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What Are The Dangers Of Being On Distracted Driving

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Cell Phones and Driving
Have you ever thought about the dangers of being on the phone while driving? Not everyone does, but there are many things that could go wrong. Texting is the worst thing of all when it comes to driving. The driver is too distracted by his or her phone to see the road and their surroundings. This is one of the many things that can cause a wreck.There are many things that are bad about driving while using a cell phone. Sure, it’s helpful, but all too often, somebody messes up and ends up injured as a result. Texting is the biggest problem, mostly because the driver must divert his or her attention away from the road and their surroundings and look at their phone, only to look up and have little to no reaction time. When you look at something, you can only see what is around the item or area you’re looking at clearly. As clear as everything around you may seem, it’s actually not. Your peripheral vision is what you see outside the image field. It’s much less focused than your main field of view and it can be much harder to drive using only your peripheral view. …show more content…
Visual distractions involve things you see or hear that are in your immediate vicinity, such as a cell phone, radio, passengers, etc..Your phone, which should be left on silent, and not be answered. Even hands free calls are dangerous as it can distract you by subconsciously making you think about whatever it may be you are talking about. You should always keep your eyes on the road, as well, and texting and driving does not allow this. You cannot see what goes on ahead of you, and this is a major

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