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Why Do Sea World Use Orca Whales?

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Day after day, people line up in front of SeaWorld, purchasing tickets for their famous marine shows that star different animals. From dolphins, to seals, to the majestic orca whales, these creatures entertain various crowds every year. Flipping through the air and allowing trainers to ride on them are just some of the skills that bring smiles on the faces of their fans. Pure happiness radiates from these events, causing more and more ticket sales. There is something about orca whales. Their size is unbelievable, considering that they can be as big as school buses. They are filled with force and power, but still agile enough to fly through the air. This creature’s beauty exists in their shiny black and white exterior, almost like they are dressed in a tuxedo. But beyond with their physical features, is an animal that is incredibly intelligent, full of humor and constantly plying. Orca whales are one of the world’s most social animals. So why wouldn’t one not want to see these beautiful creatures on display? That’s an easy answer…because Sea World has been extorting these animals for years. …show more content…
In 1970, more than 90 orcas were stalked and herded into a three-acre net by deafening explosives, speedboats and airplanes at Puget Sound, a deep inlet of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Washington. Confined and desperate, the orcas futilely searched for a way out. Their frantic cries reverberated over the cove and were heard for miles. Orcas are attached to their families, so when the babies were taken from their family, the other orcas would swim around the nets while the babies attempted to break free. Young calves were torn from their mothers inside the pens using speedboats and nets. The helpless mothers could do nothing but watch their children be taken away. They would never see them

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