...CASE STUDY FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CASE 4: The Battle for Value, 2004: FedEx Corp. vs. United Parcel Service, Inc. VALUE CREATION AND ECONOMIC PROFIT I. OUTLOOK OF CASE 4 Case 4 mentions about the competition between two leading companies in package- delivery market. FedEx which is the largest foreign presence in China, with 11 weekly flights, serving 220 Chinese cities, so the company’s volumes in China had grown by more than 50% between 2003 and 2004. UPS which is the world’s largest package-delivery company and dominant parcel carrier in US, serving 200 cities in 2003. FedEx had virtually invented customer logistical management, and was widely perceived as innovative. Historically, UPS had reputation for being big, bureaucratic and an industry follower. Two companies have their own market, an individual characteristics, and inconclusive. Thus, not only based on the development and operation of the two companies, the analysis also relied on the special purpose financial ratios ( especially Economic Value Added (EVA), an effective measure and rapid for firm within an industry) to find which company has more competitive advantage. II. INTRODUCTION 1. FedEx corporation: [pic] FedEx, formally known as Federal Express, started delivering packages and freight on April 17, 1973. The company was...
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...comes to assessing the value that individuals receive for the goods or services rendered, there are a lot of factors that become involved into the process. Many individuals, groups, and sub-groups place this economic value at different ends of the spectrum depending on how they view the goods or services and the way in which the value is presented. For that reason, in this short analysis I will discuss the strategic pricing and value creation as presented by Integra Creek Apartments of Murfreesboro, TN and how they optimize the use of value creation to maximize profits and customers willingness to pay in the competitive housing and apartment unit rental market. Murfreesboro, TN is a small community that sits in the heart of Middle Tennessee. With a population of just over 100,000 residents many organizations and firms understand the unique opportunity that exists in creating value and the need to deliver that value to its customer base. Integra Creek Apartments of Panther Properties Investment, LLC is one particular group I studied for this analysis that does such in value creation in comparison to competitors. When it comes to assessing the value that individuals receive for the goods or services rendered, there are a lot of factors that become involved into the process. Many individuals, groups, and sub-groups place this economic value at two different ends of the spectrum depending on how they view the goods or services and the way in which the value is presented. Some...
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...2.9 Definition and Meaning of Value Creation Value creation is the primary objective of any business entity. It is obvious that most successful organisations understand that the purpose of any business is to create value for its customers, employees, investors as well as its shareholders. Because the customers, employees and investors are linked up together, no sustainable value can be created for one unless for all of them. The first point of focus should be that of creating the value for the customer, remember, customers are always right. Value creation for customers will help in selling the services provided. This can only be achieved when the right employees are employed, developed and rewarded as well as when investors keep receiving consistent attractive returns. However, from a financial point of view, value is said to be created when a business earns revenue which surpasses expenses. Value creation simply put occurs when there is an additional value being added to the bottom line of a business thanks to the creation and use of new methods to maximize the shareholders wealth. Value creation from the customer point of view entails the provision of services that customers will find consistently useful. In today's business world, such value creation is typically based on constant process innovation as well as constantly understanding the customers needs with the ever changing business world. This can be achieved thanks to the commitment, energy and imagination of the...
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...Identify and describe the categories of value creation on which Best Value currently relies most. Identify and describe the categories of value creation on which Best Value currently relies most Straight commission is a “pay for performance plan” where monetary compensation is strictly tied to the results achieved by the salesperson. It is best used when maximum time is provided for the salespeople to sell while non-selling tasks are minimized. Ordinarily, commissions are in direct correlation and proportionate to the value or volume of completed sales transactions made by the salesperson. Since financial compensation plans are offered as motivational incentives to inspire and energize the sales force to achieve greater results, it is assumed that the higher commissions earned from performance will also produce higher profits for the company (Hoffman, 2007). Because straight commissions are directly paralleled with performance outcome, it is believed that salespeople are motivated to attain a higher level of selling effort (Johnston & Marshall, 2009). The advantage of paying employees on a straight commission basis is that they provide maximum incentives for the salesperson. Straight commissions tend to reward high achievers while discouraging poor performance from salespeople with low productivity. For the company, higher commissions can be used to direct the sales team toward certain products that may produce a higher profit. In addition, it limits the amount of working...
