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What Role Do Yams Play In Igbo

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When it comes to agriculture, Anyanwu, Aha njoku, and Ikoro all play major roles.
These gods are prayed to by everyone and hope fills the village that the gods would listen and answer the prayers for a good crop season. Farming plays a big role in the Igbo community. It represents masculinity as well as a social and financial status making it highly looked upon by their culture. The main crop to be farmed was yams for they used to give a denote financial status. The amount of yams produced by a single person shows off how powerful and resourceful they were. In hopes to produce more yams, the Igbo would sacrifice chickens to Ifejioku, the god of yams (Igbo). Yams played such a major role that if even one season were to be bad, an entire family’s

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