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Week 5 Case Analysis


Submitted By savyshopper91
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MGMT530 – Labadee Decision
Week 5 Case Analysis Template

The objectives for the assignment were to define the uncertainties using a risk profile and make the recommendation for a decision for the Labadee Case.
Students will have a wide variety of responses based on the limited information provided in the case.

Risk Profile Uncertainty 1: How will the guests react? | Outcome: | Chance | Consequences: | Guests react positively | 50 | Attract more guests that want to assist Royal Caribbean International in the aid efforts to the people of Haiti | Guests react negatively | 50 | Cancellation of their reservations | Uncertainty 2: How will Labadee be impacted? | Outcome: | Chance | Consequences: | Haiti is impacted positively | 70 | Community will maintain income and receive assistance from Royal Caribbean International and guests traveling | Haiti is impacted negatively | 30 | Community will lose income and Haiti will be worse off by Royal Caribbean not stopping at the port | Uncertainty 3: How will the media respond? | Outcome: | Chance | Consequences: | Good press | 20 | Royal Caribbean International continues to stop in Haiti | Bad press | 80 | Royal Caribbean International removes Labadee from the itinerary |
Decision Recommendation Decision Recommendation | Alternative Recommended | Summary Rationale | Continue stops to Labadee | Based on the outcomes weighed, I think it is in the best interest for Royal Caribbean International and Haiti that the ships continue make stops at Labadee. The stops to Haiti will help the community that depends heavily on the income from Royal Caribbean International to help themselves and their families recover from the disaster. If they abandon the stop, it will leave Haiti in worse condition as they will have lost their routine financial support. If they continue to make stops to Haiti, it could potentially attract more guests, and these guests might be willing to assist with disaster reliefs. If Royal Caribbean International abandons the stop to Labadee, then this could lead to bad press. They would look as if they only want to gain revenue and not assist the Haitian community. The press might not start out “good” when the cruise line decides to continue to keep Labadee in their itinerary, but once the press notices that by continuing the stop, they are actually helping the community suffering from disaster, the press may then be good. |

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