...LO3 P5 - explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing Through the ageing process, many physical and psychological changes may be encountered. Physical changes can include loss of hearing and menopause and psychological changes can include financial worries and loss of a partner. A physical change which may be associated with ageing can be the loss of hearing. As people grow older, their hearing becomes progressively worse. At around the age of 40, most people begin to experience a small loss of hearing, this then increases throughout the ageing process. By 80, most people will have evident hearing loss. For example, a man who is 70 years old will most likely have significant loss of hearing due to his ageing process, whereas another man who is 40, might only have minor hearing loss which does not largely affect his hearing (NHS, 2016). Another physical change associated with ageing can be the process of menopause. Menopause is when a woman's period stops and usually starts between the ages of 45-55. The physical changes which occur during menopause are as follows: hot flushes, sweats, anxious and low moods and memory and concentration problems are also factors too. As the woman ages, her periods will eventually stop as a result of a drop in oestrogen levels within the body. For example, a woman who is going through menopause may experience a hot flush at inconvenient times during the day as a result of physical changes (NHS, 2016)...
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...development through the life stages p5 physical and psychological changes associated with ageing. menopause. The menopause is caused by a change in the balance of the body's sex hormones. In the lead-up to the menopause, oestrogen levels decrease, causing the ovaries to stop producing an egg each month. Oestrogen is the female sex hormone that regulates a woman's periods on average woman reach the menopause at the age of 52, some woman experience the menopause in their 30s or 40s . when woman have the menopause under the at of 45 it is called a premature menopause. as the woman is starting the menopause she might get really heavy or could be light periods. also The frequency of a woman periods may also be affected. woman may have one every two or three weeks, or you may not have one for months at a time. when a woman is going through a menopause they have mostly emotionally and physical symptoms. for example when woman are going through the menopause a woman would experience hot flushes night sweats which may cause lack of sleep palpitations headaches tiredness mood changes such as depression and anxiety. lose interest in having sex with their partners self conscious If you experience the menopause suddenly, rather than gradually, your symptoms may be worse. Symptoms will usually last between two and five years before disappearing, although they can last longer. m3 the menopause can cause an affect on the woman's self confidence...
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...Name: ( ) Form Class: P5 Banded Math Class: P5 Duration: 50 min Date: 10 May 2011 Your Score (Out of 100 marks) Your Score (Out of 40 marks) Parent's Signature INSTRUCTIONS TO HAMninATFS 1• Do not turn over this page until you are told to do 2. Follow all instructions carefully. so. 3. Answer ALL questions and show all working clearly. 4. NO calculator is allowed for this paper. Pagel of 12 SECTION A (20 marks) Questions 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. Question 11 to 15 carry 2 marks each. For each question, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade your answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the OAS provided. All diagrams are not drawn to scale. 1. How many ten-dollar notes make up $201 010? (1) (2) (3) (4) 10 20 2 010 20101 2. What is the product of 83 * 700? (1) (2) 581 5 810 (3) 58100 (4) 581 000 Page 2 of 12 3. Find the volume of the cuboid shown below. 28 m (1) (2) 84 m3 140 m3 (3) (4) 168 m3 840 m3 What is the missing number in the box? • 9 d) 6 2 3 (2) (3) (4) 8 14 15 ->• k txpress — as a mixed number. c 38 (D (2) 3* 4 4 (3) (4) 94 9! 2 Page 3 of 12 6. Which of the following figures cannot be tessellated? (D (2) (3) (4) ( ) 7. In 43.21, which digit is in the tenths place? (1) (2) (3) 1 2 3 (4) 4 ( ) Page 4 of 12 8. Express 0.025...
