Cost 35 Unit 7 Lab 2: Delayed Gratification 37 Unit 8 Lab 1: Initiative Reflection 39 Unit 8 Lab 2: Time Management Reflection 40 Unit 9 Lab 1: Creating a Professional Profile 41 Unit 10 Lab 1: Creating a Personal and Professional Development Plan 43 Graded Assignments Unit 1 Assignment...
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... | | | |Weeks 1-2 |Introduction to Statistics|Business Statistics (BS) (Selvanathan |Module lecture recordings & lecture |Learning Statistics and Excel in |Introduce yourself to | | | |and Data Collection |et al): Chapter 1, Chapter 2 |workbook (A1, A2, A3, A4) |Tandem (LSET), Chapter 1: |the class | | |2 Mar – 15 Mar | | | |Introduction to Microsoft EXCEL & | | | | | |Video recordings: |Set up your account to the APLIA site|Chapter 1 (BS): Appendix 1.A | | | | | |A1 |so you can access the online practice| | | | | | |A2...
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...AMBA 640 / AMBA 640 HYBRID COURSE MATERIALS ASSIGNMENTS Acme Mexico City and Application of World-Class Operations and Information Systems Management Techniques and Production Planning and Strategy for Toyota North America (Version 06/01/15) Background Information for Acme Mexico City Acme Home Improvements, Inc. was founded in 1982 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. By mid 2015, the company had 125 stores along the US East Coast from Florida to Maine. Its annual sales are currently ~$5,400,000,000 with $280,000,000 net income. The average store is about 100,000 square feet with an additional 10,000 square feet of outside garden center. The stores typically carry 40,000 different products from 5,000 vendors worldwide. Major US competitors include Ace, Home Depot, Lowe's, and TruValue. All four operate already in Mexico. 1 In the interests of seeking greater profits and buffering against downturns in the US market, Acme has determined to follow these and other competitors to Canada and Mexico. In the latter, it has established, in accordance with Mexican law, a joint venture with local interests, known as Acme Home Improvements de México, SA de CV ("Acme de México" or "Acme Mexico City"). (SA de CV = Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable, a Mexican corporate form.) There are five major product groups within each Acme store: plumbing and electrical supplies, building materials, hardware and tools, seasonal and garden/yard items, and paint, flooring and wall coverings. Each store...
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...Faculty of Business and Economics Unit Guide E2 Evening; Offered in Session 2, North Ryde 2012 Table of Content Table of Content General Information 2 3 Convenor and teaching staff Credit Points Prerequisites Corequisites Co-badged status Unit Description 3 3 3 3 3 3 Learning Outcomes Graduate Capabilities 4 5 Capable of Professional and Personal Judgement and Initiative Engaged and Ethical Local and Global citizens Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking Assessment Tasks 5 5 6 6 8 Case Study and Presentation Media Report Analysis Final Examination 8 9 10 Unit Schedule Delivery and Resources 12 14 Classes Prizes Required and Recommended Texts and/or Materials Teachnology Used and Required Learning and Teaching Activities Policies and Procedures 14 14 14 15 15 17 Academic Honesty Grades Grading Appeals and Final Examination Script Viewing Special Consideration Policy Student Support Student Enquiry Service Equity Support IT Help Research and Practice 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 Page 2 of 19 General Information Convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor: Meena Chavan Email: meena.chavan@mq.edu.au Other Staff: Choon-Hwa Lim Email: choon-hwa.lim@mq.edu.au Credit Points 3 Prerequisites 42cp Corequisites N/A Co-badged status N/A Unit Description This unit examines the challenges to managing...
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...Graded Assignments The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for downloading at any time during the course. Course Revision Table Change Date | Updated Section | Change Description | Change Rationale | Implementation Quarter | 11/04/2011 | All | New Curriculum | | December 2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------- Graded Discussion/Assignment Requirements Discussion or Assignment Requirements documents provided below must be printed and distributed to students for guidance on completing the discussions and assignments and submitting them for grading. Instructors must remind students to retain all handouts and assignment documents issued in every unit, as well as student-prepared documentation and graded deliverables. Some or all these documents will be used repeatedly across different units. Unit 1 Assignment 1: Effects of Routing on Current Communication Methods Used by Organizations Learning Objectives and Outcomes * Explore the effects of routing on current communication methods used by organizations. Assignment Requirements The Johnson Company provides networking components and services. It sounds simple, but management knows it takes a lot of planning...
