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Walmart Attack Research Paper

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Just recently, an armed man in Tumwater, Washington fired several shots inside a local Walmart. After doing so, he then ran outside and attempted a carjacking. The driver of the car, however, refused to be separated from his vehicle so the carjacker, who has yet to be identified, shot him several times and then rushed over to try and steal another car.

As he attempted to steal the second vehicle, though, multiple armed bystanders who were fed up with him terrorizing the public unexpectedly rushed over with their guns drawn to stop the dangerous criminal. Upon arriving at the scene of the second carjacking, one of the members of the heroic citizen army managed to thwart the crime by opening fire and shooting the armed carjacker dead.

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A short time later, they came across a 16-year-old girl with “unspecified non-life-threatening injuries” who had her car stolen.

Determined to track down the dangerous suspect, local officers started searching the surrounding area. Before long, they received numerous calls about shots fired at a nearby Walmart and subsequently rushed over to investigate.

Apparently, after stealing the young girl’s car, the man then reportedly traveled to a nearby Walmart, went inside and fired several shots at a display case, and then ran out into the parking lot. Once outside, he proceeded to try and carjack a nearby vehicle.

When the person inside fought back, he shot him at least twice and then ran over to try and carjack yet another person. Before he could steal the second vehicle, however, he was confronted by three armed bystanders and subsequently shot dead by one of them.

Following the incident, the man who was shot for refusing to give up his car was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition. Incredibly, though, no one else was seriously injured by the deranged carjacker during his shooting

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