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...Form (Rev. December 2011) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give Form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS. Name (as shown on your income tax return) Business name/disregarded entity name, if different from above Print or type See Specific Instructions on page 2. Check appropriate box for federal tax classification: Individual/sole proprietor C Corporation S Corporation Partnership Trust/estate Exempt payee Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation, S=S corporation, P=partnership) ▶ Other (see instructions) ▶ Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) City, state, and ZIP code List account number(s) here (optional) Requester’s name and address (optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Social security number Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on the “Name” line to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. Note. If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. – – Employer identification number – Part II Certification ...
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...IFAC Board Exposure Draft November 2012 Comments due: February 28, 2013 Professional Accountants in Business International Good Practice Guidance Project and Investment Appraisal for Sustainable Value Creation IFAC’s mission is to serve the public interest by: contributing to the development of high-quality standards and guidance; facilitating the adoption and implementation of high-quality standards and guidance; contributing to the development of strong professional accountancy organizations and accounting firms and to high-quality practices by professional accountants, and promoting the value of professional accountants worldwide; and speaking out on public interest issues. The PAIB Committee serves IFAC member bodies and professional accountants worldwide who work in commerce, industry, financial services, education, and the public and not-for-profit sectors. Its aim is to promote and contribute to the value of professional accountants in business. To achieve this objective, its activities focus on: increasing awareness of the important roles professional accountants play in creating, enabling, preserving, and reporting value for organizations and their stakeholders; and supporting member organizations in enhancing the competence of their members through development and sharing of good practices and ideas. Copyright © November 2012 by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). For copyright, trademark, and permissions information, please see page...
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...Péter HARBULA CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURES AND VALUE CREATION Summary : This paper analyzes the interaction between shareholder structures and the quality of the corporate governance structure in France using the value creation criterion. Using shareholder structures allows analyzing the performance of French firms and to measure an underperformance of “hard core” and diffuse ownership firms. This paper, updating results from Harbula (2004), also investigates the relationship between performance and shareholder stakes. Keywords: Corporate governance, value creation (EVA, CFROI), enterprise performance, shareholder structures. Classification JEL: G32, G34 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1925045 Péter HARBULA: Corporate governance, shareholder structures and value creation 1. INTRODUCTION The objective of this working paper is to determine whether “hard core” governed firms truly underperform their peers. The main cornerstone of the analysis will be again to introduce the concept of shareholder structures. During the analysis, the common tools developed by corporate finance practitioners were used including, among others, value creation and return to shareholders. By performing this analysis, even if it is not the central point, the underlying question of ownership structure and efficiency will also be considered. I will also include in the analysis, beside the performance measurement tools, an analysis if the evolution...
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...AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITÉ INSTITUT D’ETUDES POLITIQUES MEMOIRE Pour l’obtention du Diplôme La création de valeur lors d’une opération d’acquisition Par M. Arthur URIOT Mémoire réalisé sous la direction de M. André CARTAPANIS L’IEP n’entend donner aucune approbation ou improbation aux opinions émises dans ce mémoire. Ces opinions doivent être considérées comme propres à leur auteur. Table des matières Résumé..................................................................................................... 5 Mots-clefs................................................................................................. 5 Introduction ............................................................................................ 7 1 Chapitre: Cadre théorique et définition de la fusion-acquisition . 1 1.1 Section 1 : Définition et motivations d’une opération de croissance externe ............................ 1 1.1.1 Paragraphe 1 : Définition et formes de fusion-acquisition .................................................................. 1 La fusion ...................................................................................................................................................................