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...Assignment Assignment 1 Title: Cost Estimating Name: Aldev Caesar Syafinal Student Number: 15051543 Unit Name: Project Cost Management 642 Email Address: 15051543@student.curtin.edu.au Date Submitted: 8th of April2014 By submitting this assignment, I declare that I have retained a suitable copy of this assignment, have not previously submitted this work for assessment and have ensured that it complies with university and school regulations, especially concerning plagiarism and copyright. ___________________________ (Date/Signature) 1 Introduction A university in Perth is planning to hold an international conference on project management education. One of the university’s objectives is to provide the community with project management knowledge and education. Professor Jefferson who acts as a main sponsor of this conference has given the opportunity to me to make a cost estimating worksheet for the proposed conference with the following scope statement: 2-day conference to be run in January 2015 2 high profile international speakers Local speakers from within Perth Conference delegate accommodation will be at their own cost Conference Dinner with entertainment (first day only) Costs are based on an expected attendance of 200 delegates There are a lot of items that needs to be put into considerations including the costs of venue, decorations, publicity, equipment hire, staff, gifts, list of program (international speakers, local speakers and entertainment)...
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...Unit 5 Assignment 1: Video Summary NT1110 There are two major manufactures we use in today’s market which are Intel and AMD. There are some minor competitions but don’t stay on the market for long. The system bus for the CPU is also known as the Front-side bus as it inserts the CPU and has a 64 bit data pass. In the CPU theirs a controller that controls communication between the motherboard and other components with the CPU. The ALU is responsible for performing complex calculations. Communications between the controllers and the ALU’s uses a 32 bit wide internal data bus. A processor is usually measured in GHz. A system Bus is usually measured in MHz and has limiting factors of speed. The multiplier is the ratio between processor and the System bus. The system bus speed x multiplier equals the processor speed. CPU manufactures have come up with different ways to make the CPU work faster. Two multi-processing requires multiple processors (In other words your system must be designed to support more than one CPU on a single motherboard). Dual Core Processors have been recently developed, that means incorporating multiple processors with multiple ALU’s inside a CPU. These ALU’s process their information individually. There’s two cache memory’s which are SRAM and DRAM. SRAM is also called Static RAM, it is faster and more expensive then DRAM, it holds memory without being refreshed and DRAM must be refreshed. There are three types of RAM which are L1 cache, L2 cache, and L3 cache...
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...Queensland University of Technology QUT Business School School of Management WEEK 1 UNIT INFORMATION – 2013 In addition to the Official Unit outline found on QUT Virtual this document will provide specific information about the unit as it will run this semester. MGB310; Sustainability in a Changing Environment Semester | Semester 1, 2013 | Unit Coordinator | Name: Noel TraceyPhone: 3138 1344Fax: 3138 1313Room: Z911Email: n.tracey@qut.edu.au | Consultation Times | Monday, 4-6pm | MODIFICATIONS TO UNIT FROM STUDENT FEEDBACK Student feedback from semester two last year has been implemented in relation to several major changes to the unit including assessment. Firstly, the number of assessment items has been reduced from 3 to 2. This is partly in recognition of the multitude of pressures placed on students during peak assessment periods. Additionally, presentations will no longer be assessed outside of tutorials; seminar days, held in weeks 6, 7 and 8, inside the normal tutorial times provide the opportunity to present your work to an audience. CONTENT - LECTURES Week | Week Commencing | Lecture Content and Readings | Tutorial Content | 1 | 25/02 | Introduction to sustainability, the economy and societyReading: Moscardo et. al. Chapter 1(Custom text: Ch1) | No Tutorial | 2 | 4/03 | Sustainability, stakeholders and the nature of the firmReading: Moscardo et. al. Chapter 2(Custom text: Ch2) | * Overview of assessment requirements including...
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...Year | 2014 | Exam Sitting | SEPTEMBER | Subject | FIN2423 ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING | Weightage | 40% | Submission Date | WEEK 8 | Regulations A. Late Submission * A 10% deduction per day of total coursework marks (excluding weekends and public holidays). * Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total coursework marks. * Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% for coursework and the student will be barred from the final examination. B. Deliverables Students must submit all materials supporting their coursework listed in the deliverable section. * Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the university/college. The coursework must be done in group of 3/4 students and must be entirely your own work. Please make sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are unclear about them, please consult your program coordinator/lecturer. * The coursework should exhibit formal research skills i.e. with a table of content, proper citations, references, and appendixes. ...
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...Course GRADED ASSIGNMENTS Table of Contents Graded Assignments 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 6 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 9 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 11 Unit 1 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 12 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 13 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 15 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 19 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 20 Unit 2 Journal 3: Article Response 22 Unit 2 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 23 Unit 2 Assignment 2: Declaration of Independence and Public Safety 25 Unit 3 Journal 1: Car Commercials 26 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 27 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 28 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 31 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 32 Unit 3 Journal 4: Taste vs. Judgment 34 Unit 3 Presentation 1: What Would You Do? 35 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Habits That Hinder Thinking 36 Unit 4 Journal 1: Invention Exercise 37 Unit 4 Journal 1: SWOT Analysis Template 38 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 39 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 41 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 43 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 44 Unit 4 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 46 Unit 4 Assignment 2: Invention White Paper 47 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 48 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 49 Unit 5 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 51 Unit 5 Journal 2: Civic...
