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Vision Plan


Submitted By purduedtd99
Words 265
Pages 2
ROI Project Outline

I will specifically see the return on my investment of changing our we supply our PSI plants with material for production by comparing the previous 3 months before I implemented change to the end of 2011(3 months.) I am going to keep a spreadsheet of every load taken by our drivers and the mileage. The previous way we did things was paying a flat rate (based on cost of fuel weekly, time spent at location, etc) for one stop and if a multiple stop was added, adding a drop fee. I have implemented a change to this by paying the driver by the mile, and not flat rates. This will allow me to me to give my drivers a snapshot of their weekly production, therefore building a stronger relationship with them as this process is much simpler. I will also be engaging in weekly conversations with my 2 drivers that move this material. I will seek their input weekly on their ideas and concerns. I will also speak monthly to Dale Wolters, our Production manager to discuss how my system is working. I have also asked to be able to visit each PSI location to discuss with Plant Managers any ideas they might have. I feel this is the best way to communicate as we will be sitting face to face, not speaking over email or over the phone. I want to know them on a personal level, and express to them that we are a “team” even though I am in Minster, and they would not see me

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