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We Didn T Start The Fire Analysis

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Billy Joel in his song “We Didn't Start The Fire” claims that the current generation, as of the time the song was written, did not, in fact, start the fire. Thought the song many events are listed until the chorus comes along again to remind the listener the they did not start the fire. The “fire” in this song that Billy Joel speaks of are crazy and shocking events to the world not only being generally harmful to the public but events that changed how people viewed things. The songs repetition of not starting the fire, the lengthy lines used for verses that completely list events, and the the listing of events as opposed to common verses in an average song shows how they did not start the fire and the fire had been going on for generations …show more content…
His repetition shows the importance of them not starting the fire by constantly relating every idea with it. Though a usual song follows a chorus, and the chorus does follow the major ideas set in a song, this song is different as the chorus does relate but it's constantly reminding you of the major point of the song. As this happens over and over again his point is drilled into the heads of the listener, even if half of the verses are inaudible. As each verse goes on so many words and events fly by that not only is the song hard to learn but it's hard to establish a main connection between them when just listening once or twice through. As he repeats “We didn't start the fire” he gives a clear idea to connect everything to and as you pick out words and events that zoom by. Connecting these ideas with the chorus shows the audience surprising and influential parts of every year from 1949 to 1989. This causes a deeper understanding of the situations posed, and provides a main point that his evidence can connect to being that the fire was previously started by

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