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Why I Chose High School

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Why is it that seniors in high school are expected to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives? As misunderstood as that may be, I am proud to say that I know what I want to pursue—what a contradiction. Ever since the beginning of high school, I was told to find what I love to do and make a career out of it. In the process of finding myself throughout the past years, I realized just how much I actually focus on my wardrobe, and how exciting it is to hear about fashion. As a result, I wish to attend a fashion based college to earn a bachelor's degree, and have a success career in fashion styling. I believe I have the talent and motivation to get the most out of a great education. Succeeding tremendously in college is a must, so that I can perform at the best of my ability in my future career. …show more content…
One of my general goals in life is to gain superior knowledge of fashion itself. I want to explore different designers, textiles, also enhance my own style as much as possible. There is always room for improvement that will perfect my performance in the workplace in the future. I also have long term career goals of working for a celebrity. When it comes to working with others, I am very efficient and productive. These are very important traits to carry into the workplace, especially when you are working for a busy and an always on the go celebrity. In my opinion, one major key to a successful career is your connections. I am hoping to meet some very important people that will contribute to the prospering of my future career. Since this is only the beginning, my goal is for my aspirations, dreams, and everything I would like to pursue to remain

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