...J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2005) 7:1–7 DOI 10.1007/s10163-004-0119-9 © Springer-Verlag 2005 SPECIAL FEATURE: ORIGINAL ARTICLE Material Cycles and Waste Management is Asia (2) Chun-Chao Lin · Chun-hsu Lin What substances or objects should be recycled? The recycling legislative experience in Taiwan Received: October 1, 2004 / Accepted: October 10, 2004 Abstract The legislative framework of waste management in Taiwan has never been efficient, mainly due to unclear definitions and regulations. In 2002, this system was split into two parts by enacting a new law, the Resource Recycling and Re-use Act (RRRA). However, it then became more complicated and recycling effectiveness was impeded. The causes were mainly the unclear definitions, conflicts about the scope, and issues between the RRRA and the Waste Disposal Act (WDA). This article examines the recycling legislation experience in Taiwan, and proposes two modifications for resolving these problems. The first proposal is merging these two acts into one. The second proposed modification maintains a two-system structure but introduces a new subject, “discards,” into the law. The subject of discards is further categorized as “recyclable resources” or “waste,” which correspond to “recycling operations” and “disposal operations,” respectively. The new structures, interfaces, prerequisites, properties, and comparisons are also explained. Key words Waste · Recyclable resources · Discards · Definition Introduction Finding...
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...Chapter One 1.1 With what other terminology is systems analysis and design synonymous? Systems analysis and design is also known as information systems engineering, software engineering, systems engineering, software development, and systems development. 1.2 What activities and deliverables are included in analysis? Activities: systems planning, feasibility study (optional), requirements determination, user acceptance,and prototyping (optional). Deliverables: Requirements specification and prototype (optional). 1.3 What activities and deliverables are included in design and implementation? Activities: Physical design, prototyping (optional), software construction/purchase, user documentation, testing, training, user acceptance, conversion, and implementing the system. Deliverable: Information system. 1.4 Describe a system and the components of a systems model. A generic systems model consists of six components- inputs, processes, outputs, controls, feedback, and boundary. Using predetermined controls, a system accepts inputs at its boundary, processes them into outputs, and provides a feedback mechanism for taking any necessary corrective action. 1.5 What two key components distinguish an information system from an automated information system? Software and hardware. 1.6 How are data incorporated into an automated information system and what role does it play? Data are either input, stored, or output. As part of the information system,...
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...Introduction to Objects “We cut nature up, organize it into concepts, and ascribe significances as we do, largely because we are parties to an agreement that holds throughout our speech community and is codified in the patterns of our language … we cannot talk at all except by subscribing to the organization and classification of data which the agreement decrees.” Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941) The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine. The genesis of our programming languages thus tends to look like that machine. But computers are not so much machines as they are mind amplification tools (“bicycles for the mind,” as Steve Jobs is fond of saying) and a different kind of expressive medium. As a result, the tools are beginning to look less like machines and more like parts of our minds, and also like other forms of expression such as writing, painting, sculpture, animation, and filmmaking. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is part of this movement toward using the computer as an expressive medium. This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of OOP, including an overview of development methods. This chapter, and this book, assumes that you have some programming experience, although not necessarily in C. If you think you need more preparation in programming before tackling this book, you should work through the Thinking in C multimedia seminar, downloadable from www.MindView.net. This chapter is background and supplementary material. Many people...
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... What is the difference between procedural and object-oriented programs?- a) In procedural program, programming logic follows certain procedures and the instructions are executed one after another. In OOP program, unit of program is object, which is nothing but combination of data and code. b) In procedural program, data is exposed to the whole program whereas in OOPs program, it is accessible with in the object and which in turn assures the security of the code. 2. What are Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism?- Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and data it manipulates and keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse. Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object. Polymorphism is the feature that allows one interface to be used for general class actions. 3. What is the difference between Assignment and Initialization?- Assignment can be done as many times as desired whereas initialization can be done only once. 4. What is OOPs?- Object oriented programming organizes a program around its data, i. e. , objects and a set of well defined interfaces to that data. An object-oriented program can be characterized as data controlling 5. access to code. What are Class, Constructor and Primitive data types?- Class is a template for multiple objects with similar features and it is a blue print for objects. It defines a type of object according to the data the object can...
