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Viagra Research Paper

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Viagra: The small blue pill that enhances the experience of making love
Keywords: Generic Viagra 200mg, Generic Viagra
Viagra is a small blue pill which proves that big things come in small packages. It is truly a wonder drug that improves the overall experience of making love. Viagra is an innocent looking medicine that is sure to lift your spirit and bring passion in your sex life. Millions of men who suffer from impotence have benefited from Viagra. It is pharmacologically known as Sildenafil Citrate. Generic Viagra was the first of the oral phosphodiesterase 5 enzyme inhibitors approved for erectile dysfunction. The safety record of this medicine is quite commendable. Studies have been carried out regarding the cardiovascular effects of …show more content…
This fact remains true even for Generic Viagra. The adverse effects with Viagra do not last longer than a few hours. Patients taking high doses are more vulnerable to these effects. The most common side effects seen with Viagra are as follows:
1. Headache
2. Flushing of the face
3. Gastric discomfort
Some less commonly encountered side effects include temporary changes in color vision, blurred vision and photosensitivity.
Rarely, there have been cases of men with erection that lasted many hours. If the erection lasts for more than 4 hours, it should be taken as a medical emergency.
Heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeats and death were also caused in patients on Generic Viagra. Most of these patients had the history of heart trouble before starting the treatment with Viagra. However, it is not certain whether these events had a direct relationship to Viagra medicine.

Warnings regarding Generic Viagra 200mg
Generic Viagra is not for kids and women. It is a medicine exclusively discovered for patients with erectile dysfunction and to reduce pulmonary blood pressure.
Only your doctor is eligible to decide whether you can take Viagra safely or not. Do not increase the dosage without the doctor’s

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