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Assignment 104 Setting Your Priorities Research Paper

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Personality Enhancement 104: Setting Your Priorities

If you want to really improve your personality, one of the basic steps that you would have to take is to set your priorities in life. In short you have to think about the important things that you ought to do to become a better person. This article will help you find out how to find what is important to you effectively so that you can gain a better personality in the process.

The first thing that you would need to do is to ask yourself a few simple questions. Who am I? What do I want to do with my life? If you are able to answer these two questions clearly, then you will have completed the first step in setting your own priorities in life.

The next step would be to figure out how you can reach the goals you would have formed from the answers you can gain from the questions above. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you should take the necessary steps to get what you want. There are certain scholarships available that can get you to the medical profession in due time. …show more content…
This is the next step that you have to take to gain a great personality and set your priorities. If you focus completely, it would be easy for you to see where you're headed and take the necessary precautions when trying to get there as well.

How can you have focus? Well for one thing, you have to make sure that you have enough determination to get what you want. This examination will give you the willingness and drive to get to where you're going without any hesitation. In addition, you should lessen your distractions as much as possible.

As an example, if you feel that having a relationship now would side-track you from achieving your goals and improving your personality in the process, then you should cut off any romantic relationship that you may have at the moment. It may hurt at first but you would benefit from that in the long run for

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