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War On The Cartel Research Paper

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War on the Cartels
The Mexican government has been fighting a war with drug traffickers since 2006. The starting point of the Mexican Drug War between the government and the drug cartels was when Former Mexican president Felipe Calderon sent 6,500 Mexican Army soldiers to Michoacán, his home state, to end drug violence there. This action is regarded as the first major retaliation made against the cartel violence. In his comprehensive legislative period, President Calderon sent over 50,000 soldiers after the drug cartels. The Mexican government's goal has been to reduce the drug-related violence.

President Felipe Calderón had decided that his mandate was to “take back” Mexico from organised crime. To do this, Calderón reasoned, he would need …show more content…
By implementing NAFTA, the three states created one of the world’s largest free trade zones and layed the foundations for strong economic growth and rising prosperity.
But the implementation of the North American Trade Agreement also caused a great inflow of drugs into the United States. Because this agreement removed almost most barriers to trade and invest among the three mentioned stats. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) began on January 1, 1994.
This deal was supposed to create free trade and eliminate tariffs; but side effects of those actions are, that they created an entrance for drug smuggling.

In the Article “U.S.: Mexico: Open Markets, Closed Border”, the Author Peter Andreas debates that transformation and integration of the market may have encouraged this favored method of drug …show more content…
border legally every day in both directions. Four thousand or more commercial trucks will cross the border every day. That is worth $1.4 billion of legal goods and services that are crossing the border in both directions every day.
So the Border Patrols on both sides have no choice but just do a sample inspection of all incoming trucks and other vehicles. That small percentage of Trucks getting inspected allows the drug traffickers to circumvent the inspections at the border checkpoint.

Another aspect why so many drugs can get to the United States is that the drug cartels are very inventive in hiding their drugs between legal goods. In the Article mentioned above, Peter Andreas describes one incident, “One truck that was stopped near San Diego carried eight tons of cocaine stuffed into cans of jalapeno peppers.” (Andreas Pg. 58)
With the great success of the Cartels, they also generate great revenue. So they can effort to hire trade consultants, “… to determine which products move most quickly through border inspection under NAFTA guidelines…Does a perishable get through quicker than a load of steel? What kind of cargo goes through faster than others?” (Andreas pg.

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