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Why Do I Pursue This Major?

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As I approached my senior year and began to schedule classes, I was already confident of my desired career path: I wanted to be a pastor. My future goals led me to question the classes I had decided to take during my senior year. Surely I would not need to complete AP Calculus in order to acquire a degree in Christian Ministries. I considered scheduling an easier math class to fulfill the minimum requirements for the Academic Honors Diploma; however, after thoughtfully considering my choices, I decided to take Calculus. But why? Why would I decide to take a three-trimester class that I did not even need for my desired major? The answer is fairly simple, and it lies within the traits I have displayed throughout my life: I love learning, I am self-motivated, and I believe the pursuit of knowledge is a paramount part of God's plan for my life. These aspects will continue to motivate me to succeed in my studies as a "free will" student. …show more content…
Throughout my life, I have always been the type of person to completely immerse myself in a topic in order to gain knowledge about it. In elementary school, I was fascinated with different types of dog breeds, so I studied each type and their characteristics until my parents were convinced that I was likely capable of breeding them myself. Early in high school, I became absorbed in learning about the origins of the universe and the different theories to explain this phenomenon, which led to countless hours of reading and study. Another constant object of my absorption, and therefore my learning, has been the Bible. Above all else, the Bible has been the one topic that has continued to maintain my enthrallment. Fortunately, I will be able to continue my studies of the Bible throughout college and throughout my life as a part of my

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