...interested in gun laws and why people always think that using guns are wrong, so I chose the topic “Law and Criminality”, I’m also interested in how can laws control over criminality and why people decide to be criminals. My main research question is “How do gun laws affect crime rates in a country?”. I chose this as a main research question is because guns are dangerous and I think that the countries that are illegal to guns shouldn't be illegal, so I have to investigate/discover more in this topic to know why some countries allow...
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...Gun control laws should not be strengthened, instead they should be enforced. Instead of making it harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain guns, guns should be taken away from unstable individuals or people who should not have guns like criminals. The first reason why gun control should not be strengthened is that citizens have the right to own guns; it is one of those entitlements that makes the United States different from other countries. Secondly, criminals are criminals and that is why they are called criminals, they don’t follow the law; basically if a criminal wants a gun they will get a gun, legally or not. My third reason is that guns are used for protection. Strengthening gun control laws will not prevent violence, guns aren’t the only tool used to hurt people, and people will use other objects to hurt people if they can’t have guns. Without a gun, murderers will still murder people whether they use a gun, knife, baseball bat, or any other object, it doesn’t matter. If not that many citizens have guns thanks to stronger gun laws, what if the government becomes tyrannical or does not protect the citizens’ rights? Well they won’t be able to do anything because they will be helpless, they can’t take out the leaders and fix the government. The second amendment states, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Adolf Hitler took away guns from the Jewish people during...
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... As he enters, the owner of the house sees him with a gun in his jacket. The owner then goes to the drawer and pulls a gun on the person. That person just saved her life. because she owned a gun. This could happen to anyone. Gun control is the regulation of the sale and use of rifles and handguns. An injustice is violation of another's rights or of what is right. This could be unjust because guns can save lives. Gun control is unjust and adjusting it accordingly can solve our nations most persistent and pressing problems. Gun control has been a rising conflict in the 2000’s. Some people say we should have it some say we shouldn’t. And there are those others who just want to change gun control a little bit. Gun control is an injustice because if people can have guns they can save lives. But not just any person should be able to get a gun. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Due to this assassination it increased public awareness which lead to the creation of increased and stricter gun control laws. People are entitled to own a gun. “The right to bear arms is stated in the 2nd amendment to the U.S. constitution. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” (Right to Bear Arms). In other words the constitution allows U.S. citizens to own firearms. So, if people are allowed to have guns then why are there gun control laws? “ The debate started shortly after November 22, 1963...
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...There are many reasons why we as U.S citizens should be allowed to purchase any form of weaponry that we choose. Some people are put in situations where they wish they would've had a form of protection, like a gun. With a higher caliber gun or more ammo capacity, guns provide a sense of self defense. Sometimes that can even be the difference between life and death. Not only should all guns be legal to buy, own and use, but they should be available to all people who have undergone thorough background checks. Guns can reassure safety to a person by making them feel inferior to the dangerous world around them. Some people need more than just a single to six shooter to be safe or feel safe and who are we as a nation to decide who can purchase...
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...Gun control now!!! Seventeen people lost their life and another seventeen injured in a school shooting on February 14th. Many of us know this as the Parkland Florida school shooting. Seventeen people, were talking kids, that can't go home and see their families and parents and can't tell them they love them one last time. We need better Gun control!!! Laws need to be more strict and specific. The Parkland Florida shooter was also a kid of nineteen years of age legally able to own a firearm. Why at such a young age, not even old enough to sit down and have a beer legally, can you own a weapon that can shoot 800 yards (8!!! Football fields!!!) and have 30 rounds and can shoot 90-120 rounds per minute, oh and don't forget its light weight also....
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...draft Gun control or people control? Society should be against a gun ban because people should be able to protect themselves. Why should honest, law-abiding citizens lose their rights and freedoms because there are people who violate laws? The failure to obey laws is here to stay. What we have to do is deal with those people on a separate basis, not take away the things they disobey the law with. A gun ban will only keep the 'good guys' from obtaining firearms. Bad guys will always have ways of getting weapons. New gun laws will not do much in stopping them. A gun is an inanimate object. It is a tool, just like a baseball bat, a knife, screwdriver, or hammer. Any of these are as dangerous as a gun; they all have the potential to kill. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. If a gun is sitting on a table it does nothing. It is not capable of committing a crime; until a person decides to pick it up and use it. You cannot blame and an inanimate object for any type of wrong doing. You have to blame the user. Without someone controlling the item, it is not possible for it to do anything at all. If guns commit crimes, then pencils misspell words and spoons make people fat. There are a lot of falsities said about guns. Most of them are derived from fear of the unknown. There are a lot of people that talk about gun control, yet have never owned a gun and know nothing about guns. One of falsities is the gun show loophole. Just like going into a shop to purchase a gun, the dealer...
