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Valley Bound Research Paper

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Valley Bound Essay There is this game called sixty-four squares. Well it is not necessarily a game, but a reflection of decisions, on choices, and on life. It is an activity that spotlights your past, to congratulate your present, and help prepare for your future. It’s an activity that we are going to play today. The concept of the game is to make an eight by eight square with paper on the floor, and create a pathway to get to the other side. The object of the game is to create a story to get your audience intrigued. Our story will be about me, surrounding my high school experience. So the rules are as follows, you are only allowed to go up, back, and to the side. You are not allowed to go horizontal, or skip two squares up. Our objective …show more content…
Well, it's not actually cliché because we're starting off fresh at another high school, Pacific High School (move up one). I was nervous and scared, but some of my friends were attending here so I didn't feel alone (move up one). I got good grades, and was starting to make new friends (move to the side). I could finally say that I was proud and excited about school. I could finally say that I belong in school, which is something I never thought or fathomed I would say. Now it is Junior year, and boy did it come fast. Before I even blink my eye’s I will be a Senior about to graduate high school. Junior year had some great times. I got passing grades, had a “good” name for myself (move up one). I was able to go on my AVID Junior Trip to explore colleges and Universities (move up one). Yet, just when everything was great I got some news on the passing of my friend (move back one). I started to get depressed, I wanted to quit everything. Yet, I knew I could not let my friends name go in vain, I had to keep on pushing for both of us. I had to obtain my diploma for both of us, because she wasn’t able to. I finished my Junior year off, excited for my senior year. Going in optimistic, wishing for the

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