Intent of Report: This report is intended to provide CanGo management an understanding of the challenges that they face and a recommended plan of action that will help CanGo overcome these challenges. This report covers the first and second week of videos provided for analysis.
1. CanGo is a company that is operating without a strong vision or mission statement along with a set of values that identifies their presence and purpose in the market of online gaming. CanGo also does not have a clear business strategy: without this it is very difficult for any of CanGo’s personnel to have any sense of business acumen.
2. During the management meetings it is evident that there is a strong need for some structure and proper utilization of the strategic management process. Everyone seems to be working on projects that are not their strong points, and clear deadlines and expected deliverables are not established.
3. Currently CanGo does not utilize proper planning. Management does not give subordinates appropriate guidance to establish timelines for project deliverables. It is also clear that Nick, the project manager was perhaps a poor choice by management due to his lack of organization, planning skills, and experience in project management and leadership. It does not help the situation that Nick was given very little direction from his superior, Warren.
4. CanGo dove into a new business venture without any financial or market analysis that will afford them to run a proper cost-benefit analysis and to assess their competition. According to the finance department, CanGo may not have the capital to start up their online gaming venture. CanGo lacks staff qualified in the areas necessary to manage a project involving online gaming (IT, networking, software and hardware, gaming platforms, bandwidth, etc.).
5. The management meetings are