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...Server Virtualization and Consolidation - A case study Ravi G Singh Consulting IT Specialist – System p rsingh@us.ibm.com Special Notices This document discusses Server Virtualization and Consolidation designed and implemented by the author for an IBM Customer. This document is presented “As-Is” without any warranty, guarantee or assurances of any kind, either express or implied. IBM does not assume responsibility for the statements expressed herein and it reflects the opinions of the author. If you have questions about the contents of this document, please direct them to the author at rsingh@us.ibm.com. Author is not responsible for errors in this document that may result in any kind of inaccuracies. Acknowledgements Thanks to John R Hock, IBM Certified IT Specialist – System p - Advanced Technical Support Americas (ATS) for reviewing this White Paper. Thanks to the customer and IBM team for their contribution and support to this project. Trademarks The following terms are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: AIX, AS/400, DB2, IBM, Micro Channel, MQSeries, Netfinity, NUMAQ, OS/390, OS/400, Parallel Sysplex, PartnerLink, POWERparallel, RS/6000, S/390, Scalable POWERparallel Systems, Sequent, SP2, System/390, ThinkPad, WebSphere. The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: DB2 Universal Database, DEEP BLUE...
Words: 6610 - Pages: 27
...DEA Tutorial Abstract Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a linear programming based technique for measuring the relative performance of organisational units where the presence of multiple inputs and outputs makes comparisons difficult. This tutorial paper introduces the technique and uses an example to show how relative efficiencies can be determined and targets for inefficient units set. The paper also considers a number of practical issues of concern in applying the technique. Introduction There is an increasing concern with measuring and comparing the efficiency of organisational units such as local authority departments, schools, hospitals, shops, bank branches and similar instances where there is a relatively homogeneous set of units. The usual measure of efficiency, i.e.: [pic] is often inadequate due to the existence of multiple inputs and outputs related to different resources, activities and environmental factors. This problem can be illustrated for depots of a large retailing organisation which distributes goods to supermarkets. In this case the inputs for an efficiency measure are taken to be the value of the stock and the recurrent costs mainly in the form of wages, as those are resources supporting the operation of the depots. Stock is reasonably an input to an efficiency measure as an efficient depot will attempt to give a good service at lower stock levels, saving on capital and space. The outputs correspond to activities of the depots and are measured by...
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...BTEC National Certificate (Level 3) in Health and Social Care UNIT 11 ASSIGNMENT – Safeguarding Adults and Promoting Independence Student Name: Teacher: Ms Tumoe | Date assignment issued: 10th March 2014 Final Completion Date: 29th June 2014 | Welcome to the first of two Units as first year students that deals with the sensitive issues surrounding the need to safeguard adults, whilst understanding ensuring how the rights, independence and the wellbeing of adults are promoted through a person-centred multi-agency approach. In order to make sure that you complete the unit on time and meet all your deadlines, you will find that the assignment is broken down into key tasks. Each task will start with the part of the grading criteria that the task relates to, example P1, P2. It will finish with a deadline for the task to be completed. Introduction This unit looks at ways in which adults are supported and protected within the health and social care sector by practitioner’s whose main job role is working with adults. The unit covers sensitive subjects including physical, psychological, sexual and financial abuse. It aims to develop your understanding of the differing needs of people who use health and social care services. You will gain understanding of how to develop supportive relationships that respect individual rights, and also an understanding of how such relationships...
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...Qualification | BTEC National Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care Level 3 | Unit number and title | Unit 44: Vocational Experience | Hand out Date | w/c 9th September 2013 | Hand in Date | 13th June 2014 | Learner Name | | Assessor name | Adelaide McLaughlin & New Lecturer (TBC) | | Assignment title | Vocational Experience | Criteria Assessed | P1 explain the structure and function of a health or social care organisationP2 report on own contributions to a specific team activity relating to health and social careP3 make regular reflective entries in a personal journal related to own contributions to work in a health and social care settingP4 present a portfolio of evidence from all placements that demonstrates the development of own practice in health and social care settingsP5 explain how continuing development of staff influences practice in settings.M1 assess how their contributions to the team influenced the success of the activityM2 assess how own development of knowledge, skills and understanding has made a difference to teams and individuals in health and social care settings M3 assess how continuing development of staff can enhance the care of patients/ users of services.D1 make recommendations as to how they could have adapted their own contributions to the team to enhance the success of the activityD2 evaluate how own effectiveness as a carer has developed as a result of workplace experiences. | The purpose of this assignment is to:...
