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What Are The Two Sides Of The Civil Rights Movement

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The first thing that comes to mind in the Civil Rights Movement in America is Martin Luther King, Jr. Delivering his “I have a dream” Speech in 1963 on Lincoln Memorial. He received the Nobel Peace Prize that following year securing his fame as a non-violent leader, the Mahatma Gandhi of America. But the movement was not all as innocuous as remembered. In the book “Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from 1950’s through 1980’s” By Henry Hampton & Steve Fayer one will understand the gravity and hardship that the African Americans have faced. By the 1955 African Americans had long endured humiliation, physical pain, social landscape of white hegemony in policies, and all forms of racial restrictions and violence. Many …show more content…
The non-violent, passive struggle against equality that everyone remembers, However their was another side, a very dark side of the African Americans where it was violent, and an aggressive war against equality.
Segregation, underpaid, unlawful labor, oppression, lynching, unjust treatment, driven out of communities, bullied, and living in broken down homes. These are some of the hardship that African Americans have faced. Nevertheless some believed that a non-violent approach was the right way but some had enough, and wanted their rights even if it meant to fight back. In 1966-1967 the “Black Panthers” were born, and demanded rights. This revolutionary organization was established to promote the idea of “Black Power” by defending blacks from violent oppressors but most importantly police brutality. Ever since the beginning the police did not fulfill there duty by not protect blacks, in 1955 one of

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