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Urinary Tract Infection: A Case Study

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In this assignment, t will summarize three articles about preventing urinary tract infection.
The urinary system is one of the most important organs in the body, it is contain of kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra. The kidney helps to filter the blood and it secretion the toxin out of the body by urethra. If the urinary system get any infection it will not working probably and it will disturb to another system.
“Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common bacterial infection known to affect the different parts of the urinary tract and the occurrence is found in both males and females. Despite the fact, that both the genders are susceptible to the infection, women are mostly vulnerable due to their anatomy and reproductive physiology. The infection …show more content…
Clean your genital and anal areas before and after sexual activity.
• “In women. Women are told by other women to wear cotton underwear, avoid drinking sodas, and even to avoid strong laundry detergent in an effort to prevent UTIS.”( k. Leslie,2012) -Nurse:
-“UTIS are the most common nosocomial infection worldwide, accounting for about 40% of these. The great majority of these infections is due to the presence of an indwelling urethral catheter in hospitals and long-term care facilities (LTCF) and is commonly referred to as catheter-associated UTI (CAUTI). These infections add significantly to morbidity and some‐times even mortality for the patient. The cost of these infections is substantial.” ( k. Leslie,2012)

-“Catheters should NOT be placed for incontinence or nursing convenience. For the postoperative patient who needs an indwelling catheter, remove within 24 hours unless there are indications for continued use, such as surgery on the urinary tract or an open perineal wound. Then remember to remove as soon as medically feasible. The use of condom catheters in incontinent male patients should be considered but this is considered an unresolved issue due to insufficient data.” ( k.

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