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...of this course, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Analyze the concepts of business ethics from a personal and an organizational perspective. Assess the ethical issues facing business leaders. Evaluate and distinguish between the concepts of social responsibility, integrity, and business ethics. Explain the framework required to make ethical decisions in today's business environment and how it improves the business climate. Summarize how moral philosophies, on a corporate and individual level, influence ethical decision-making in business. Analyze the influence of corporate culture, including leadership, power, and motivation, on business ethics in the workplace. Explain the pressures that influence ethical decision making in the organization. Evaluate the need for ethical standards, codes of ethics and practices in business. Assess the auditing process to assure ethical practices are being followed. Analyze the role that culture plays in global business ethics. Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit. Course Structure 1. Unit Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit. 2. Unit Lesson: Each unit contains a Unit Lesson, which discusses unit material. 3. Reading Assignments: Each unit contains Reading Assignments from one or more...
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...Buy ACC/290 ACC/291 wileyplus - YouTube ► 0:10► 0:10 www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NYAYXcAOgE May 5, 2012 - 10 sec - Uploaded by uoptutorial buy acc 290 , acc 291 and many other courses from our website uoptutorial dot com. More videos for acc 290 » ACC 290: Certified Bookkeeper Course - Western Nevada Collegewww.wnc.edu/academics/catalog/acc/290/Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo ACC 290: Certified Bookkeeper Course. General Information. Name: Certified Bookkeeper Course; Discipline: Accounting (ACC); Units (Credits): 6; Schedule ... ACC 290www.scribd.com/collections/3473096/ACC-290Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo ACC/290 checkpoint acc/290 assignment acc/290 discussion questions acc/290 dqs acc/290 week acc/290 appendix acc/290 final acc/290 learning acc/290 ... ACC 290 Final Examwww.scribd.com/doc/89721525/ACC-290-Final-ExamCached You +1'd this publicly. Undo Apr 17, 2012 – purchase the solution to final Exam http://studentoffortune.com/question/1468561 /ACC-290-Wk-5 1) Which financial statement is used to ... ACC 290 - Student of Fortunestudentoffortune.com/question/1336889/ACC-290Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo Jan 18, 2012 – ACC 290 Week 4 Learning Team Financial Reporting Kroger ... ACC 290 Week 4 - Chapter 4 P-4.8A Pro window washing.xlsx (33K) ACC 290 ... ACC 290 Week 3 Individual Summary Question One ...studentoffortune.com/.../ACC-290-Week-3-Individual-Summary-Qu...Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo ACC 290 Principle Of Accounting I - Entire...
Words: 560 - Pages: 3
...Project Management Plan Critical Analysis Critiques on Video Game Delivery A project management plan document to develop a web-based system for customers to rent video games, for Video Game 2U is provide on which an critical analysis is required. Project Management Plan Critical Analysis Critiques on Video Game Delivery A project management plan document to develop a web-based system for customers to rent video games, for Video Game 2U is provide on which an critical analysis is required. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project management plan critical analysis is required by my university and should be developed by the individual student. In this assignment individual is emphasized to criticise a project management plan document created for a Video Game 2U. The team to develop this project (Video Delivery) consist of six members, including project manager & sponsor and ABC Corporation and Julie & ECF (educational consulting firm). The student has to completely identify the loopholes in this project by analysing the project management plan critically and write project management plan based on the criticism. The aim of this assignment is to developed a document of criticising a project management plan created by Video Game 2U and also criticise the project management plan’s deliverables that are project charter, kick off meetings, scope statement, work breakdown structure, organizational chart, milestone report, network diagram, risk management, budget,...
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...BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Within a framework of excellence in contemporary business education, the School of Business Administration will build a community of lifelong relationships upon a foundation of enduring Christian values. CONTRIBUTION OF COURSE TO CHRISTIAN SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP For I have walked in my integrity … I will walk in my integrity … Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Psalm 26:1, 26:11, 119:1 (NKJV). THE OC COVENANT The Covenant for Oklahoma Christian University is posted under Course Information. REQUIRED TEXT Phillip V. Lewis, Ethics in the World of Business, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co., 2014 (ISBN: 978-1-4652-3979-2). COURSE DESCRIPTION This course examines the basic ethical issues involved in the conduct of business from a biblical perspective. Critical thinking of organizations as a spiritual, social, moral, and ethical activity is explored, as well as the decision process. The way these decisions are communicated to others is also studied. LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1. Compare the roles of ethics, values, and morals in the world of business. 2. Identify the roles and effects of social issues in the workplace. 3. Create a global framework for ethical...
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