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...Chapter One Law, Value Creation, and Risk Management A Manager’s Dilemma: Putting It into Practice Guanxi: Networking or Bribery? Issue Presented: Should a business leader in China encourage a manager to run for office? Engage in guanxi lobbying to encourage district leaders to impose stiffer emissions and mileage requirements for heavy trucks? Hire the son of a prominent local official? Whenever engaging in international business development, managers are expected to exercise their responsibilities according to the laws and practices of the countries where they conduct business. However, a manager should also consider the ethical standards in the home country, where the firm is headquartered and where the board of directors will review his or her performance, as well as what the shareholders would consider ethically acceptable. In China, companies have a long history of engaging in political activities. Chinese executives are frequently elected to local or national government to engage in guanxi lobbying, where they are permitted to make charitable contributions and report issues relevant to their corporation to the government. The Election Act of China permits the local manager of Dexter’s affiliate to seek election as a congressperson while remaining on Dexter’s payroll. In light of this legislation, the manager could run for office and, if elected, lobby to persuade district leaders to impose stiffer emissions and mileage requirements for heavy...
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...Commercial and social enterprises must be re-integrated together. Most companies are still stuck in the "corporate social responsibility" mode of thinking, where social issues are marginalized. We lack is an integrity guide framework. Pathway to solve the problem is that the principle of shared value: companies create value for society to deal with social challenges, meet the social needs of the process, thus creating significant economic value. Business must reconnect business success with social progress. Opportunity already exists, but companies ignored. Business have become commercial, not because of its charitable donations, but because the business is to deal with the most pressing issues of social powerful force. It is the time to meet the new concept of capitalism, which means companies must be redefined as creating shared value, not profit itself. This will drive the next wave of innovation and global economic growth (Porter & Kramer, 2011). Learning how to create shared value is the best business opportunity to regain legitimacy. Literature review Companies that create value for society need to deal with social challenges, to meet the social needs, creating significant economic value (Porter & Kramer, 2011). The commercial must reconnect...
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...הלימוד תתבסס על הרצאות, דיונים, פתרון אירועים ותרגילים, קריאות ויישום החומר הנלמד בעבודת שדה. 3. חובות הסטודנטים חובת נוכחות בכל ההרצאות. על הסטודנטים להגיש תרגילים ואירועים, להשתתף בבוחן הביניים ולהגיש את מצגת הפרויקט במדיה אלקטרונית. 4. הערכת הסטודנטים הציון הסופי יהיה מורכב כדלקמן : תרגילים ואירועים - חובת הגשה פרויקט גמר - 50% בוחן ביניים - 50% על פי החלטת ועדת ההוראה של הפקולטה לניהול, החל משנה"ל תשס"ח מופעלת בפקולטה מדיניות שמירה על טווח ציונים. לפי מדיניות זו בכל קורסי החובה בפקולטה ממוצע הציונים יהיה בטווח 78-82. 5. תרגילי בית התרגילים, האירועים, והפרויקט יוגשו בקבוצות של עד 2 סטודנטים. כל התרגילים והאירועים ישלחו במועדם למרצה ולמתרגל בדוא"ל כקבצי power point כך ששם הקובץ של כל משימה יהיה כדלקמן: Value 2012A Ass. No. X Group Y.ppt. יש לציין בנושא הדוא"ל: "מבוא ליצירת ערך, בעז רונן". כמו כן, על הסטודנטים להביא לכיתה מדיה של התרגיל להצגה (ב-disk on key, מחשב אישי, CD שליפה ממייל,...