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...Define and describe traditional, structured analysis & design, information modeling, and object-oriented methodology classifications. 3. Define and describe a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD). 4. Define and describe attributes, operations and relationships in an object-oriented methodology. 5. Define and describe the foundational characteristics of an object-oriented methodology. 6. Describe two classic information systems development challenges and their potential resolution. 7. Discuss Classification Theory and its relationship with object-oriented methodologies. 8. Describe Rational Corporation's Unified Software Development Process. 9. Define parallelism, substitution and omission. 10. Describe the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and describe Use Case, Class Diagram and Interaction Diagram. 11. Describe a simplistic object-oriented methodology for applying and using the UML. 12. Describe the foundational characteristics of the UML’s Class Diagram DESIGN A generic systems development life cycle (SDLC) was presented in an earlier chapter. You may recall that the purpose for this version of a SDLC was to give you a simplified way of sequentially studying the activities that are utilized to produce software-intensive information systems. In reality the SDLC for such systems is as diverse and variable as the organizations that create these systems. What is common is that all organizations follow some SDLC for the creation, maintenance and...
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...Humanists claims that the meaning of a thing is inherent in the thing itself, and that language simply labels what already exists. Poststructuralists, on the other hand, argue that naming is constitutive. Critically analyze these competing perspectives and the arguments that are made in support of them. Humanism is essentially a belief system that is dictated by the way in which humans themselves, react, produce, and perform things. It is “the basic value system of humans…providing the fact that humanism is a human-centered system of meaning making”(Fuery & Mansfield, 2000; 209). In reference to the proposed argument, a humanist would see an object as a production of the human, and the language associated with that object is merely for convenience sake, to reiterate what said object is. This argument is reaffirmed by the concept of the existential self. This provides us with the view that we are separate and distinguishable from other objects and other people, which in turn suggests that whilst we interact with other humans and objects we are able to distinguish what and whom we are interacting with based on our own personal human development. “Humanisms are based on creating a system of meaning with man as its centre.”( R.Baltmann, 1982. P174) This is of course ‘man’ in the most general sense, as a collective. In order for people to gain meaning from such individualistic societies generalisations need to be made. It is impossible for a society to create an easily understandable...
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...P.J. Hutzler Ancient Philosophy Dr. Mahoney Aristotle: De Anima The Potential the Know the World Aristotle, throughout his work in De Anima, tries to explain how we perceive and know objects external to us—not within the confines of our body. Aristotle continuously debates the process of perceiving an object with the use of the five senses, and how we understand the object past its’ simple form and gain knowledge of its function. Aristotle is saying that there is a connection between our consciousness and the external object in question, and this is how we understand and know the external object. To understand an object, Aristotle says there is two critical parts of our soul that are separate but combined help us know the object: the perceptive and the intellective (428b30). We use our perceptive power to understand the material and the form of an object, but our intellect is what helps us really know the object and its function. Aristotle devotes a great deal of De Anima to discussing the perceptive power, and its dependence on a bodily form. Aristotle says that we use the five senses to perceive objects; it is not just one perceptive tool such as the eye, but the whole body. “What is true of a part must, indeed, be understood with reference to the whole of a living thing’s body, since the part of perception bears the same relationship to its bodily part as the whole perception bears to the whole body insofar as it is a perceptive body” (412 b20). According to Aristotle...
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...AS Philosophy Revision Pack Key topics Epistemology | Philosophy of religion | Perception | The concept of God | The definition of knowledge | Arguments for and against God’s existence | Where do our ideas and knowledge come from? | Religious language | Key info Exam date: Time: Revision sessions: Revision tasks * Make a revision timetable * Create revision topic summaries * Create flash cards * Test yourself – complete practice questions * Create 15 mark plans * Attend revision sessions Don’t leave it until the last minute…start NOW HOW TO REVISE Before you start revising * Make sure you have all your notes in order * Create a revision timetable - follow this link and sign up to help you do this. http://getrevising.co.uk/ The 10 step revision process 1. Pick a topic to revise (e.g. innate knowledge) 2. Read through your notes on that topic and summarise it onto one side of A4 3. Now summarise onto a revision card (about a quarter of an A4 piece of paper) 4. Now take a piece of A4 and begin writing everything you can remember about the topic. 5. Look back over your notes and write down all you missed out in a different colour. 6. Keep repeating the process until you are able to write down everything from that topic. 7. Now look at an exam question. 8. Complete a plan (5-10 mins) 9. Complete the timed essay in 30 mins / 15 min depending. 10. Hand...
