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View of Good and Evil


Submitted By stevekimutai
Words 668
Pages 3
View of Good and Evil: Hinduism and Jainism
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View of Good and Evil: Hinduism and Jainism
Good and evil are seen as forces that compete for dominance in a person and the world. Sometimes there is an ethnocentric idea that ‘our’ group is the good one, and all outsiders are ‘evil’.
This approach can lead to wars and conflicts. These beliefs also vary from one religion to another. In addition, they differ in their views on the cause of evil and good in the world. This essay will discuss this view based on the Hinduism and the Jainism beliefs.
The Hindus believe that every action, good or evil, has consequences. Pain, suffering, and evil are not imposed by God; rather they are due to the actions of anyone else. They also believe that good happens due to the good deeds of human beings (Doniger, 1976). According to them, things happen because the law of Karma that states that for every action, there is a resultant consequence (Doniger, 1976).
They believe that one cannot conduct an evil and get away with it without punishment. They also believe that people may be either rewarded or punished for their deeds in the next lie. It happens in the event that one does not receive it in this world. Alternatively, they are happening now because of the actions that one executed in a previous life.
They believe that God is not blemish and that He is not the cause of evil and suffering in the world. According to them, man was given the exclusive ability to choose between wrong and right (Lipner, 1994). For this reason, men have the freedom to make decisions without interruption.
However, some of these people misuse this freedom. As a result, they end up causing evil that leads to sufferings. When this happens, they turn the blame to God. They believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful, all-knowing,

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