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...Gun Control In America As most people know Barack Obama and many political officials are working on laws that prevent people from having the right to own a firearm. The reason I want to talk about this topic is because I do not feel the same way as others about the gun control laws. I believe that American citizens should have the right to own a firearm due to the crime that we have in America. Although weapons are not always the right choice many people feel the need to have a gun in their homes for their own protection. At the same time I believe that we should all have the write to bare arms, I also believe that there should be a well controlled process in order to keep weapons out of the hands of those that are unstable or criminals and who would use these weapons on the people as a whole to cause undo danger and inflict harm. It is never a good start to your day to turn on the TV or radio only to discover that there has been another school shooting were innocent children have been targeted. Turn on the nightly news; you are sure to hear about home invasions, carjacking and stores being robbed. For those of us who work hard to get where we are and are upstanding citizens, we should have the right to protect our selves from those who believe that they are better than the average person and that they are owed something. I believe that guns in the hands of properly trained individuals would drastically reduce the violence inflicted on unsuspecting citizens...
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...the number of guns a person can buy, and stopping the sales of semi-automatic weapons. He is also trying to enact laws limiting the amount of ammunition any one person is allowed to have, and has also supported the all-out ban of handguns, which is a clear violation of the right to bear arms as protected by the 2nd Amendment. The president and other politicians are trying to limit everyone’s access to guns in an effort to control us even more. The bottom line is we have a constitutionally given right to bear arms. There is no reason that it should be completely revoked from law abiding citizens who are not the ones performing the gun crimes that most anti-gun organization are angry about. Limiting the access of weapons to people who are at a high risk of using a gun to commit a crime is obviously a good idea, but the problem with these laws are that anyone willing to perform a gun crime is obviously willing to break the laws to obtain these guns. The use of a gun is probably the most effective and universal way you can possibly defend yourself from literally any attack, robbery, or intrusion. If every woman that has ever been raped or mugged carried a firearm, there wouldn’t even be rapists; or if every convenience store worker or bank teller had one, there would be no more robberies. Each year there are approximately 2.2 to 2.5 million defensive uses of guns of all different types by civilians against other people (Gertz, 1995). This statistic alone should really be enough...
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...You’re in your house and you hear something downstairs you go to see and it’s a man with a gun. What do you do? That's why having guns be illegal is bad. We can't defend ourselves against other people that are going to break the law. Lee says that “Sales of guns by individuals who are not licensed firearms dealers; such transactions are sometimes exempt from gun control regulations such as required background checks” This just shows that if you are going to make people not allowed to have a gun then the people that are already breaking the law are just going to break another law and get a gun. By making guns illegal you are just making it easier for criminals to steal things. Another reason why guns shouldn’t be illegal is that it’s unconstitutional....
Words: 339 - Pages: 2
...Today in the media we hear a lot about guns, especially if a tragic event was caused by guns. All of these events start a debate about the rights to bear arms. It's a subject that has become increasingly heated among citizens and the government a like. One problem solver that is discussed by some americans is gun control, but gun control is not the best solution to stop these tragic incidents from happening. There are many people in the united States that have guns and, taking guns away will frighten millions. There will still be illegal guns in the hand of criminals. Instead we should fix the background check system that provides guns to people that should not have them. Guns are here to stay, and will probably never go away. Burrus from...
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...Student’s name Professor’s name Course number Date Gun Control: Stricter Gun Control Laws The United States has fallen victim of crimes that heavily involves firearms and ammunitions. As a result, firearm control in the United States of America has happened to be a disputable issue over recent years, particularly in light of the late occasions of the Sandy Hook Elementary school, Northern Arizona University, Texas Southern University, and other numerous shooting incidents in American institutions. Gun control policies consist of laws and regulations that prevent citizens from owning illegal firearms (Carroll, 86). Also, the policies and regulations presented in the Gun Control Laws spreads it effects to the American citizens that manufacture, transport, possess, modify, and use any firearm. Some of the laws have very strict boundaries and limits on gun usage and possession. Some oppositions debate that the gun control policies do not provide protection to innocent civilians or the public. The pervasive gun ownership only increases the number of gun-related incidents in the United States of America. Opponents of the gun control law maintain an argument that the policies and regulations present in the gun control laws do not reduce crimes such as murder, suicide, and injuries that are related to illegal ownership of guns and ammunitions. Additionally, other oppositions argue that the regulations and policies in the gun control laws have a tendency to violate rights of individuals...
