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Urinalysis Test Research Paper

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What is a urinalysis test? A urinalysis test is the examination of a urine sample it is an important diagnostic tool in the medical filed (Martini Bartholomew p.1001). A urinalysis is a very useful test it can provide doctors with clues of several diseases and conditions. Urinalysis test can also provide doctors a great amount of information about the patients overall well-being. The kidney is an incredible organ in the human body system because it has the ability to remove fluids, minerals, waste products, and other substance from the blood for removal in the urine. Urine contains many different products of bodily waste fluids. Factors like kidney function, fluid intake, diet, and working out have big impacts on what is in the urine (Terry …show more content…
However, urine test can also be done as part of a physical check up to screen for urinary tract infection or signs of diseases that may be present (Wiseth). One of the most significance of preforming a urinalysis test is that doctors can monitor the treatment of certain conditions such as kidney stones, hypertension, diabetes, urinary tract infection, and other forms of liver or kidney diseases (Wiseth). There are several devices used to screen a urine test however, medical professionals use the plastic dipstick strip because it is the most effective and inexpensive device to perform urine screening not only that it takes few minutes to complete the task. The color change in each of the strip segment allows doctors to determine if the urine is normal or abnormal, if there is no abnormal in the urine it means that the color in the strips will remain its original color. To interpret the urinalysis test doctors mainly compare the color on the strips to the reference color in this lab, we will be interpreting the results the same way as the healthcare professionals

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