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...turning radius of a car is 36 ft. What will be the distance in meters? 10.97 meters 2. What is the sum of 1370 cm, 1575 mm, and 8.63 m in meters? 23.91 meters 3. The cross-sectional area of a hole is 725 cm2. Given that the area of a circle is A = πr2, find the radius of the hole. 15.19 cm 4. what will be the value of x? x=+ or – (sqrt 3-8y)/2 sqrt y 5. Milwaukee is 121 mi (air miles) due west of Grand Rapids. Maria drives 255 mi in 4.75 h from Grand Rapids to Milwaukee around Lake Michigan. Find: a. Her average driving speed = 47.37 mph b. Her average travel velocity = 76.21 kh/h 6. A rock is thrown down with an initial speed of 10.0 m/s from a bridge in the water. It takes 2.75 s for the rock to hit the water. a. Find the speed of the rock as it hits the water = 36.99 m/s b. How high is the bridge above the water? = 101.7 meters or 333.7 ft 7. What are the characteristics of an object in a state of free fall with respect to its speed and acceleration? Objects in freefall accelerate at 32.2 ft/s squared or at a constant acceleration. 8. An archer needs to hit a bull’s eye on a target at eye level of 60.0 ft away. If the archer fires the arrow from the eye level with a speed of 47.0 ft/s at an angle of 25.0 degrees above the horizontal, will the arrow hit the target? No 9. What is inertia? Discuss which object among the following sets has more inertia and why: a. A more massive object or a less massive object = the more massive object has the most inertia, as is mass...
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...What is the difference between an object and a class? ->Classes and objects are separate but related concepts. Every object belongs to a class and every class contains one or more related objects. ?A Class is static. All of the attributes of a class are fixed before, during, and after the execution of a program. The attributes of a class don't change. ?The class to which an object belongs is also (usually) static. If a particular object belongs to a certain class at the time that it is created then it almost certainly will still belong to that class right up until the time that it is destroyed. ?An Object on the other hand has a limited lifespan. Objects are created and eventually destroyed. Also during that lifetime, the attributes of the object may undergo significant change. class and object for same related methods class is nothing but same related to variable to methods. eg car is a class maruti santro bolero this is on object A Class is a template. An object is an instance of class. Every data member of an object contains its own value, where as Class only declares the data members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the difference between class and structure? ->Structure: Initially (in C) a structure was used to bundle different type of data types together to perform a particular functionality. But C++ extended the structure to contain functions also. The major difference is that all...
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...1. How the Encapsulation is different from Abstraction? I think both are used to hide the unnecessary details? Then how they are different? Ans. Yes, Both Encapsulation and Abstraction do the same thing but with few differences. Encapsulation mainly encapsulates the object and so hides the details as well as it binds the data. So Encapsulation = Hiding + Binding the data How it hides the data? Real-time Example? Take the example of n-Tier application where we have an additional layer called Business Objects. This layer contains all the entities with their properties. Take an entity name: Employee. This Employee will have the class name "EmployeeBO.cs" and contains the public properties like EmpId, EmpName, Sal ets EmployeeBO.cs So this is the presentation of one property in the Business object class. Now wherever we want this attribute, We just need to create the object of this class and set/get the value of EmpId as: // set the EmpId EmployeeBo objEmployeeBO = new EmployeeBO(); objEmployeeBO.EmpId = 101; // get the EmpId int empId = objEmployeeBO.EmpID; Now the question is where its setting or getting the value? EmpId is the public property in the EmployeeBO class and contain no value. Only _empId contains the value which is private and so it is not accessible. So binding of the data happens to the EmpId through _empID and hiding happends through _empId which is private. The Data is accessed through the Public property while the actual data is...
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...Colter Rohm, Steven Py 09/06/2015 Business 110 B Dr. Rich Module B A. Suppose you are a project manager using a waterfall development–based methodology on a large and complex project. Your manager has just read the latest article in Computerworld that advocates replacing this methodology with prototyping and comes to you requesting that you switch. What would you say? A: We would say no. I think it is best if the project manager to keep using the waterfall methodology. The project is said to be large and complex. The prototype methodology is more favorable to smaller scale projects because you will create and get your prototype reviewed by decision makers countless of times before you get the pass for the project. Waterfall methodology is a long process but we think it will be better than switching to prototyping because it is new and we do not have much experience with it. B. The basic types of methodologies discussed in this chapter can be combined and integrated to form new hybrid methodologies. Suppose you were to combine throwaway prototyping with the use of waterfall development. What would the methodology look like? Draw a picture (similar to those in Figures 1–2 through 1–7). How would this new methodology compare to the others? A: Attached on end of this Module. C. Look on the web for different kinds of job opportunities that are available for people who want analyst positions? Compare and contrast the skills that the ads ask for to the skills that...
