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Unit 9 Explore and Discuss


Submitted By mike93
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mike zavala
Unit 9 Explore and Discuss

Bind in linux- BIND (Berkeley Internet name domain ) is the most commonly used DNS (domain name system) server on the internet, and it is the defacto standard on linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
Configuring BIND- the first thing to configure is /ect/bind/named.conf. The first part of this step is specifying binds root directory, the listing port with IP’s, the pid file, and line for IPv6 protocol. The second part of named.conf is the internal view used for our local network. The third part of named.conf is the external view used to resolve our domain name for the rest of the world and to resolve all other domain names for us( and anyone who wants to use our DNS server). The final part of named.conf is the logging policy. The /var/log/named/ directory mustbe exist and belong to named:
BIND history – BIND was originally written at University of California at Berkeley (UCB) as a graduate student project under a grant from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA). The acronym BIND originally stood for Berkeley Internet name daemon.
DNS BIND Linux – BIND provides an openly redistributable reference implementation of the major components of the DNS, including a DNS server (called named), a DNS resolver library and tools for verifying the proper operation of the DNS server. The resolver library is a collection of functions witten in the C programming language that provides hostname-to-IP address and IP address and IP address-to-hostname lookup services.

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