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What I Learned In A Class

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Anxiety, Adrenaline, and appreciation are some of the feelings I felt as I sat down to take my A+ certification test for the first time. It had been a long journey to prepare myself to take this test. The lessons I learned as I cracked open that book goes far more than the material I was reading. It wasn't an easy road but it was a road that I would travel 100 times over to continue learning lessons similar to those I learned then. I learned how to set goals and follow through on the goals I set leading to the accomplishment of them. I also learned to rely on myself and continue forward when I was ready to give up.
I remember sitting down to study for the A+ Certification, logging onto the website with my test materials, eager to start, thinking I was going to be able …show more content…
This was the first time that I was learning something official for my own personal development. Before, when I had taken a class or gone for a certification it was driven by school or by my parents. I had never done something where the main and sole purpose was for myself. I realized that I was going to be the only one to keep me going. I could slack off and have no immediate consequences. I realized I did not have to do this because in the eyes of anyone else it did not matter. I realized that I would need to learn discipline and hold myself to the standards I set when setting my goals and creating my study plan, which would lead to me passing my test. It was challenging. There were times that I wanted to give up. I wanted to move on to something else or move in another direction. But I had to remind myself why I was doing this. This for me wasn't just simply to get an A+ certification just because it sounded cool to get. For me it was to improve my skills and to provide a better life for myself now and for my family in the future. I learned that the key to self-reliance is to work for something. Have something in mind that you want to

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