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...This simulation allows us to change different features: object and its mass, the angle of the ramp, the frictional characteristic of the ramp surface, etc. Part A) Learning a bit about the simulation. First off, when you open the simulation you get a screen like this: There is a graph below and some controls on the right. This simulation includes lots of details we aren't really ready to study yet: work and energy. However, it can show us forces and we are ready to study the properties of how forces can be diagrammed on incline planes. Choose There is a control on the right that allows us to change the object and the coefficient of friction. Each object has a different mass. This mass is used to find the weight of the object (W = mg). Remember that this coefficient of friction is symbolized by mu (Jl). It represents the texture of the surface. A bigger mu means more friction; a smaller mu means less friction. Clicking under that and we can turn off the friction. Often there are incline plane problems where we neglect or ignore friction. We can turn this off and on by clicking this off and on. Position File Cabinet 100 kg, . , 0.3 = ~PimlO ' " 225 IJ =0.4 p=OJ' This next control is helpful. It moves your object along the ramp. Move your object to -6 and see where the object is moved to. Look at what happens to your forces. Explain: htlO'\!\tU.I 1AtGt<,M: What happens to the direction of your normal force? What happened to the frictional force? til\s0
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...can encompass an objects complete description, such as what it's made of, what it looks like, what made it and its purpose. The Causation theory is the basis for much of Aristotle's work, including Physics, Metaphysics, and The Politics. They clearly define Aristotle's way of studying the world around him, which is empirical and observant of what we can see and know; a trait completely different to what Plato taught. The Final Cause differs greatly from the others because it describes something's ultimate purpose, not just a material viewpoint, and God (or the Prime Mover) has to be our Final Cause as he alone is perfection, and everything good that we do is to seek perfection. The first three causes are the Material Cause, the Formal Cause and the Efficient Cause. The Material Cause is what something is made of, and without the material to make the object, the object could not exist. This essay is made up of words, but without words the essay would cease to exist. The Formal Cause is what the shape of an object is, or perhaps the structure of the object that makes it what it is. Without its shape it is just the material that has potential to be an object. This essay is in the shape of an essay; it has a title, is structured in paragraphs, and the sentences make sense and are relevant to the question being asked. If this essay was just a completely random combination of letters or words it would not be an essay, it would be gibberish. The Efficient cause is what brought about...
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...Physics. PH2530 Exercise1.1 Gus Perez 1.-The turning radius of a car is 36 ft. What will be the distance in meters? We got 1ft = 0.3048 m. So we solve it like, Distance = 36 ft. x (0.3048 m. / 1 ft.) = 10.9728 m. is the answer. 2. What is the sum of 1370 cm, 1575 mm, and 8.63 m in meters? (Hint: Refer to section 1.9 in the textbook.). We convert everything to meters. We know that 1m = 100 cm and 1cm = 10 mm. so we got, 1370 cm = 13.7 m and 1575mm = 1.575 m, so we add up the 3 values; Distance = 13.7 + 1.575 + 8.63 = 23.905 m. 3. The cross-sectional area of a hole is 725 cm2. Given that the area of a circle is A = πr2, find the radius of the hole. (Hint: Use the problem-solving method described in section 2.3 of the textbook.). When solving for the radius r, we get; r=A√π We got A=725 and π=3.1416. So the answer is r = 15.19cm. 4. If 4y = (3) / (x² + 2), what will be the value x? For this problem, we solve for x from the equation. x² + 2 = 3 / 4y x² = (3/4y) - 2 and the value for x is the square root of (3/4y) - 2; x=√[(34y)-2] 5. Milwaukee is 121 mi (air miles) due west of Grand Rapids. Maria drives 255 mi in 4.75 h from Grand Rapids to Milwaukee around Lake Michigan. Find: Given d = 255 mi and t = 4.75 h. a. Her average driving speed. The average speed is v = d/t = 255mi / 4.75 h = 53.634 mi/h b. Her average travel velocity. Her average velocity is 53.634 mi/h from Grand Rapids to Milwaukee around Lake Michigan. 6. A rock is thrown down with an initial speed of 10.0 m/s...
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