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...usually murder , robbery, rape and thefts can be explained for many causes. By interviewing a Philadelphia resident , it can be seen that easy access to gun , poverty , alcohol and illegal drug use are the causes of crimes. One the main causes of crime in Philadelphia is the easiness to access to gun. People with access to gun are usually more exposed to commit a crime. The lifestyle in Philadelphia can't be described without talking about its gun culture. People carry almost carry guns everywhere. They carry them on the streets, some students bring them at schools, others bring them at work. As the results , they randomly and easily use their guns when their is the fight . It’s very common in the "1 Philadelphia news that someone has been shot. You cant watch the news without seeing a person got shot. Even tough you need an authorization to carry gun , a lot of people have illegally a gun. They get gun from the corrupt stores , which are licensed to sell guns. Criminals in Philly purchase gun anonymously. They get someone purchase it on their behalf. According to one of my co-workers, Anna Dey, a 27 years old , who I interviewed the high rate of crime in Philadelphia is due to illegal transactions to have a gun. Thats why almost everybody has a gun. According to ‘’U.S centers for decease control and prevention’’ , in 2010, 325 of deaths was occurred by using a...
Words: 594 - Pages: 3
...Anonymous Professor Writing 201 6 August 2015 Gun Control It Now “Here’s your gun sir, with a side of no strings attached. Enjoy!” Throughout history, weapons , such as guns , were designed to protect and kill. Whether it was an issue over love, property, or even war, weapons were a necessary means if there was a disagreement. However, times have changed and guns have become dangerous and deadly weapons often used for no purpose at all, other than to harm innocent individuals. Although there are gun restrictions in California; an individual must complete a safety and handling course, be a legal citizen of the United States, and pass a thorough background check; including a fingerprint check. On occasion, it is still possible to obtain an illegal weapon through the black market; therefore, it is easy to buy an unregistered and untraceable gun, which can lead to detrimental effects. The Constitution is the foundation for laws and social norms for the United States. In the second amendment, it states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Nevertheless, the Constitution can be interpreted in many different ways. Although the Constitution permits the “right to bear Arms” a certain level of control is necessary in order to keep peace and stray away from anarchy and chaos. Unfortunately, it has become very easy for people to obtain weapons of mass destruction and preventative...
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...Gun Control, An Idea That’s Time Has Come As a Criminal Justice student I lean toward the gun control side of the current debate. In his Federalist Papers James Madison said, “Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms” (Raymond). Madison may be right about our citizens having more rights than those in other countries, but our government places too much trust in the American people. If you take away privately owned guns, it does not solve anything because doing so would consequentially create a communist or police state. Instead of taking away the guns, a better solution is to control who buys guns and for what purpose they should be used. Opponents of gun control may say that a seven-day waiting period before being able to buy a gun does nothing to help fight or prevent crime or to save lives, it is needed to keep more people from dying, to keep people from being robbed, and to keep guns out of the hands of known criminals. There are over 283 million licensed guns in the U.S. (Herbert 1), and that does not include unregistered and illegal weapons that people own, sell to and buy from unlicensed or criminal sources. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution grants Americans the right to “bear arms,” but when they kill innocent people or even themselves, should all Americans have that right? More than 50% of U.S. homes own one or more guns (White 1). The question...
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...Imagine somebody breaks into your house with a gun and you can’t purchase one due to gun control laws being overly excessive. What are you going to do to protect yourself and your family? Are you going to try to escape or fight back? Are you going to hide? These are only a small amount of the questions you have to ask yourself before you support gun control. Gun control takes away from the rights of people like past felons and other people who have faced criminal charges but have been rehabilitated and taken from people who practice the sport of hunting.That is why we don't need as many gun control laws as we already do as it takes away the basic human right to defend yourself from tyrannical government and other threats. Gun control and gun...
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