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Why Go to War


Submitted By nbhkyle
Words 619
Pages 3
English 4a
24 November, 15

Motivation Why do men and women go to war? This was one of the questions that stuck out to me during the Socratic seminar. It stuck out to me the most because no matter what reason I come up with, it wont be true for every person who dedicates their life to their country. Meaning that this entire essay would only be an opinion or theory based off of the information that I encountered and the way I interpret it. When I think of a reason people decided and will decide to go to war, I come up with so many different answers. All of which can be correct for hundreds but incorrect for hundreds more. Be that as it may, I decided that some people go to war for selfish reasons and some for unselfish reasons. The selfish section contains the men who go to war to get the monetary benefits, the physique of a soldier and for self-fulfillment. Self-fulfillment can be the thought of equality for women, or even the thought of fighting just to build a name like Achilles of the Iliad. Achilles had no opinion about why the world was fought; he just simply fought to be remembered. This is selfish to me because he signed himself up to take the lives of others just to fulfill his sought out legacy. It’s different if he felt strongly about the conflict and wanted to make a difference but in his case he could careless. Soldiers like Achilles disregard the lives that they destroy including the lives that they take away and even the lives that they leave at home such as family and friends just to be remembered as a hero. Knowing that they can possibly go to war and not return the same or even return at all; All for a legacy. On page 3 of, “Why Men Love War”, the author says “every war story is, in at least some crucial elements, false.” Men lie about their war stories in order to feel more masculine and legendary than the next man.

In some other cases, people go to war for some unselfish reasons such as to protect their country, because they were raised in a military background, and because they want to fight for what is right. Some of the soldiers don’t know why they are even fighting the people that they are trained to hate. Which makes them clueless and selfish in some cases as I explained earlier. However, there are those soldiers that know that America is fighting because they want to change something that is happening in another part of the world and they want to help America make that change. That is a unselfish reason to fight a war. Others fight in war because it is all they know. War was drilled into their brain throughout their lives so it is just natural to lay your life down for your country. The people that I’m not sure how to categorize are the ones that go to war to find themselves or because they have nowhere else to go. I feel as though they also may be selfsish reason but then again im just a civilian and whatever I say will always remain a theory unless I was to go to war myself to find out which according to this essay would be my own selfish reason. Even if I did go, the reason I find wouldn’t be accurate for everyone that goes to war, so then I am still stuck with the question: Why do men go to war? In conclude I simply say “I don’t know, ask them yourself”.

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