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...Introduction In the 21st century, amidst the increasing prosperity and wealth of nations, the question of the great divide is the biggest concern for countries all over the world. The increasing gap between the rich and the poor is giving sleepless nights to many governments world over. Even though the governments of most of the nations of the world are trying their level best to overcome the issues of poverty, unemployment, malnourishment, low standard of living etc. in their countries, the question is, are they successful? Judging from the present scenario it is obvious that the governments have met with limited success. Hence, there is a great need for the corporate world to step in and lend a helping hand in the effort. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the name given to the help given by the businesses to the governments in making this world a better place. The companies can do their share of good by first starting with ethical corporate governance. Then they can step up to launch various community service drives or camps for empowering the society. CSR in India is in a very nascent stage. It is still one of the least understood initiatives in the Indian development sector. It is followed by a handful of public companies as dictated by the very basis of their existence, and by a few private companies, with international shareholding as this is the practice followed by them in their respective foreign country. A lack of understanding, inadequately trained personnel...
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...Shared Value Creation; Revolution or Rhetoric? Abstract The concept of Creating Shared Value(CSV), was made popular in a Harvard Business Review(2011)by M. Porter and R Kramer defines as, policies and operational practices that enhance the competitiveness of the company while transforming social problems which is related to the corporation into business opportunities and simultaneously yield greater profitability(Porter, Kramer,2011). As it sounds, it is a seductive promiseand has so far received obscene attention in the business markets and among business educators. Both authors seeks to regain trust in “business and society who has pitted against each other so long” …”Learning how to create shared value is our best chance to legitimize business”(Porter, Kramer, 2011) is how companies were viewed as prospering at the expense of the community. With both aims of evaluating and analysing the concept of creating shared value, in this paper, we suggest how CSV can help businesses harness its full potential by simply creating economic value while simultaneously creating value for society. Focusing on making the right kind profits, companies should look beyond just merely maximum profits but also integrates social benefits at the same time; starting a positive cycle which reconnects business with society. In CSV, it represents a new approach for businesses moving beyond CSR approaches in the past. However promising this bold new approach is, it has also created polarized...
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...MARKETING MANAGEMENT AND VALUE CREATION CLEAN EDGE RAZOR – SPLITTING HAIRS IN PRODUCT POSITIONING QUESTION 1 Consider exhibit 1 and the three different consumer segments. For which segment would the niche strategy be more effective? And for which group would the more mainstream approach be more effective? Considering exhibit 1, social and emotional shavers is the segment where the niche strategy would be more effective. This group has some specific characteristics as: more brand switching (mainly to super premium quality); shorter inter-purchase intervals; and shorter average usage period for blades (greater recognition for earlier replacement). On the other hand, maintenance shavers is the segment where the mainstream approach would be more effective. This segment: has a view of products as they are the same; a lack of interest in product category; shaving routine is inconsistent; shaving is a chore they try to finish as quickly as possible; and are motived by the price. QUESTION 2 What segment would you choose to target and how would you position Clean Edge for this segment? I would choose the niche market segment with a super-premium product. This market, with a low initial investment, minimizing costs, and selling through the niche market, we have what seems like a less risky strategy, that still yields a healthy profit. The niche market will complement company’s existing product portfolio perfectly and avoid cannibalism, it requires less immediate expenditures...
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...Weight Watchers International: Value Creation and Strategic Thinking Staying Competitive with Advancements in Digital Technology I. Introduction Two of the most important management principles for an organization is value creation and strategic thinking. Value creation is a very abstract term, but can easily be defined by the performance of actions that increase the worth of goods and services. It’s important for organizations to create value for its customers, employees, investors as well as its shareholders.1 Both value creation and strategic thinking are important to an organizations performance. Organizations look outward to define: What is its business? Who is its customer? and What does the customer value?2 Strategy takes this a step further in having a forward thinking approach in how can it can continue to create value for its customer by staying competitive. A great example of value creation and strategic thinking is Weight Watchers International (WWI). Its mission is to have a clear vision of where it wants to go and have strategy and set of values to get them there. Weight Watchers International’s business model is being tested by advancements in technology. The important question for WWI is how it can improve their strategy while still creating value for its customer and staying competitive in a digital weight management world. II. Background For over 50 years, WWI has been a global leader...
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