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Who Is Watching You


Submitted By jyarde
Words 1058
Pages 5
Michael Jackson is a well known American pop performer, that was influential when it came to his music and loved when it came to his caring persona. Through his career he had sold seven-hundred and fifty million records worldwide and also released thirteen number one singles while being one out of only a few artists who were inducted twice into the Rock and Roll hall of fame ( Michael, known as the “King of Pop” cut his music career short because of his unexpected death. He had passed away on June 25, 2009. Being only fifty years old when he died left everyone in shock. His cause of death is questionable yet an autopsy says that drugs were involved.
The world of music has lost an amazing artist, but was lucky enough to keep his influential songs afloat even after he was gone. One song that the “King of Pop” has left us with was one of the biggest radio hits of the 1900’s, Black or White ( This very opinionated song starts off with a fast up-tempo beat, which is used to catch a listener's attention. Instruments such as an electric bass, guitar, drums and a keyboard chime in to create a positive vibe people should feel when listening to the song. Throughout the whole song the beat is catchy and is one of those song where you feel like you have to get up and dance. With an amazing beat and an even better voice singing the lyrics, it makes it hard for listeners to pay attention to the message behind the song.
The Song is called “Black or White” for a very good reason. The title explains exactly what the song is about, which is black and white people. Although, it’s not about being black or white per say, it’s about being any race you can possibly think of and being a different color from the person besides you. This song skims over a problem that all ethnicities face and are still facing, racism. His lyrics describe his opinion on racism and how they affect him while also affecting the world around him.
The lyrics starting off the song wouldn’t make you think of much, although as the song goes on it slowly begins to portray a message. “But if you’re thinking about my baby, it don’t matter if you’re black or white”. That certain line doesn’t have a deeper meaning than what it’s saying. However the line starts to get listeners thinking about the message within the song. Right after those lyrics comes one line that begins a deeper train of thinking. “ They printed my message in the Saturday Sun, I had to tell them, I ain’t second to none”. This line might be confusing to most, but what I got out of it was that he shouldn’t be looked at as a person of color. He is no one, but a person with equal rights.
Soon after that line Michael wrote “ I told you about equality, an it’s true, either you’re wrong or you’re right”. He states his opinion about equality with a mindset of not being the only person right about this issue. Michael is saying that if you have an opinion about equality don’t be afraid to share it with others, because there is no right or wrong answer. A little bit later in the song, Jackson sings” I’m tired of this devil, i’m tired of this stuff, i’m tired of this business.” He describes the issue, racism, as the devil because it’s a big issue that shouldn’t be ignored. Comparing the devil to racism is showing just how big the political issue is every where in the world. Think about it, when you hear the word “devil” it should make you clench your jaw while sending goose bumps down your spine. This is the reaction he wants people to get while thinking about racism. Then he continues and says “I’m tired of this stuff”. That line is a little less dramatic than comparing racism to the devil. This is because the issue has been going on for years and it will always continue to be an issue, so he says that line almost as if he’s just irritated of the matter. As if he’s just saying “Can’t this issue just stop already?”
Jackson then says “ So when the going gets rough I ain’t scared of your brother, I ain’t scared of no sheets, I ain’t scared of nobody girl, when the goin’ gets mean”. In that verse he explains that even once the “going gets rough” he’s not one to back down. He will not back down for anybody. He will be courageous while going up against his girlfriends brother, or up against the “sheets”. When he says sheets Jackson is referring to the “KKK”. As he is an African american man he’s not afraid of the sheets that once tormented his ancestors. He will not let another ethnicity affect him in a negative way. This gives meaning to the whole song, Influencing people or all races to rise up and be better.
Jackson’s lyrics then start to talk about current issues. Writing, “Protection for gangs, clubs, and Nations causing grief in human relations”. For those who don’t have much knowledge about gangs, this is a line that speaks the complete truth. Gangs and clubs are out in the world ruining families. People being murdered by gangs or gang members murdering other gang members. And as more people die gangs start to recruit others to be apart of their corrupted lives. This is a never ending cycle just like racism. He then says, “It’s a turf war on a global scale, I’d rather hear both sides of the tale.” Why does Michael use the word “turf” to explain a war? I believe it is because at this day and age people will relate to more of a hip version of english. So as he says “it’s a turf war”, he means it’s a war of races and land. The army goes to war to protect their people and their land, just as gangs stand their ground to protect their members and their turf. immediately after explaining a war of races, land, or turf, Michael says “I’d rather hear both sides of the tale”.

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