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What Is Pseudonymous Bosch

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I have been reading a series of books called the Secret Series and the author is Pseudonymous Bosch. This book is a fictional story about two young kids, one named Cassandra but for short she likes to be called Cass. The other is named Max Ernest. Each of them has their own unique types of personalities. First, I'm going to talk about Cass. She is a very smart girl, who has an unhealthy obsession with survivalist objects. At all times, she has a backpack filled from top to bottom with survivalist gear and textbooks (for school). She has flashlights, extra batteries, trail mix, poncho, matches, and all of the other stuff that you can think of. Max Ernest is probably one of the most obnoxious kids that you will ever meet, but he can be really sweet sometimes. He has a huge problem with talking to people, not like the filler words that people use like um and uh, but it's a kind of problem where he can’t stop talking if he gets into a conversation.
There is an adventure that they …show more content…
At the end of every single chapter, there is some type of cliffhanger that makes you want to read even more than you are supposed to. I mentioned that earlier in the other paragraph, that I couldn't stop reading the book because it had so many exciting parts. It Even has cliffhangers in the first chapters of the book! I absolutely love this author and the way he writes because it boosts my spirit and lots of my dopamine. The way he writes the hooks and cliffhangers and his choice of words are nerve racking in a good way. Pseudonymous Bosch’s chapter names tell you quotes instead of regular chapter names because he wants you to figure out what different types of things are going to happen next. For example, one of the names of the chapters is “I've changed my mind”. I picked that quote because it makes people want to read the book because it sounds like a “huge turn around” and a great looking chapter (It

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