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Why Is Martin Luther King Alive

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What would Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. think if he was still alive?
This question in itself can raise a lot of speculation and turmoil. Each individual person’s viewpoint may be different depending on how that person may feel. I personally believe that if Martin Luther King Jr. was alive he would be quite disappointed with how things are today. I do not believe that he would feel that his dream has come true, and I believe we still have a long way to go. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for everyone to be free and equal to one another, to be able to love everyone for who they are on the inside, “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” That was MLK’s dream, and the way things are today… We are far from ANY dream. …show more content…
In reality, discrimination is a problem that I believe will never go away. I feel that it is a problem that may subsides for a little while, but in a society of many diverse communities and different races, discrimination and hatred are two things that naturally appear in the world. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a nation united, rather than a world divided, but the world almost seems more divided than ever. MLK would be ashamed not only of the interracial relations, but also with the way that people in general treat each other today.

Many people tend to get so overwrought with MLK’s movement to end “Black and White” hatred and discrimination that they overlook many of the other problems that exist that he spoke out for. We live in a world today where people are dying not only daily, but even hourly. Most of these killings are at the hands of black people. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for a world where people could not only be equal and free, but also safe and happy. Wouldn’t you think that with freedom, a person shouldn’t have to worry about being

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