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...Qualification | BTEC National Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care Level 3 | Unit number and title | Unit 44: Vocational Experience | Hand out Date | w/c 9th September 2013 | Hand in Date | 13th June 2014 | Learner Name | | Assessor name | Adelaide McLaughlin & New Lecturer (TBC) | | Assignment title | Vocational Experience | Criteria Assessed | P1 explain the structure and function of a health or social care organisationP2 report on own contributions to a specific team activity relating to health and social careP3 make regular reflective entries in a personal journal related to own contributions to work in a health and social care settingP4 present a portfolio of evidence from all placements that demonstrates the development of own practice in health and social care settingsP5 explain how continuing development of staff influences practice in settings.M1 assess how their contributions to the team influenced the success of the activityM2 assess how own development of knowledge, skills and understanding has made a difference to teams and individuals in health and social care settings M3 assess how continuing development of staff can enhance the care of patients/ users of services.D1 make recommendations as to how they could have adapted their own contributions to the team to enhance the success of the activityD2 evaluate how own effectiveness as a carer has developed as a result of workplace experiences. | The purpose of this assignment is to:...
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...The beautiful you…. ABOUT SCHON SCHON was introduced in the year 2004 with a foresight to dress the young females with the latest fashion and style in casual wear. SCHON in German means “BEAUTIFUL”. The Brand has been steadily marching ahead to meet the challenges of the fashion-conscious woman. Its zeal and vision to pioneer is being reflected by an almost self-effacing work-style, where the greater good ensures the individual good. As a result, SCHON is emerging as an elegant trendsetter for the feminine apparel industry. They are amongst the first few to modernize the traditional knitwear into the sophistication which makes a Fashion Statement every day, day by day... The Company believes in building a reliable and constructive relationship with its suppliers who provide the best quality in materials and the Consumer who has been appreciating the Product since a long time now. The success-secret of SCHON lies in its dedicated and diligent work force, led by a progressive management. The major focus remains on quality & design which has earned us the repute and appreciation of our customer. SCHON SPRING SUMMER COLLECTION- The SCHON Spring/Summer 2011 fashion collection is rich in tales that are seemingly worlds apart, but in fact have a common link: a passion for elegance. SCHON finds romantic tales of flowers; sparkling, sunny afternoons dominated by white; lively evenings ablaze with colour. CLASSIFICATION & SUB-CLASSIFICATION About the STORE…. Location:...
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...asset with unlimited life) * Chapter 3: VIE (multiple choice, not problem), computation of goodwill; E&R elimination entry; bargain purchase; previously recorded goodwill (ignore it) * Chapter 4: CERO, impairment testing (for intangibles, limited life and unlimited life, and goodwill) * Chapter 5: NCI; goodwill allocation; N elimination entry (for NCI); NCI with bargain purchase; cash flow statements (multiple choice) * Chapter 6: land (problem) * IFRS not on the exam! * Be careful, if asked what’s acquiring company’s journal entry, it’s equity method entry. (This is different from consolidation entries.) Do one more time: P1.4 P2.5 E4.3, 4.4, P4.6 P5-4, 5-5 E6.1 Review notes: * At the date of acquisition: only E & R needed. * The balance of treasury stock is Credit. (when there is TS, BV should decrease by this amount) * Gain on bargain purchase: total gain(=Acquisition cost+ NCI- FV of net assets) recorded by parent. (E5.4) * Gain on bargain purchase: in R, NCI should be adjusted to it’s fair value at the date f acquisition, so does investment account. (E5.4) * Step N: DR. NCI in net income of xx (similar to step C for controlling interest) CR. Dividend CR. NCI in xx * Summary of CERON (see handout of P5-5) * C&N has similar function: reverse Equity and investment accounts for both...
