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Weaning Research Paper

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Weaning a baby onto solid foods
Babies can reach this stage of development at different times, depending on several aspects. For example, the parent may be worried, or reluctant to wean the child off pureed food, for fear that a child may choke on the solid food. Some babies find the transition between pureed and solid food more easy than others, perhaps due to a “baby led weaning” approach. For others, however, weaning can have a significant impact, with new tastes and textures being daunting, which could put the child off trying any new foods. This could, in turn, increase the risk of the child becoming a “picky eater” at a later stage, making it more difficult to increase the variety of food that the child consumes, which could lead …show more content…
Some children, who have more confident and outgoing traits, could thrive in a new setting. Being able to communicate more efficiently with other people, could help see the child make friends more easily than those who find interaction more difficult. For those children, starting at a new setting could see the child isolating themselves from their peers and other adults, and depending on the age of the child, this could result in lack of focus and diminishing grades in older children, or slow development in communication skills in the younger children. This could affect them into later life, seeing the young adult being more introverted. There are several ways of helping a child adapt to a new school or nursery. Settling periods, for example, allow the child to be introduced to the setting slowly, over a few days. They’ll be able to stay in the new setting with their parent/ carer in the initial settle, until they’re comfortable enough to be left alone. Some schools/nurseries have books with pictures of staff members, children and classrooms inside, to give to the child before they begin at the new placement. This allows them prepare themselves before starting, by learning to recognise some of the faces and settings, and will help them feel more at ease during their first …show more content…
Witnessing a loss of love and connection between parents is a very upsetting, yet common thing to happen. The child is having to constantly readjust to being moved weekly, or sometimes several times per week between mother and father. Young children could show a particularly regressive response during a divorce. The new instability of life, could see the child seeking more parental attention. Other effects could be separation anxiety, bed wetting incidents, or on some occasions, the loss of established self-care. Whilst a divorce could make an infant become clingier to a parent, in slightly older children and adolescents, a more aggressive response is often shown. They could become more defiant and distant from one or both of the parents, and could therefore feel more compelled to become more

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...CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY Musuan, Bukidnon TERM PAPER (Animal Science) Submitted by: ACUÑA, Davie Myrrh G. GERMATA, Griz Jiv A. GUATNO, Philip Robert B. PASETES, Henrich TORREGOSA, Rechil G. Submitted to: Mr. Fernando Domagsang December 7, 2015 Introduction Animal science is the study of animals that live alongside humans. Around the world, humans rely on animals for food, fiber, labor and companionship. Animal scientist helps people understand the importance of these animals. One of the role of animal scientist and animal science is to study the proper way of taking care of the animals and meeting there nutritional needs. Meeting animal’s nutritional requirement is extremely important in maintaining acceptable performance of neonatal, growing, finishing and breeding animals. It is important for them to stay healthy. Keeping animals healthy can help stop diseases from infecting humans. At different times in your life, you may have slept in a cradle, a crib, a bunk bed or a cot. You may have lived in a townhouse, a cottage, a college dorm or an apartment. Where you live depended on where you were in your life. Just like people, animals live in different places depending on their stages of life. The design of animal facilities combined with appropriate animal housing and management are essential contributors to animal well-being, the quality of animal research and production, teaching or testing programs involving animals, and the health and safety of personnel. The...

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