...10/9/2015 3:00 I have stay at America two years, but this weekend is most wonderful weekend i have even been experience. why? because when i graduate from the high school, we have been 2 years to have not to visit or high school classmates. and before this time we discuss many times we need meet each other in America. but every times our appoint becomes bubble. however, this times we let it become true. and we meet each others at Chicago. and also it my first time to go to the Chicago. two years we have not meet each others, when we meet at the Chicago. in that moment we cry ,we scream, we hug. everything in that moment becomes sweet than everything. but we do not have too much times to stay at Chicago. because we still need come back to have school. this essay should be due one Monday but we miss the plan on Sunday. so we stay at Chicago one more days. i hope my teacher can forgive me this times and i premise i won’t let it happen again.the first impression of the the Chicago is how big city it is. but for me i like corvallis more than Chicago. the reason why i love Corvallis more than Chicago is because corvallis more peaceful safety and quietness. but at Chicago you can find everything which you want it. in that two days we go to the willis tower and the six flags. those two place are very beautiful, but for me i think the six flags is suit to me. yeah, i know my friends they all laugh at me. but their maybe a child in my heart and i do not want it run away...
Words: 365 - Pages: 2
...to find the correct target market for the product. Another critical point of this essay will be to create and develop a marketing budget designed to ensure that Vitamin Water is advertised in a financial fashion that supports healthy product growth and sales and at the same time does not hurt the company financially. Once the target market and characteristics of the target market have been identified and analyzed, and a correct budget has been formulated for Coke’s Vitamin Water the complete target market should be known and Coke will then be able to market their water to the right consumers. One fact that is becoming more and more evident about enhanced water drinks is that they are not cheap by any means. At a local grocery store you can purchase classic sports drinks like Gatorade for less than a dollar, but any vitamin enriched water such as Coke’s Vitamin Water or Pepsi’s Life Water will cost an everyday consumer almost two dollars. In today’s economy it would make sense for consumers who are more financially conscious to purchase the cheaper sports drinks than the higher dollar Vitamin Water, but that simply is not the case. Consumers who are purchasing these enhanced waters are a part of the living healthier movement. Living healthier has been a major movement in America for a while now and any sort of product that promotes health awareness is consumer friendly for the most part. This is why Vitamin Water is experiencing so much success because it takes something that as...
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...Although I enjoyed all four of these essays, the essay that struck my interest the most was “The Dog Ate My Flash Drive, and Other Tales of Woe” by Carolyn Foster Segal. The professor truly attained the way most students think . American college students have become disinterested in schoolwork. Her essay was very pragmatic to most college students behavior. Generally, college students tend to make up the most insensible reasons of why they turn in homework and classwork late. Carolyn alludes to this in her exemplar “My best friend was up all night and I had to (a) stay up with her in the dorm…”(458) I’ve heard this excuses many times throughout my college and high school courses. I believe that if you set a goal you must do everything...
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...Essay We all see America as a big country where dreams can become reality, - The American Dream -, and in my opinion it is true. America has become a big destination for immigrants from Mexico, Spain, Africa etc. and in my opinion it is great because for a nation as big as America, it is important to have immigrants from different society to build an even greater society. The society as we know as America. Of course many people think it would be better to have one common culture, nationality or religion because then they might have the same habits, norms and the same sense in terms of policy, but I think they are wrong. I think they are wrong because in a country as big as America you will need many immigrants from different places for the influence of the culture and the people. The influence of immigrants is very good, because it is forming a strong society with a lot of different cultures, which means they get affected by each other in a positive way. The melting pot, also known as “the salad bowl”, is a synonym for a country build with a lot of different immigrants from different places, to build a strong society. Well we can definitely say that America is the melting pot, because of all the immigrants that have built such a strong and big country as America. It is not a surprise that there are many Immigrants in America, because America is a country where people, think that their dreams can become true and they want to secure their kids future. Most of the immigrants...
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...Scott Russell Sanders responds to an essay by Salman Rushdie, a writer who left his home country native India for England. Sanders explains through various tricolons, and hyperboles, why migration is not always a good thing. Sanders uses hyperboles to exaggerate the unknown fact that moving place to place, forcing cultures onto the next is not the pathway to success as Rushdie believes is. Sanders states “The habit of our industry and commerce has been to force identical schemes onto differing locals, as through the mind were a cookie-cutter and the land were dough.” By cookie cutter I think Sanders means forcing something to be what it is not, moving consistently you never have a chance of making a “durable home for yourself or your decedents.” You will never have any roots if you continue to move from place to place. Not enough respect goes into where we root ourselves as stated “when we cease to be migrants and become inhabitants, we might begin to pay enough heed and respect to where we are.” Sanders exaggerates that the one and only plus of migrating would be “to be a migrant is, perhaps, to be the only species of human being free of the shackles of nationalism.” He doesn’t mean...