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...Unit 18: Managing a Business Event Task 1 PASS ONE (P1) P1/a You must produce a presentation which describes the role of an event organizer. PASS TWO (P2) P2/a In the same presentation you must and the skills which are necessary for the successful planning and running of the Department half termly meeting. NOTE: P1 and P2 will be presented to the group and an assessment panel. Helpful hint: Make sure you include all of the things that an event organiser has to do, including: legal requirements, limits of the role (what an event organiser can’t do), and what skills are essential to be successful. Evidence needed for your portfolio: P1&2/a Presentation slides P1&2/b Presentation notes MERIT ONE (M1) M1/a Describe what organisational procedures might be in place within an organisation when organising an event. Make sure you include examples from your event. M1/b For each organisational procedure explain why it is important to follow it, and explain what would happen if you didn’t. M1/c Describe what legal procedures might be in place within an organisation when organising an event. Make sure you include examples from your event. M1/d For each legal procedure explain why it is important that it exists, and what would happen if it didn’t exist. Task 2 PASS THREE (P3) PASS FOUR (P4) As a group you...
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... | |Assessor’s Name: | | |Assessor’s Signature: | |Date: | | |Date Issued: |3rd February 2014 |Submission Date: |17th March 2014 | |Feedback Date: |In class 17th March 2014 | Final Submission date |12th May 2014 | List of criteria for this Assignment |Unit 9...
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...BTEC NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE UNIT 4 DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE LIFE STAGES Unit abstract Knowledge of human growth and development through the life stages is important for learners who are considering careers in the health or social care sectors because it will assist understanding of the needs of individuals at different stages of life, including their potential care needs. It will also help you understand the influence of unexpected events on patients/service users and their families. This unit enables you to gain understanding of different life stages and how people grow and develop. It requires you to reflect on the importance of a variety of factors and major life events on the development of individuals, and to consider the nature-nurture debate. The unit also allows you to gain an insight into the ageing process and to understand both positive and negative perspectives on ageing. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Understand human growth and development through the life stages 2. Understand how life factors and events may influence the development of the individual 3. Understand physical changes and psychological perspectives in relation to ageing HOW THIS UNIT WILL BE ASSESSED To reach Pass level, the evidence must show that the learner is able to: P1 describe physical, intellectual, emotional and social development through the life stages P2 describe the...
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... | |Qualification |Unit number and title | |BTEC National Business |Unit 4 Business Communications. | |Learner name | Assessor name | Department | | |All Business & Enterprise team |Y- CSI | |Date issued | Hand in deadline |Actual date submitted on | |Thursday 22nd October 2015 |Friday 13th November 2015 | | | | | |Assignment title |Google IT! | |The aim of this unit is to show learners that the collection and management of business information, and the successful communication of that information...
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...Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to recruitment and the importance of ensuring that the best people are selected to work in organisations. Learners will study selection and recruitment techniques and will set up, and take part in, a selection interview. Unit introduction Recruiting the right people is the key to the success of many organisations. These organisations ensure that the processes and procedures involved in recruitment and selection meet their needs and are legal. In this unit, learners will develop an understanding of the impact of the regulatory framework on the recruitment process. Potential applicants may decide to apply for a post based on the quality of information that they receive. Details of the post will usually be the first communication they have with the organisation. It is important that the organisation makes a good first impression on potential applicants to ensure that they attract sufficient applicants of the right calibre. Learners will develop their knowledge of the types of documentation used in an interview process. A structured and planned selection procedure is crucial to the success of the selection process. The impression a business makes may determine an applicant’s decision to accept an offer of appointment. Staff conducting the interview will also be forming their impressions of the applicant. It is important that interviewers are well organised and prepared. They will need to be familiar with the...
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