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What Factors Led To Ww1 Research Paper

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World War 1 was a massacre in which millions were lost at such young ages from the time of July 28th 1914 to November 11th 1918. There were three major factors that lead to the war which was Militarism which was the belief of having an army stronger and better than the rest, Nationalism was the love and high respect the people had for their country, and the alliances where countries grouped together to defeat other areas. Each played a significant role to achieving the spark to WW1.

Militarism was one of the largest factors, considering wars have everything to do with the military. Each country did their best to build strong armies by hard work and preparation so they were ready for whatever came their way. Since they made such an effort to build a useful army it was as if they were on a lookout to find a reason to use it. By doing so militaries believed that they needed to get into war to show that they were in fact sturdier and more advanced than others. This usually didn't work because their enemies were sometimes more prepared than they expected creating more chaos. …show more content…
Although this is alike militarism it differs in that it is not so much as fighting but proving themselves and showing their support of the military. By doing so it would show that they had a strong Country and that they were better than the rest. A strong example was total war, this was where everyone played a role in the war whether they were supporters, nurses, doctors, or actually in the military. The need for nationalism was always greatly wanted in towns because with everyone being supportive it helped everything go more smoothly in that no one wanted to turn

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