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...Joseane Carlos ENC 1101 Out-of-Class Essay Date: 20, November 2015 Is Gender Discrimination Still a Problem in a Modern America? In the past century many changes have taken place in America because women had to fight hard to conquer the liberty that they have nowadays. It was a long and difficult struggle; women had to work hard to overcome many obstacles, to gain the right to work, have political participation, serve in the military, study, and accomplish many other goals that before were absolutely impossible. Looking back at history, there have been many issues about gender discrimination in America, and this has led many men and women to believe that discrimination against women is still a problem; however, women in America are free to accomplish everything they desire, and today women and men have the same privileges; they just do not choose to accomplish the same occupations. Most times, men and women have different considerations about their futures which leads them to build different career paths, and to be unequal at particular points; moreover, the manner that women and men are usually raised, their education, and their career choices, could make an enormous difference in their future; therefore, what occurs in a modern America is not discrimination. The choices that women and men make throughout their lives make them different from each other. Women have made enormous progress throughout the years; they have conquered many obstacles; however, many people...
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...In the essay, “An Indian Father’s Plea” by Robert Lake, Lake said, “When my wife asked why not, the other boy’s mother answered, ‘Because you are Indians and we are white, and I don’t want my kids growing up with your kind of people’” (Lake 92). The only reason to prevent two children from playing outside of school was based on the idea that the Indian culture could be bad or dangerous. The boy’s mother specifically emphasizes that the reason she is against their children being together is because of her belief that Indians and Whites don’t belong together. At some point in her life this mother’s mind was molded to believe that the cultural differences between Whites and Indians is enough to prevent interaction between them. This perspective she has developed is a reflection of her own culture that she was raised to believe, because I can assume she has been White for the majority of her life. However, culture can change; the way that we act, believe, and dress are always changing and adapting. When our culture changes, so does our perspective on other cultures. In an essay by Bharati...
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...Obesity is a real problem here in America. A problem that I can personally relate to due to my family’s history with this disease. How did we get here? It’s more complex than what I will show here in this essay, but I will give three main reason why the United States has such a struggle with weight and why more than 1/3 of our nation is facing obesity and 68% of Americans are overweight. The world as we know it today has become fast-paced and very competitive. The days of people working one job per family to make ends meet or to casually live, slowly developed into two people earning an income in a household just to survive. Sometimes it is the same person having more than one job. This fast-paced world and drive to stay competitive has exponentially pushed our society to levels of stress not seen in times past. It’s a common known fact that workplace stress is part of our everyday lives, but in today’s times where schedules of work and production is always under the microscope, it causes excessive stress and thus affects the physical health. Time is money, and so a person hits the ground running, starting the morning with several cups of Joe or the all too famous Red Bull or Monster that are loaded with sugar. If you are lucky, there is time to hit the drive thru and grab a #3 for the road. I remember as a kid growing up in rural Alabama where the life seemed to be like the Andy Griffin show. We sat down at the table with the family and enjoyed a nice healthy meal in the...
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...to deal with stress; both men and women. Anne-Marie Slaughter explains her struggles balancing her work and home life as a woman in her essay, “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All.” In his response, “Why Men Still Can’t Have it All,” Richard Dorment argues that men have it just as hard as women. Both make very valid points about each genders’ troubles based on their personal experiences, but they disagree on who has tougher lives. A main point of Slaughter’s article is that women can’t have both the home life and the work life that they want. After three years of working with fixed hours, Slaughter concedes, “juggling high-level government work with the needs of two teenage boys was not possible” (678). She explains her personal experiences with being stretched between her family and the workplace, and how negatively people view a woman taking time off to be with her family. Even other women talk down on Slaughter after...
Words: 544 - Pages: 3
...Historical Background of Rock Music in the 90s: This essay is going to be about music that is under the genre of rock, alternative rock and grunge. I will be analyzing several sources to talk about how rock bands like Nirvana and Green Day influenced the teen culture in a positive way in the 1990s. It is important to talk about this to better understand why or how teenagers were behaving some type of way during those years. During the 90s, rock music was widely popular among the teen culture. Nirvana, Green Day, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden were bands from the 90s that changed the sound of rock music and influenced the teen culture in a positive way for most of the part. This essay will focus on the bands Nirvana and Green Day. Some songs from...
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...Your Name: Professor Name: Course: Date: It’s a Whole New World: The Past and Present of Camel Cigarettes Many corporations in America do not have the capability to stay afloat in the marketing world. The consumers of America demand far too much of a product and that is something that some of those corporations just can’t offer. However, the ones that do remain must, as Thomas Frank author of “Commodify Your Dissent” says, constantly redefine the product that they are trying to advertise. Camel cigarettes are no different. The corporation that is Camel proves Frank’s point that, “the countercultural idea has become capitalist orthodoxy, its hunger for transgression upon transgression now perfectly suited to an economical-cultural regime that runs on ever-faster cyclings of the new” (165). It is no longer an issue of how well an advertisement can influence its consumers. Where the greater challenge lies is, if that corporation can continually give its audience what it desires. It is a whole new world, and corporations must constantly modify their approaches on their products to be successful. Not only must they modify their products, but they must also create ads that will make their product memorable to the consumer or they will inevitably fail and become a part of marketing history. Camel cigarettes are a long-standing brand that has been around for almost a century. Throughout the 20th Century, Camel periodically adjusted their advertising methodology. Especially in...
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...4-24-12 Police and Society Brian Jackson Final Essay Policing Illegal Immigration Illegal immigrants are criminals and should be treated as such. Immigrants crossing the border are putting innocent lives in jeopardy. Not only are illegals crossing the border, they are bringing weapons, illegal drugs and other harmful objects into our country. When illegals come into our country they are somehow getting jobs that some of the legal Americans are not granted. This could be some of the reason why our unemployment rate is high. The border control should have the ability to anything in reason to keep these criminals out of our country. Crossing the border illegally is a crime, therefore, the people that do so should be treated like criminals. If an officer pulls over someone and they do not have a licenses he should have the ability to ask the person for their green card. If the person cannot show their legal status in American, the officer should have the right to obtain the person and take him in to make sure he isn’t illegal. The border control has cracked down in the past few years and have many more arrest and have apprehended more drugs. It is getting better but there are still far to many illegals entering the US. If immigration continues at this rate, the nation's population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060. If we start treating illegal immigrants as criminals, it will send a message to the people who are thinking about crossing the border...
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...Expository Essay Body Are we putting government matters over our children’s minds? Wake up we’re losing the battle in education at an alarming rate of 2500 students per day and the only thing they can come up with as a solution is a Charter School. It’s been ten years since President Bush signed into law “No Child Left Behind”, but the law has done nothing to bring our children up to par when it comes to academic excellence. When will we stop blaming the teachers and their unions for the problems that our children face on a daily basis? Our politicians need to stop blowing smoke and make it happen because our government spends about $200 billion dollars a year to rescue our poverty stricken communities to accommodate worthlessness in the individuals who dropped the education ball and have taken up other means of support. Education versus Charter Schools is a topic that many parents and grandparents hear on a daily basis if they follow the news or has children in the public school system. It’s becoming harder and harder to determine the effectiveness of our public schools systems, because so many youth dropout before they can become eligible to graduate and receive their diplomas. There is a real war going on and it starts with our kids, they are the real victims of our failing school system. Public education was born in America in 1840 and was created to keep American people literate so they could read the bible and stay Biblically Literate (C.Bonastia,2012). In...
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...Personally, I do believe the survival of the “ideal democracy” does depend on the time and location as well as the size of the country or state that is trying to have it. I say this because as mentioned in Becker’s essay “Ideal Democracy,” many countries before the United States of America had taken on the democratic institutions, but quickly abandoned it because they enjoyed some form of dictatorship better than democracy and also to use a type of dictatorship in order to keep the citizens of their country at peace (Becker149-50). Also stated by Becker, democracy never flourished as a government unless it was used in small cities (Becker 151). It was hard to have a government for the people by the people when everyone had different...
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...Nonfiction Reaction Paper ENG/125 Nonfiction Reaction Paper The nonfiction stories I have decided to write about are; “Who Will Light the Incense When Mother’s Gone?” by Andrew Lam and “Salvation” by Langston Hughes. Both of these stories are about a significant event in the authors lives in which they choose to write about. “Salvation” is a story about the author trying to find his way into the church and finally see the light or Jesus so his soul will be saved and his sins forgiven. ; “Who Will Light the Incense When Mother’s Gone?” was a writing about his mother having a hard time with the American culture and how her son, the author Andrew Lam, will be when he leaves home and how the traditions she raised him on slowly will disappear along with her when she passes along. Both stories seem to send a message of events in the author’s lives where they wrote about them because of certain memories in their lives, and I will briefly go through each story in different ways. Summary of Strategies by the Authors I think Langston Hughes in “Salvation” tries to get the reader to imagine a hot sweltering church on a balmy Sunday morning. This would be the setting for the young boy at 12 years of age trying to see Jesus in another aspect because he is becoming of age for the church. The authors strategy is not to confuse the reader but to make the reader understand that Langston was not lying about seeing Jesus but in fact did not believe in Jesus because he left the boy...
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